Improvements to the projects RESOURCES tab to show and allow edit of the billing rate for a resource right from the RESOURCES tab, as opposed to clicking on the RATES tab. You can only do this when pricing is not by service.

At the same time we modified how clients can decide to turn OFF resource planning at project type. Instead of hiding the RESOURCES tab on a task we now default planned effort and utilization as zero, and suppress the check for a resource working simultaneously on two tasks. Now even with resource planning off you have the option to maintain task resource level planning.

Enhancements to template projects to support sub-tasks on templates as well as allowing the creation of a billable type project as a template without a customer and hiding the progress icon.

We now allow the customer on a task or ticket to be different to the task/ticket’s project’s customer. This is required for example when your contact is with a head-office or primary service provider (the project customer) and yet you still want to keep track of the site or final end customer requesting support (the task customer). We still require you to maintain the task or ticket customers as “sites” of the project’s customer.

In addition if the project customer is changed rather than changing all tasks or tickets within that project to match the new project customer, we only change tasks or tickets which matched the old project customer prior to being changed.

We also made it easier to add resources to several tasks at once by including a button to “add resource to all tasks” in the project level RESOURCES tab