Time-off for new hires was always calculated for their first month (or first year in the case of time-off with annual not monthly accruals) based on the ratio of the number of calendar days post-hire in that period over the total number of days in that period. This has been enhanced with a new selector for time-off calculation for new hires with two additional options as follows:

  • Calculate time-off considering the month of hire: here the employee gets their full entitlement for the hire month (if accrual is month) or the whole of that month is considered when calculating annual accruals. For example an employee hired 25th July would get 50% of their annual entitlement if the accrual cycle runs from Jan-Dec each year
  • Calculate time-off excluding the month of hire: time-off does not accue until 1st of the month following their hire date.

Cosmetic improvements to time-off type set-up as well as a new property for calculation of absences for new hires