We delivered a significant enhancement today to allow you to:

  • Create job requisitions or job roles & positions directly from a project task, to allow you for example to recruit or engage a new contractor to fill this position on your project. In the task resources tab or from project task list toolbar “more” button menu select the “Request / Replace Resource” option and either assign an existing job role or position or click on the + button at the bottom of the job role list to add a new job requisition
  • Request a resource after viewing a list of all available resources with options to filter by location, team or skill-set and department. Once a resource is selected it can replace the existing resource. If the existing resource is a team this is a quick way to select a specific team member as the task gets closer
  • You can now make “provisional” task resource assignments which are assignments on a provisional not final basis, by selecting the PROVISIONAL column from the column selection menu in the task > details RESOURCES tab. Our resource planner tool was at the same time enhanced to allow you to include or exclude provisional resourcing requirements by checking or unchecking that box. You can also define in your project type whether provisional resourcing is permitted or if all resources are provisional for example for quotation-style projects