We are pleased to announce a major new enhancement to iBE.net with the addition of custom fields. You can define custom fields and assign them to any existing tab within a document, or create new tabs just to hold custom fields. As well as defining the custom field panel row and column position (up to three columns and any number of rows) you can define custom fields as being text, number, number with decimals, value/currency input, date, time, duration or labor effort input as well as custom fields which reference an existing iBE.net or a new custom list. When defining custom fields which refer to a list you can specify the list name and then add the list values directly. And there is no limit to the number of custom fields you can add. Unlike systems which use SQL tables to store their data where you can only add a limited number of custom fields, we use an object-orientated data store so you have the option to add an unlimited number of custom fields on any object or object’s sub-document. Please contact your iBE Support representative to help you define custom fields as this is still in beta-release mode for the next four to six weeks