Finding the project you need has never been simpler. System administrators can now see all projects regardless of whether they are listed as a project resource. You can now use workflow to complete your tasks! This will be especially useful for closing support tickets after customer approval. Completion of a task (via workflow or otherwise) sets percent complete as 100%, remaining effort and utilization as zero and actual finish date as the date/time the task was completed, just like clicking the status bubble on the left hand side of the grid does now.

Last week we introduced you to the extended Project header. We extended the project header to include a financial accounting tab showing summarized costs, revenues, billed amounts as well as customer PO funds at the project level. This week, we have added this financial data to the project search screen as hidden columns. Provided you are authorized, you can add these columns to the project search screen as you do other columns now. This can be a very useful financial overview of several projects at once and be included in the excel download of the project list.

Made handling of tasks and subtasks more intuitive. Add a subtask adds your new subtask below the other subtasks. Add a row will create a sister task at the same level as the task that is highlighted.

Want to know how much you would have made it you had billed by Time and Materials instead of your fixed pricing method? No problem. Equivalent Time & Material revenues are calculated and displayed in the task dates/cost/quantity tab. To use this feature make sure that you have maintained a billing rate code for the consultant in question which is in the same (or a compatible) unit of measure as the task’s service rate