We applied a fix to how time is calculated for night-shift employees clocking in and then forgetting to clock out. Rather than assuming a clocking event on the next day is the start of a new shift, for employees with defined shift start and stop times including over-night or night shift workers we detect if the next clocking action is closer to the start of the new shift – in which case we assume they are clocking in – or to the end of the old shift, in which case a clock-out event is adopted. For example someone working 10 pm to 6 am who forgets to clock-out at 6 am and clocks again at 8 pm will be detected as clocking in for the new shift whereas if they clocked at 10 am earlier the same day it would be assumed as clocking out from the earlier shift. Break hours are now deducted for work-schedules where you want to automatically deduct breaks only if the total time worked exceeds a new configuration settings called “minimum hours before deduction of breaks”