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January 1st, 2015 | HR | Retro-Earnings Code

We added a retro-earnings code to the compensation details. Compensation elements are created and then assigned to your employees to calculate gross pay. In each case the export to ADP – or another payroll system, if you want us to map one contact us – uses the earnings code on the compensation element as the ADP etc. pay code. If pay is changed for a historical period then it is too late to adjust the original payroll, instead a retro-pay calculation takes place to find out the difference. Rather than sending this data to ADP etc. in the current payroll period using the same pay code as the original payroll period, you now have the option to send the data for retrospective adjustments using a special earnings code. You can use the same retro-earnings code for one or for all compensation elements.

January 1st, 2015 | Platform | Griffon is no more! (and other enhancements)

We are decommissioning or turning off our Griffon release now that all customers are using our newer Osprey release.

We also fixed the display of department in System > My Company > Account & Users > Users, and replaced the short client name in the header with the go-live date. This go-live will become more important when we release “test mode” as users logging into prior to the go-live date will be defaulted into test mode.

January 1st, 2015 | Collaboration | Workflow Emails

We fixed a formatting issue to workflow emails and added the timesheet hours or expense claim amount to the workflow approval email by default. Contact iBE support if you want to create client-specific or customized workflow email templates.

January 1st, 2015 | Billing | Recurring Billing, Billing Summary Filters and more

We have created a new form of billing called “recurring billing” which works similar to fixed price or quantity/output based billing but bills the same quantity each billing cycle. With’s fixed price or output based billing you edit the actual quantity on the task and this quantity, minus any previously billed task deliverables, is billed each cycle at the unit price for that task’s service. For example if you are delivering web-pages at $50/page then in the first billing cycle or month you might enter and bill for an actual quantity of 20 pages ($1,000) and in the second month you might deliver another 25 pages to the same client. Increasing the task quantity to 45 causes the total quantity minus previously billed (the extra 25 pages) to be billed in the second cycle ($1,250).

With recurring billing you define a recurring billing interval on the task’s product or service master, normally your actual billing cycle for that client, and the task’s actual quantity is billed again and again each cycle irrespective of what was previously billed. So in the above example if you delivered another 20 pages in the second cycle you would not have to change anything, the client would be automatically charged for another $1,000. If you delivered 25 pages then you would increase the quantity from 20 to 25 rather than from 20 to 45.

It is important to use recurring billing correctly, being consistent between how you update task delivered quantities and the recurring billing intervals defined on the task’s product or service. Use recurring billing for fixed monthly (or other cyclical) payments such as a services contract for monthly flat fee. Also be aware that if you go back and rebill for a historical cycle it won’t charge the client again for a billing cycle on or prior to one you already billed. Instead of keeping track of the billed quantity, recurring billing keeps track of the date up to which a recurring task was billed, and new invoices cannot be created for that task prior to the date of the last invoice for the same task. Finally if the billing from/to dates do not correspond to exactly one billing cycle (they normally should) then the system will estimate how many complete or partial cycles fall between the invoice from/to dates and multiply up the quantity accordingly. For example if the task’s service master has a recurring billing interval of “week” and you create an invoice from Jan 1st-31st 2015, then five cycles or five times the task’s quantity would be billed.

We extended the range of possible invoice summarization options including summarization by department. For time and materials based contracts this summarization is based on the department of the employee who recorded their time or expense, and for fixed, recurring or quantity based contacts or deliverables this is based on the project’s department.

We also fixed a bug in the billing method and pricing sheet set-up screens whereby you could not earlier open these setting screens without first refreshing the browser. Finally we fixed a bug in the deletion of fixed price invoices which was not reducing the previously billed quantity in the task on deletion of the invoice to allow the task’s quantity to billed over again. Now when you delete a fixed or quantity/output based invoice the task can be billed again for the deleted invoice quantity (for non-recurring) and from the start date of the deleted invoice (for recurring services).

Finally we added more filter options to the billing summary: by customer, by project or by project leader – so that if more than one person in your company creates real or pro-forma invoices you can now sort and filter the billing summary project list according to each user’s scope of responsibility. For example project managers can create proforma invoices for their own projects by putting in their own name as the project leader. We also have a major client using project workflow to release projects for billing from the department to the central billing team. We added the project status as a column that can add to the billing summary, showing the project status and allowing you to edit this status from the billing summary without jumping back to the project management app. This saves users a lot of time if they wish to for example create a proforma invoice and release the project immediately to billing. Project workflow can also be used by any client wishing to keep track of project life-cycle status or progress both in project execution and billing.

January 1st, 2015 | Reporting | Cosmetic Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Some cosmetic enhancements and a fix to sorting bar charts by a measure (e.g. bar length) vs. a dimension (e.g. date). Also a fix to product or service in analytics for reporting on time booked to a task.

January 1st, 2015 | Projects | Zero Planned Effort if Resource Planning is Switched Off

An enhancement to set planned effort as zero by default when resource planning is turned off for that project type. Rather than hiding the task’s RESOURCES tab when resource planning and utilization is unchecked in your project type setting screen, we now show the task resources tab giving users the option to manually add planned effort if they wish to. But planned effort defaults to zero if resource planning is turned off. This enhancement was done partly in response to customer requests to keep the option open to manually edit planned effort on projects even when resource planning is not carried out normally, and partly to prepare for our upcoming resource planning application, to avoid defaulting planned effort = duration for long-running tasks which are not being resource planned.

December 22th, 2014 | Platform | Various fixes – Inbox, Email verification, Timeline

Fixed an issue in inbox when grouping by document such as timesheet or expense claim to approve all line items within a timesheet or expense claim in a single click. Also applied a fix to user preferences for items being followed.

Fixed an issue with our third party email verification service (Bright-verify) which was set-up to be overly aggressive and bounce back valid customer email addresses. It should be ok now but please tell us if you see any warnings about email addresses being invalid. Part of’s service offering is to verify not just the format of contact emails you enter but the actual email to see if it is a valid email domain. This is a very handy tool for cutting down on spam that you send out and will really be useful when you use as your contact store or in future to manage email campaigns.

Added who created a document and when at the top of the timeline (it is also visibile if you scroll right down to the bottom). The last person who changed the document is shown as the first entry in the timeline.

May 4th, 2015 | Time | Timesheet Owner

Fix to employee as workflow owner for timesheets created by a central admin function

January 13th, 2015 | Billing | Invoice Layouts

A number of client-specific invoice layouts were delivered with enhancements that could be used by other clients being rolled back into the core. We will be releasing a library of invoice templates in the near future, together with a form-builder application in a few months from now. Watch this space or contact us with your unique invoice or expense claim printed layout requirements

January 13th, 2015 | Billing | Customer Invoice Portal

Our customer invoice portal was initially released in beta form, allowing your clients to see their invoices online. Enable the customer invoice portal activity via System > My account & users > External Portal Activities, creating external users for key clients if applicable. We will be adding features to allow your clients to make payments or add comments in the near future

January 13th, 2015 | Platform | New Sign-up Screen

A new sign-up panel was implemented today to go with our new web-site at It is now easier and quicker to sign-up and we automatically capture your country from browser settings. You can click on a link post sign-up to log into iBE without checking your email because we check that your email is valid for you, preventing spam sign-ups and random or nonsense emails being used for sign-ups. We will be rolling out a brand new client set-up guided form in the near future. We also default activity coaching to be enabled for new users. Activity guidance is available for projects and timesheets and is being extended over the next couple of months to cover all applications

January 20th, 2015 | Platform | Prompt to Enter Code or ID

A lot of users are getting confused between our code or ID (field on the left) vs. description (field on the right). We have now added a prompt in the code or ID field when blank asking the user to enter the code or ID. There is already a prompt in most description fields asking the user to enter a description. Remember that you can configure document codes or IDs to be internally or system generated for any object, based on rules you define. To do this open the setting screen for the document type concerned or go to System > Data Set-up > Document Numbering

January 20th, 2015 | Platform | Attaching Files in Safari

A fix was applied allowing you to attach files better using Safari

January 20th, 2015 | Platform | Remarks and Comment Columns

The icons used for remark or comment columns in tables were cleaned up to better reflect the difference between rows which have or do not have comments in both display and update modes. Downloading a table to excel with comment or file columns now downloads the total number of count of columns or files vs. attempting to download the icon

January 20th, 2015 | Support | Inbound Ticket Generation from Email

A number of enhancements were applied to our email auto-responder to create tickets in’s support module from emails sent to Now you can configure the email auto-responder to not only create a ticket but to also create the sender or original sender (in case of forwarding emails to as a lead or contact and their company or what comes after the @-symbol in their email address as a customer. While you still have to create the project in advance we enhanced the email auto-responder to automatically search for and adopt a project for the right customer of a given or specific project type used for support tickets. If you have one support ticket project per customer then our email auto-responder will automatically find and use the right project code. This in turn allows you to bill for time worked on each ticket according to the contractual terms and project parameters

January 20th, 2015 | Projects | Funding Limits and Alerts

The project funds tab – a tab which tracks how many funds were made available from customer purchase orders, change orders or contract line items – was enhanced to display the total funded and remaining as $ and % at the top, as well as automatically alerting the project leader when the remaining funds fall below a certain % threshold of the total funds. You can also configure alerts based on the total expense cost exceeding a threshold of the total revenue, or when the actual cost exceeds a certain % threshold of the cost budget. You can configure additional alerts as needed; contact us for more information on this extremely useful feature!

January 20th, 2015 | Expenses | Splitting Expense Items

We recently enhanced expense claims to allow individual items to be split between two different customer/project/task combinations or classifications, for example an airfare which is to travel between two different client project locations. You can now split expense items between departments as well as between projects & tasks

January 20th, 2015 | Billing | Invoice & Billing Performance

Performance enhancements were applied to the invoice list and billing summary including faster downloads of data and initial display of an estimated amount to be billed based on storing all approved timesheets or expense item revenues on the project ready for the billing summary to use when needed

January 20th, 2015 | Billing | Compare Proforma

Our proforma or draft invoice was enhanced to provide a quick and easy comparison tool between real and proforma invoices. By selecting “Compare to Proforma” from the more toolbar button menu when a real invoice is open, the system will search for the most recent proforma invoices for the same project(s) and customer as the current open invoice and compare the amounts invoiced on a project by project, item by item basis. The difference between total amounts invoiced by project in the real vs. proforma invoice is displayed in a popup, so that you can quickly see any discrepancies and trouble-shoot the differences

January 28th, 2015 | Reporting | Multiple Currencies

Our dashboard reporting tool has been enhanced to better manage amounts in multiple currencies. You can still assign currency as a dimension to group data by source currency but you can now select in the dashboard run-time to automatically convert all amounts to company or dashboard currency. In either case the amounts being reported are automatically converted to your company or a user selected dashboard currency as the report is being run, using daily spot rates from or using your company defined exchange rates

January 28th, 2015 | Time & Expenses | List for Multiple Employees

The search screens for time and expense admin were enhanced to allow the selection and display of timesheets or expense claims for multiple employees at the same time. Remember to click on the “reload” button after selecting your employees! We also made the menus and buttons more consistent between these two applications, such as moving the reload icon to the main toolbar

January 28th, 2015 | Billing | Pricing Sheets

A fix was applied to stop pricing calculation sheets from freezing or loading without items from time to time

January 28th, 2015 | Billing | Summarization is somewhat unique among professional services automation tools in that customer invoices can be summarized according to how your clients wish to see invoices – for example by employee, task, date incurred and so on. This allows you to organize your invoices based on how you want information to be presented to your clients. We have just added summarization options for employee department, billing rate code, parent task or task-list and project or task phase. This is in addition to our existing summarization options for product or service, task, employee, expense type or code, date time or expense was recorded, user type and billing period (for recurring or usage based billings)

January 28th, 2015 | Platform | Scroll Bars

Scroll bars were enhanced to adopt the style from each user’s local operating system or browser setting, to reflect different preferences for Mac vs. Windows users. A fix to scroll bars for 1024 px resolution screens was also applied

January 8th, 2015 | Billing | Recurring Billing

Some small fixes were applied to our recurring billing enhancement introduced last week (January 1st)

January 8th, 2015 | Billing | Billing Summarization & Preparation

A series of additional filters were added to make it easier to search and select projects for billing from the billing summarization. You can now also directly update the project status from the billing summarization screen and list / open the last invoice generated for each project. Amount to be billed is calculated in the background and stored on the project so that billing summary screen loads faster

January 13th, 2015 | Projects | Rescheduling Performance

Project task rescheduling performance was improved including a fix to prevent rescheduling from going into an infinite loop

January 13th, 2015 | Reporting | Look and Style

A number of cosmetic enhancements were made to the look and feel of our dashboard reports including improved look for pivot or cross-tables and improvements in font size and alignment for our date and list slicers

February 5th, 2015 | CRM | Miscellaneous Enhancements

  • A large number of small enhancements were made to iBE’s CRM module including contacts and opportunities. These enhancements include improvements in how a default owner is assigned, the selection of contacts to include in an opportunity, creation of new contacts on the fly from within an opportunity, defaulting the company or customer from a contact selected on an opportunity, as well as checking that selected contacts are for the same customer as the primary contact, and assigning of sales activities to the opportunity based on workflow stage
  • You can now assign a contact to more than one customer, for example in case the same person works at two subsidiaries or offices of the same customer enterprise. Each contact still has a single primary customer, which is the company which the contact is primary contact for or was assigned to first

February 5th, 2015 | CRM | Opportunity & Project Integration

You can now integrate CRM opportunities to project in iBE. There are multiple ways in which this new feature can be used, as follows:

  • The most common requirement expressed by our clients is to automatically convert the opportunity to a project when it is closed or when it reaches a stage where resource planning should be carried out. You can configure an opportunity workflow stage to automatically generate a project or indicate that the opportunity type should create a project when closed or won. A new project is automatically generated and linked to the opportunity based on a template defined in the opportunity. The template in turn is inherited from the opportunity’s service or opportunity type set-up
  • Another common request from clients is to use a project to calculate the opportunity or quoted price, by summing up planned resource costs from a scheduled and resource loaded “quotation-project”. A special project type can be used for this purpose and either linked back to the opportunity or generated when the opportunity is first created. The planned costs and revenues can be automatically transferred from the quotation project to the opportunity so that your quotation is based on accurate loaded project revenues
  • The last – less common – requirement is to create a project to manage the sales campaign, booking all sales activities and costs to a sales project in order to get a report of total sales cost. This is more beneficial for larger sales cycles costing in excess of $50k, but you can use this strategy for any opportunity. A sales project is generated when the opportunity is first created but instead of creating this project from a template, sales activities added to the opportunity are simultaneously assigned to the sales project

February 5th, 2015 | Billing | Payments Processing

Enhancements were made to entering payments directly in Now you have two options to enter payments:

  • You can open any invoice and click on the “Paid: $xxx” link at the top in the grey sub-title bar. A popup displays previous payments made for this invoice. You can click on the button in the popup footer to enter a new payment. The invoice status (paid/partially paid etc.) is displayed as a stamp in the top-right corner
  • You can enter a payment from the list invoices screen. Here you don’t know which invoice is being paid, you enter the customer, product or project and amount paid. Unpaid invoice balances for the selected customer are displayed in a popup and you can get the system to propose a match between the payment vs. unpaid invoice amounts in either date or unpaid amount order. Or you can manually enter the amount paid against each invoice
  • You can also match credit memos against invoice unpaid amounts in the same way, selecting one or more invoices against which to apply a credit. The unpaid balance of matched invoices is reduced by the amount credited in the same way as it is reduced when you enter a payment
  • Credit card integration will be added in the near future

February 5th, 2015 | Billing | Sensitive Billing Comments

iBE’s invoice generation engine was enhanced to copy the latest comment from a task into the invoice so that comments for fixed price or recurring deliverables can be maintained in a task and automatically transferred into the customer invoice. We are now working on an enhancement to make these comments private or accessible to only a specific named set of individuals

February 5th, 2015 | Billing | Invoice Print

A fix was applied to the print menu option for invoice prints. At the same time it was enhanced so that if more than one printed form layout was defined the print button gives a drop down menu with the different forms to choose from

February 5th, 2015 | Platform | License Type Limit

We stopped clients from editing their own license type or user limit. You cannot add more users than the license limit of 3 for solo and 9 for team licenses. Contact us to modify your license type

February 5th, 2015 | Platform | Document History when Created

We added who and when a document was created to the top of the timeline or history tab for all objects

February 5th, 2015 | Platform | Back Navigation

A fix was applied to stop users clicking back twice in quick succession

February 13th, 2015 | Platform | Business Rules

Some enhancements and fixes were applied to the popup for conditions or business rules for example in data import/export (filter conditions), queries or workflow responses. Now you can resize the conditions pop-up and some of the missing values lists were added

February 13th, 2015 | Platform | Mass Import of Templates

We enhanced our data import tool to create template or draft documents from an external file, as well as active documents

February 13th, 2015 | Reporting | New Database (Monet db)

We have been having issues these last few months with our analytics database, resulting in the need to rebuild it every couple of weeks (a process that takes several hours and relies on someone spotting a discrepancy). We decided in December to update our analytics database and after some research elected MonetDB, an open source in-memory column based SQL database ideally suited for high speed analytics reporting. After extensive testing and parallel running we are pleased to go-live with MonetDB this weekend so that now all your dashboards will be coming from MongoDB as opposed to the previous database. There are no functional changes and existing dashboards will continue to work. We did take the opportunity to do some minor SQL table field clean-ups

February 13th, 2015 | Time | Holiday Display

Holidays are now displayed within the timesheet similar to how other time-off or absences are displayed. There is no need to record or request time off for public or company-wide holidays, they are simply defined in your holiday calendar under System > Setup HR > Holiday Calendar

February 13th, 2015 | Expenses | Expense Receipts

Various small enhancements were made to the layout of expense receipts based on customer input. Some enhancements were also applied to the expense claim print-out

February 13th, 2015 | Support | Ticket Origin

You can now optionally assign a selectable list of values for ticket origin, accessible from the HELPDESK tab within ticket details. If you do not assign a list then you can still freely input any text for ticket origin

February 13th, 2015 | Project | List Order

A fix was done to the order of projects both in the search list and the project list within task details PROJECT tab. Now in the search screen if you do not sort by any column – or you select from the table personalization menu “Restore Default Sort” – the most recently opened projects etc. are automatically pushed to the top. But if you select a column to sort by then data is sorted by that column irrespective of when that document was last opened. This same enhancement is gradually being applied to all of our other apps

February 13th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Variable Periods

Up until now the time & attendance or missing time report grouped daily data by week. Now you can group by month or by payroll period as well as week, by selecting the group-by menu at the top. If you group by an option other than week the daily totals for timesheet vs. attendance vs. absence vs. work-schedule hours are still shown, but the group totals are now calculated on the basis of a month or payroll period. Payroll periods can be defined under System > Set up HR > Periods

February 20th, 2015 | HR | Compensation Table Layout

You can now save the preferred column layout for many of the sub-tables within the employee master such as compensation, work-assignments etc. Either change the columns and the layout will be remembered next time you login to using the same browser and device, or click on the gear icon in the top right corner of these tables to save a preferred layout. Give your desired layout a code and name and don’t forget to check the “preferred” box if you want the saved layout to be adopted in preference to what you last changed it to in your browser

February 20th, 2015 | Projects | Deletion of Project Resources

Before you can delete a resource from a task the system checks if actual hours have been recorded and if so then you need to close the task for that resource instead of deleting it. There was a “back-door” meaning that if you deleted the resource from the project resources tab then that resource was removed from all tasks, after confirmation, without checking actuals. We now check for actual hours booked in case of deleting a resource from a project as well as a task and in case there are actuals we automatically close that resource’s work on the task instead of deleting it

February 20th, 2015 | Billing | Invoice Deletion

A fix was applied in the process of re-opening timesheets when invoices are deleted

February 20th, 2015 | Billing | Billing Method

A fix was applied to the billing method settings screen

February 20th, 2015 | Platform | Custom Fields

We are pleased to announce a major new enhancement to with the addition of custom fields. You can define custom fields and assign them to any existing tab within a document, or create new tabs just to hold custom fields. As well as defining the custom field panel row and column position (up to three columns and any number of rows) you can define custom fields as being text, number, number with decimals, value/currency input, date, time, duration or labor effort input as well as custom fields which reference an existing or a new custom list. When defining custom fields which refer to a list you can specify the list name and then add the list values directly. And there is no limit to the number of custom fields you can add. Unlike systems which use SQL tables to store their data where you can only add a limited number of custom fields, we use an object-orientated data store so you have the option to add an unlimited number of custom fields on any object or object’s sub-document. Please contact your iBE Support representative to help you define custom fields as this is still in beta-release mode for the next four to six weeks

February 20th, 2015 | Platform | Number Ranges

We fixed an error which came when accessing number ranges from within another document type settings screen. You can also access number ranges directly via System > Data Set-up > Document Numbering

February 26th, 2015 | Platform | Login using Badge

You can now permit your employees to login using their employee ID or badge number (the employee number or code). To enable this option to to System > My account & Users > Security Settings and check the “Login via badge or ID” option

February 26th, 2015 | Expenses | Classification to Department

You can now classify expenses to your department. There is a configuration option on the expense claim type to default your home department or enable you to classify expenses to department vs. only to a project/task combination. You can also create special tasks in your projects for examples by using a task type which allows expenses and preventing expenses from being recorded to other task types

February 26th, 2015 | Projects | Including Template Tasks

As well as creating projects from a template you can now include template project tasks lists within an existing or operative project. Select the task you want to insert the template after and then from the project / task list table menu select “more > Include from template” from the menu and select the template project or task list you wish to include. The tasks from the template project are automatically included after your selected task even if you have other tasks already created. You also get a warning if you try to include the same template project twice

February 26th, 2015 | Projects | Project, Ticket or Task List Status Selection

Our project and task lists previously allowed you to select any status and filter only showing project or tasks for that status. This is also possible for other objects such as timesheets or expense claims. Now you can select more than one status at the same time, showing all objects (Project, Ticket or Task List Status Selection.) matching up to any selected number of status codes. When you do this, the link will display the text “Multiple States” with the option to select “All” status codes right next to it. Your selection is automatically remembered next time you login, or you can store it as part of the table layout and personalization

February 26th, 2015 | HR | Standard Cost Currency

While the currency for an employee’s standard or burdened cost defaults from your company currency you can now edit it in case you wish to maintain their standard cost in a different currency

February 26th, 2015 | Time | Time & Pay Calculation

Some fixes were done in the calculation of overtime particularly in relation to weekly overtime rules such as paying overtime when working more than 40 hours per week. Weekly overtimes are automatically allocated to the last days or hours in the week first

March 1st, 2015 | Platform | Login Remember Me

A fix was applied whereby the remember me checkbox in the login screen was not working when using Firefox. Remember me logs you back in automatically if you reload or close and re-open the browser

March 1st, 2015 | Billing | Invoice Menus

Some fixes were applied to the menus in billing preparation and invoice creation screen to make them more consistent. We now support regular, manual adhoc and proforma invoices as well as credit memos and matching payments for credit memos against open (unpaid) invoices

March 1st, 2015 | Projects | Service List

We enhanced the list of services displayed in the task list within a project to show the unit of measure and recurring billing interval for recurring services

March 1st, 2015 | Reporting | New Dashboard Builder Application

We are pleased to announce the deliver of a brand new dashboard builder application coming out of beta-test today. Using a more user friendly guided form taking up the whole page (as opposed to a pop-up) you can now build queries and dashboards using the same tool. Dashboards provide more flexibility including charts to report on aggregated data offline whereas adhoc queries are more suited to listing transaction data tables. Features worth a special mention include:

  • Searching for and selecting fields to include in your query or dashboard is way easier as you can now search by field name, label or keyword and fields are automatically displayed from all tables with fields from the most relevant tables shown first. You can still filter by business function, table or dimensions vs. measures and you can now leave the search term blank to show the most useful or popular fields listed in alphabetical order. Finally we have developed a handy tooltip to help you understand fields better showing a longer description, technical data and example values for each field, read from your own database
  • We still automatically build the joins for you using our dynamic query generator so you don’t have to worry about what tables your fields are selected from. In the case of queries optimized join conditions are automatically proposed but you have the option to select a different join condition, for example when selecting a person’s name in your query when the source table has several people referenced in it
  • Formula based measures are now supported allowing you to define your own measures in both dashboards or queries based on a formula using common operators such as multiplying or dividing other measures. For example utilization could be created as a formula based on billable hours / total hours. We will be further enhancing our dashboard formula in the future to include trends, comparisons to last year/quarter and other complex dashboard-specific formulae
  • You can now define permissions including who is entitled to run a dashboard or query. Other users will only see reports they have permissions for in their left panel reports widget

March 7th, 2015 | CRM | Customer Legacy Account Number

We added legacy account number to customer mapping to support interfaces to external systems

March 7th, 2015 | Billing | Rounding

We applied a fix to how invoice amounts are rounded and specifically made sure that rounding of values takes place before summarization so that the summarized or item level invoice result is always exactly equal to the sum of the (rounded) sub-item invoice amounts. We also applied a minor fix to how daily rates were being converted to hourly revenues based on different work-schedules. Finally we enhanced the conversion of expenses from their original transaction currency to the customer’s billing currency giving you the option to choose whether to:

  • Always convert from the company currency equivalent for each expense, as we did previously
  • Always convert from the original transaction currency at the time of billing, even if the customer’s currency happens to match the company currency
  • Use the company currency equivalent amount when the customer’s currency matches the company currency, or convert from the original transaction amount to the customer’s currency when it does not match

March 7th, 2015 | Billing | Department

Following a client request we now have the option to capture department in the invoice and to summarize or group invoice line items by department. This department can be configured as either the employee’s department or project department. They are normally the same, except when one department borrows resources from another

March 7th, 2015 | Time & Pay Calculation | Added Time Ratio

An enhancement was made to our time evaluation and gross pay calculation engine to allow time to be added not just transferred to a different overtime code. This was in response to a customer who needed to automatically add “preparation time” to their employee timesheets based on classroom teaching time, without having each person record their preparation time. This can be paid or unpaid depending on your rule. It can also be used for example to generate time-based daily allowances or payments processed via payroll such as meal allowances

March 7th, 2015 | Time & Attendance Report | Time Before Hire Date

Attendance records are no longer shown for employees before their hire date or after their termination date

March 7th, 2015 | Time | Updating Actuals on Task

Some fixes and enhancements were applied to our timesheet update of actuals on projects and tasks which time was recorded for. We stopped the task from being marked as complete if planned efforts for other resources was zero. Now if the resource planned effort is zero (because you don’t wish to plan) the task and relevant resource remain open so that you can book more time. We also introduced the concept of a remaining effort calculation strategy on the task type in question with the following options for you to choose between:

  • Do not reduce remaining effort as actuals are booked, keep it constant for the project manager to manually edit
  • Reduce remaining effort based on actuals (the previous strategy) but do not complete the task for that resource
  • Reduce remaining effort based on billable time only in the timesheet
  • Reduce remaining effort based on schedule remaining. For example if the time was recorded for a date which is half way through the task or mid-way between the task start and end dates, then the remaining effort is automatically set to half the original planned effort. Remaining effort does not get increased with this strategy, only reduced
  • Reduce remaining effort based on actuals including closure of the task or task-resource when actuals > plan. This is useful if you allocate a specific or budget number of hours to your consultants and want to stop them from booking time beyond this limit

March 7th, 2015 | Projects | Navigation

When drilling down on a task within a project it is not always clear where you are and how to get back to the project overview. You can still click on browser back or select back from the “more” button menu, or click on the main navigation option for projects to return to the project search list. Now there is also a link displayed in the top left corner of the screen “Go back to Project” for you to navigate easily back to the project overview

March 7th, 2015 | Platform | Push Notifications

Some minor enhancements were made for pushing workflow etc. messages directly to the inboxes of other users who are already logged into, so that they do not have to reload their inbox. We use web-sockets to push notifications the same way Google docs pushes document updates to other users. It works on all our supported browsers except IE, and does not work when you hibernate your computer, close the screen or if your computer goes to sleep. We always recommend reloading the app when you first start using it after a period of inactivity

March 7th, 2015 | Platform | Table Personalization

We enhanced the way table filters, sorts and columns are stored in your browser cache or as a saved table layout to include also storing whether you have the advanced search box in search (show results matching text input in a drop-down) vs. filter (reduce data in grid to match text input) mode

March 7th, 2015 | Platform | Workflow Links in Outlook

MS Outlook email clients were cutting off the end of our workflow email links so that clicking on a button in the email for example to approve or reject a timesheet was not working. We fixed this by enhancing our links to make them considerably shorter and more concise, so that they now work in Outlook as well as other popular email clients like Gmail

March 7th, 2015 | Platform | Password Expiry

A fix was applied to password expiry. It was possible before not to define an expiry time and at the same time indicate that passwords should expire. Now if you don’t define an expiry timeframe (which can be any duration you like but we normally recommend 30, 60 or 90 days) the system will assume you don’t want passwords to ever expire. You have to reset your passwords once to trigger this new feature as the expiry date is assigned when passwords are reset

March 7th, 2015 | Platform | Client Set-up Guided Form

We are finally launching a new client set-up guided form, the form which appears when you first sign up for a new client. The older four page form with inputs for how you found us, apps to install, basic company settings, users and contact information has been replaced by a more extensive multi-page form with dynamic pages for

  • Me page where you can reset your password and verify your date, number etc. formats
  • My company setup information including client and company settings such as currency and tax reporting. You can also directly add departments from this page. Single entity or single company organizations are only support initially however you can ask us to create multiple companies or legal entities and a new enterprise structure application will be released shortly
  • My applications including a new-look “app-store” like interface with features allowing you to install an application in test mode only vs. installing an application in your production system. Apps which are installed in test mode only appear only when you login in test mode
  • After this we dynamically construct a single setup page per module selected to be installed with the key information you commonly wish to customize all on one page. You can still access the detailed set-up menu options under System > Setup HR, Finance or Operations however the client set-up wizard now provides summary pages for Projects, HR, Time, Expenses, Time-off and soon CRM giving you easier access to modify the most commonly changed settings such as who is the approver, project and task types, tabs and time-off types visible in HR and so on

March 14th, 2015 | Platform | Empty Tables or Lists

The message informing a user when a table or list is empty including the instruction to click here to add a row was made much bigger and more obvious

March 14th, 2015 | Platform | Parallel Workflows

A fix was applied for parallel workflows. If you want to send a workflow to multiple people at the same time you can either configure it so that anyone completing their step moves the document forward to the next workflow (in which case you have a single workflow step with multiple owners) or so that all or several people must complete their step in parallel before the document moves forwards (in which case you build parallel workflow steps into your template)

March 14th, 2015 | Platform | Client Workflow Emails

The workflow email can not only be customized but you can now build tables within workflow emails, for example showing timesheet hours by day within the body of the approval email. You could previously include your clients in workflows for example to approve consultant timesheets but you needed to create an external (free) user for them to be able to perform workflow updates from their emails. Now your clients can perform workflow updates on any object (ticket, timesheet, expense, invoice) without having a user in your iBE system

March 14th, 2015 | Platform | Duration Inputs

A fix was applied to duration fields such as timesheet hours or task planned efforts allowing you to now enter duration as “4 day” in addition to the previously supported “4d” option

March 14th, 2015 | Platform | Comment Permissions

You can now define permissions for individual comments by listing specific people who have access to the comment. The lock icon which we had previously in the toolbar to mark comments as private or public has been replaced by a menu with the same private/public options plus an option to make the comment private to the author only as well as the option to define permissions by name. Permissions can be useful to share comments with a specific subset of people or to share comments with clients or external users only for example to share confidential billing information with clients which you don’t want other colleagues in your company to access

March 14th, 2015 | HR | Employee Work Assignments

Employee work-assignments are now by task not project showing every task the employee is working on. You can also edit their work assignments directly from the employee record by adding new project/task combinations (to create a new work-assignment) or by deleting rows (to close down a work-assignment). This way if you are responsible for that employee or contractor’s overall contribution and what they are working on you no longer have to open each project they are assigned to and edit the task resources individually. The work assignments tab also has columns for start and end dates which can be used to filter down the number of work-assignments in view at any point

March 14th, 2015 | HR | Employee Compensation

The employee compensation tab was enhanced with the addition of job or task specific cost rates or rates of pay. There are hidden columns in the compensation tab for time off or absence type, time or overtime code and task. By selecting one or other of these fields – after making these columns visible of course – you can define compensation elements that are specific to a time-off type, an overtime or time type or to a job or task. For example you might pay 50% of normal pay for sick leave or jury duty (time-off type links) or pay 150% or 200% of normal pay for overtime or holiday work (overtime type link) or pay a higher rate for a specific job or task

March 14th, 2015 | CRM | Customer Address

  • Enhancement to how customer addresses are stored in a re-usable location table to refer to the same address on other screens
  • A fix with respect to UK postal code validation

March 14th, 2015 | CRM | Opportunity Permissions

Instead only seeing your own opportunities or opportunities for people in your team you now have the option to define exactly who can see which opportunities by assigning permissions to each opportunity. Click on the share toolbar button for an opened opportunity to bring a popup screen where you can define who has access to the opportunity (me, my company, all) and list individual people together with their access level (read, update, admin). We also enhanced the permissions pop-up across the system to allow both the person who created an object as well as the person responsible for that object to edit permissions of other users

March 14th, 2015 | CRM | Opportunity Inquiry Receipt

For times when you log an opportunity several days after the customer inquiry was initiall received – and created on date is no longer accurate – we added a field for the inquiry received on date

March 14th, 2015 | Billing | Credit Memo Display

A fix was applied to how credit memos are displayed in the invoice list, so that they now show as a negative amount and show with unpaid invoices. For normal invoices you can select whether you want to see paid or unpaid invoices in the invoice list

March 14th, 2015 | Billing | Deleting Invoices

A number of fixes to deleting invoices were applied including fixes to how source data such as timesheets or expense claims are linked to their invoices in the first place, so that the correct source data can be back-tracked and re-opened correctly when invoices are deleted. Proforma invoice deletions will not attempt to re-open source data since proforma invoices never mark source data as billed in the first place

March 14th, 2015 | Billing | Revenue by Department

Several customers requested reports on customer invoice revenue based on the employee’s department as opposed to the project’s department, to more accurately reflect revenue by source when employees are borrowed from one practice or department to work on another. Based on our experience of this and the need to report revenue based on the product or service’s department we have added two new configuration options to the billing method as follows:

  • Revenue based on employee – this means that the department in each invoice line item comes from the employee in preference to the project’s department. Include employee or employee dept. in the invoice summarization criteria for this to report correctly
  • Revenue based on product – this means that the department in each invoice line item comes from the product’s department when available. In either case if there is no employee or product department then the project’s department is used

March 14th, 2015 | Support | Ticket Admin Console

My Tickets was originally designed for technicians, team leads and helpdesk managers to view their own tickets or tickets they are responsible for. We have delivered a ticket or task administration application to compliment my tickets and my tasks. This ticket admin. app shows all tickets in your database with filters by assigned technician, person responsible, client contact or customer, status, open/closed, priority and so on. You can still make the same updates as you can in my tickets such as adding comments, files, booking time or updating ticket workflow status

March 14th, 2015 | Projects | Resource Planning Workbench

This is a brand new module we are excited to launch this month, allowing you to view interactive resource loads on your employees, contractors and teams. You can decide which projects and tasks are part of resource planning through a checkbox on project and task type settings (resource planning & utilization). Estimated or remaining effort (for tasks which have started) are timephased over working hours of each task’s duration to calculate a combined utilization factor for each resource over each upcoming day, week or month. The Resource Planning application available in our standard menu under “Projects” allows you to view graphical load by team member or team, color coded to represent over/under utilization and showing in each time period for each resource either the combined % utilization, total required hours in that period or remaining available hours in that period.

  • Planned absences or leaves automatically reduce available capacity as compared to each person’s work-schedule.
  • Team resource loads are dynamically calculated by combining and summing up tasks assigned to team members as well as tasks directly assigned to the team. That way you can assign tasks to teams initially and then as they get closer re-assign them to specific members of that team without impacting the team’s workload.
  • You can view time periods in days, weeks or months and move forwards or backwards in time.

Finally showing color-coded load profiles (red for overloaded or 100%+ vs. yellow for under-utilized or potentially on the bench) would be of little benefit if you could not modify work assignments from within the same report. Clicking on the wrench in each cell gives a view of the tasks making up each person’s load for your selected projects or customers, with options to delete or add work-assignments, modify planned effort or utilzation for a given resource on a task and in the near future, modify start or end dates of a task. Date modifications will impact all resources assigned to the same task.

March 14th, 2015 | Projects | Rate Code Display

We used to show columns for rate code when pricing is by service and rate code combined. Now we show rate code description as the column heading, for consistency with the resources tab where rate code description is also shown. Remember that you can decide by project type whether to price by service only (for fixed price projects), rate code only (for pure T&M projects) or by a combination of both (for mixed projects, or fixed price projects where you wish to travel equivalent T&M revenue)

March 14th, 2015 | Projects | Resources Summary

The project resources tab has been enhanced with the addition of columns showing total planned effort for that resource across all tasks, total planned cost for the resource, actual effort for the resource and of course actual cost

March 14th, 2015 | Timesheets | Fix for Duplicate Timesheets

A bug was spotted whereby it was possible to create duplicate timesheets. This bug was fixed three days after it was spotted and we did an audit to find out and fix any existing duplicate timesheets. If you find more than one timesheet in my time or time admin for the same person for the same period please either contact us or delete one of the duplicate timesheets

March 14th, 2015 | Timesheets | Desktop Timer

We are pleased to announce the release of a new Chrome plug-in or desktop timer. Download this timer from the app store using this link and check-out a new video highlighting desktop timer features. Our desktop timer falls between the iPhone timer and web-app timesheet in terms of simplicity and allows users to quickly track time spent on tasks by starting and stopping a timer as well as having the option to type over or modify the elapsed time, add remarks and transfer or push timers to iBE timesheets. Stopped timers are automatically imported into timesheets when they are created

March 23rd, 2015 | Invoices | Company Information on Invoice Print

We now print the company’s logo and name on invoice headers instead of the client’s logo and name. This is useful for clients having more than one company code for example who operate out of more than one country. You can have different company names and logos for each country you bill from

March 23rd, 2015 | Projects | Resource Planned Effort

Up until now we always followed the philosophy of summing up resource planned efforts to task level, but not rolling down planned effort from the task to its resources. This caused confusion because clients were editing planned effort at task level in the task list and it was not updating the resource planned effort. Now we also roll down planned effort from task to resource if there is only one resource assigned to the task. If the task has more than one resource you need to open the task details RESOURCES tab and edit planned efforts for each resource

March 23rd, 2015 | Projects | Task Dates

Default task start/finish dates has been enhanced not to copy the previous task’s start/finish dates when in the past. Now these dates are set to today if the previous task’s dates are in the past. A fix was also applied to the default calculation of planned effort. If your resource default utilization is 100% then when resources are added to a task the planned effort is calculated as duration

March 23rd, 2015 | Platform | Fix to User Limit

A fix was applied to the license limit when locking and unlocking users. iBE support users can now modify the license type / user license limit directly without having to update the database

March 23rd, 2015 | Platform | Comment Replies

When replying to a comment emails are now automatically sent to the person who logged the original comment you are replying to

March 23rd, 2015 | CRM | Opportunity Enhancements

The following enhancements have been made to the opportunity application

  • Only open opportunities are shown by default in the initial list, with the option to show closed opportunities on request
  • Minor improvements in layout and alignment. Icons for “change role”, “add note” and “open sales activities for this contact” in the contact tab were combined into a single column
  • Employees can now be entered as opportunity contacts in addition to client contacts and external partners previously supported
  • Option to create sales activities for follow-ups, emails, send quotes, schedule demos etc. (any activity type) from the opportunity header panel by selecting activity type from the drop-down menu
  • Only automatically add an activity configured by opportunity stage if there is not already a similar open activity
  • Fix to entry of reason for loss when marking an opportunity as lost
  • Reminder column in sales activity tab so that reminders can be configured without drilling down to task details. Reminders automatically send emails to the person responsible for or assigned to carry out a sales activity if the activity is not completed before its start or finish date
  • Email type of sales activity which automatically sends an email to the client. Type the email text into the activity description and iBE will automatically email your client this information, and log the email in the opportunity as an activity
  • Fix to order of list entries for acquisition timeframe and number of employees
  • Changes to the opportunity close and start dates are now automatically cascaded down to the opportunity forecast, adjusting the dates of forecast revenue for each product or service over the timeline of the opportunity’s planned delivery. Adjustments are made by offsetting each forecast date by the same number of days as the change in close / start date. Changes to end date do not impact the forecast
  • Extended the list entries for distribution profile in forecast tab to add “fiscal period”, “yearly” and “adhoc dates” as profile options, to compliment existing options for up-front, back-loaded, linear or flat-lined, monthly or quarterly. These new options provide complete flexibility to enter opportunity forecasts spreading the anticipated revenue over any timeline and with a wide range of revenue distribution options. The “adhoc dates” option even allows you to enter specific payment milestones and when they are likely to occur
  • The default owner for an opportunity is enhanced to adopt the customer’s account rep. if found, or the current user if not found

March 23rd, 2015 | Time & Expense | List Report Columns

Two new columns were added to the time & expense list report for Expense Claim Header Remark and Reimbursement Amount which can be different to the expense claim amount in company currency when employees are being reimbursed in a different currency to the company’s default currency

March 23rd, 2015 | Expenses | Reimbursement Currency

You can now enter a reimbursement currency on the employee compensation tab which is different to your company’s default currency. If you have consultants who live or normally work in a different country to where your company is based you can default the currency on their claims to the country where they live or work as opposed to your company’s currency. Your consultants can still modify the currency as today, with the system automatically calculating the equivalent amount in both reimbursement and company currency using spot rates from Changes by the employee to the equivalent reimbursement amount are noted in the expense claim for audit purposes. When new expense claim items are added the currency now defaults to the same currency as the previous row

April 3rd, 2015 | Platform | Comment Default Privacy Setting

Comments are normally private to your company by default with the option to mark them as public or define permissions. You can now make comments public by default via a setting on the object type (e.g. task) which you are commenting on

April 3rd, 2015 | Platform | xero Interface

We are pleased to announce integration with xero. We are initially delivering interfaces for customer invoices and expense claims and will be rolling out interfaces for customers, projects and employees in the near future. Contact your iBE support consultant for more information; we will help you configure the interface mappings including account determination rules. We are hard at work on enhancing our Quickbooks desktop integration to be based Quickbook’s web-connector (QBWC) at the same time

April 3rd, 2015 | CRM | Import Leads

You can now import multiple contacts or vCards at the same time. Select “Import Leads from vCards” option under the more toolbar button and select one of more vCard or vcf contacts to import. You can export contacts as vcf from any address book or contact database. As leads or contacts are imported the email is checked to see if it already exists in iBE and if it does then the two contacts are automatically merged into one

April 3rd, 2015 | Billing | Default Invoice Printed Template

The default delivered invoice template has been enhanced to look better, with larger fonts for key information like total value and due date, and comments shown as rows vs. a separate column in the invoice item list. Customers can still request customized invoice layouts and we will continue to deliver tailored invoice prints for every client. Our invoice form-builder application is still a couple of months away from being ready for beta-delivery

April 3rd, 2015 | HR | Employee Pay Calculation & Compensation

  • A fix to how compensation is converted from yearly to hourly was applied to the employee record compensation tab. Annual compensation is now converted to hourly for the purpose of calculating percent based compensation by dividing by 52 times the number of working hours in the employee’s weekly work-schedule. Holidays are not deducted. Only compensation elements such as regular pay which are members of the designated compensation group are included in the percent based compensation hourly rate calculation
  • Employee pay calculation was also enhanced as a result of customer testing, including fixes to the application of weekly time evaluation rules with holidays and vacations as well as the option to run time evaluation and pay calculation for many employees at the same time. iBE’s time evaluation and pay calculation can be used to determine and send gross pay to payroll systems such as ADP, including handling of complex or union-based overtime and other pay rules. These rules can include paying overtime at given hourly or percentage rates when working more than a given number of hours per day, or when working more than a given number of hours per week, or when working on holidays or weekends. Multiple rules can be combined together to address any company’s overtime and pay calculation rules including companies with strict union contracts and mixture of full-time and part-time workers, daily or periodic vs. hourly entitlements and a mixture of different compensation rates expressed as a percentage of other compensation elements

April 3rd, 2015 | HR | Phone Number Validation

A fix to phone number validation for South African and some other numbers when entering + country code into phone number field in contact or employee was applied. You can enter phone numbers using any international or local format

April 3rd, 2015 | Expenses | Time & Expense List Reporting Dates

We extended default from/to dates in time & expense report so that more data (and more projects/customers) can be seen initially

April 3rd, 2015 | Expenses | Copy Expense Items

We now allow users to copy expense claim items

April 20th, 2015 | Platform | Performance Improvements

We have made a number of small performance improvements including using multiple sub-domains for API requests to our server to allow more requests to be processed at the same time. We have also expanded the use of master lists (like customers, projects, employees and so on) with fewer fields in your browser memory, only getting the extra fields when they are really needed. This has improved the time it takes to load opportunities and contact lists

April 13th, 2015 | Timesheets | Load Performance

Some clients have hundreds or even thousands of open projects and tasks which they assign to everyone so that anyone can book time to them. While it is better to limit who can book time to what task by assigning individuals to each task only when they need to work on it, we improved the speed of loading a timesheet when you do have hundreds or thousands of tasks. Now if there are more than 150 open tasks for an employee the task list is no longer downloaded to your browser, instead the tasks come “on demand” i.e. when you start entering some text for search for a task to book time to. If there are <150 tasks they are still downloaded, and project/customer lists are still downloaded, but if you have alot of tasks you now search for them by entering the search text or scrolling down the task list which loads as you scroll

April 13th, 2015 | Billing | Proforma Authorization

Up until now anyone with access to the Billing Summary application could create real or proforma (draft) invoices. Now you can set up a user’s custom role-based menu to give “display only” access to the Billing Summary which means they can create proforma or draft invoices but they cannot create real invoices. Use this to allow project managers to create proforma invoices but only allow your billing admin to create real invoices. You can also edit proforma invoices from the list invoices application even when you only have display mode access

April 13th, 2015 | Billing | Check for Paid Amounts when Deleting Invoices

We added a check for paid amounts being zero before allowing users to delete invoices

April 13th, 2015 | Projects | Task Duration Display

Task duration was moved down to a separate row in the DATES/QTY/COST tab. Remaining cost was modified to be based on remaining effort as opposed to planned – actual cost as it was before

April 20th, 2015 | Platform | New Login Screen

We have improved the look and use of our login screen with a background image, better alignment and a new option to logon to in test mode. Accessing iBE in test mode is for during your implementation project to test out the system including new settings or installed applications. Any data created while you are logged into in test mode is test data and is not visible in production mode. However you can still view production data when logged on in test mode, you just cannot update it. This way if you want to try out new features or train new employees you can do this testing or training while viewing but never updating production data. Contact your iBE support representative for more information on this new feature. Since the same user and password is shared between test vs. normal mode you cannot invite users in test mode and any changes to user preferences or passwords apply to both modes

April 20th, 2015 | Support | Emailed Tickets from yahoo domain

For some reason tickets from client’s customers using the domain appeared in the email to come from We use the combination of from, original sender and reply-to in the email we receive at now to work out who the real client is. We also made an enhancement to the automatic generation of the contact and the customer record from emails received at, the contact is created with what is before the @ in the sender’s email address and their company is created with what comes after the @. Generic domains (such as are ignored even though tickets are always still generated. Contact your iBE support or implementation consultant to set up ticket emails to meet your own requirements and data mappings

April 20th, 2015 | Projects Mgt | Limited Task Types

A couple of clients asked us to limit the task types permitted in a given project, especially important when you have a combination of delivery, support and sales tasks types in the same database. Now in the project type settings screen you can specify which task types are allowed. Existing projects with invalid task types will need to be corrected when they are updated

April 20th, 2015 | HR | Teams

Our teams application – used to create ad hoc groups for planning or workflow purposes – has been enhanced to support more options to base a team or group on: department, job role, project, manager and billing rate code. This last option is useful if you use teams to plan projects using a generic team representing for example “senior consultants” or “junior java programmers”. You can assign a rate code to any team to calculate revenue and estimate the cost of your planning project

April 20th, 2015 | HR | Compensation Calculations

Improvements to job or task specific compensation were implemented making it easier to edit the rates paid to contractors or associated for doing work for you. Now you can edit their cost rates in either the employee work-assignment or compensation tab, though we recommend project managers use the work-assignments and HR admin use the compensation tabs. In either case task-specific pay rates will be considered in pay calculations

April 20th, 2015 | Expenses | Claim History, Comments and Print

A fix to expense claim status when printing. While receipts print in the same PDF as the claim today, we are looking at how receipts printouts can be enhanced. We also allowed you to add comments and view history on expense claims. And don’t forget you can ask us to set up emailing of receipts to as well.

Finally we added a restriction in expense claims preventing normal employees from changing the claim’s company. This is automatically set based on the employee’s company code, though you can still change it in expenses admin

April 27th, 2015 | Mobile | Currency Sync

A fix was applied to sync’ing currencies and exchange rates to mobile phones

April 27th, 2015 | Platform | Firefox Issues

A fix was applied to the “Remember me” checkbox which was not working in Firefox. Make sure that the delete or clear the cache and cookies in Firefox and then completely close and reload the browser for this fix to apply as it is a deep-level change that was required. Refer to for more information on how to do this

April 27th, 2015 | Platform | Email Auto-Responder & Sender

The logging of internal admin messages for inbound emails sent for example to or or was improved. Now we log every email coming in or sent out from including whether it was successfully processed or not.

Comment emails are now from whoever made the comments with on copy / reply-to so that replies to these emails can be automatically processed by and added back into your iBE database as a reply comment

April 27th, 2015 | Platform | Durations as hh:mm

As well as supporting duration inputs as 2h 30m or 2.5h we now support user inputs in the format 2:30. So we are now super-flexible!

April 27th, 2015 | Reporting | Drill-down from Dashboards to Original Document

You can now drill down from charts and tables in reporting dashboards to open the original or source document (when the data displayed is from a single source document)

April 27th, 2015 | Time | Updating Task from Timesheet

A fix was applied when updating task actual hours from a timesheet for time booked against a department combined with time booked against tasks. In addition performance improvements were applied when updating a single task within a large timesheet, especially when clicking on the “Book time” icon from my tasks screen. Don’t forget you can also use our new desktop timer

April 27th, 2015 | Projects | My Tasks Unresponsive

A client booking time to very large timesheets from a fairly extensive my task screen reported that the app was not responsive after booking time. We investigated and fixed this issue and we are in the process of making more performance tweaks to how time is transferred from my tasks to timesheet and back to the project and task, in the next few days

April 27th, 2015 | Billing | Invoice Date

A small enhancement was made to the invoice date calculation as the “to” date for the billing period when in the past (earlier it always defaulted to today’s date)

April 27th, 2015 | HR | Listing Terminated Employees

Terminated employees or employees who have left your company are not shown in the employee list by default, unless you click on the advanced search checkbox called “Show terminated employees”

May 4th, 2015 | Time | Timesheet Reminders

A background or weekly job has been constructed to look for missing timesheets and automatically send reminders. Contact your iBE support representative to set up this job based on your preferred schedule

May 4th, 2015 | Projects | Rates

If pricing on a project is by both service and resource there is a table where you can maintain service based rates for fixed / milestone tasks as well as not to exceed caps for T&M tasks, and resource billing rate code rates for T&M tasks. Some clients complained because they had to repeat resource billing rate code rates for each service when you cannot price by resource only. Now we automatically copy the resource billing rates from row to row as new services are added, if billing rates for T&M work are consistent throughout the project. In exceptional cases where T&M billing rates are by task/service only and not based on the resource doing the work we copy the billing rates from column to column instead

May 4th, 2015 | Billing | Payment Workflow Integration has two options for tracking payment of claims and invoices in the system – workflow or entering paid amounts. Up until now if you used both options together they were not properly integrated. Now if you update the workflow of a customer invoice to paid it automatically sets the paid amount to the full invoice value

May 4th, 2015 | Reporting | Dashboard Filters

You can define filters in your dashboard for example ‘only show tasks of type = “client deliverable” ‘. Unlike list or date slicers users who run the report cannot modify or access these filters, so they are very handy to restrict access to certain data. Some fixes were applied to the dashboard filter, to make rule operators (equals, greater than, contains text and so on) more consistent with other business rules and filters in the application; variable according to not only the kind or type of field being filtered (date etc.) but also the data currently within our analytics database

May 4th, 2015 | Reporting | Multi-column Lists without Measures

You can select all sorts of fields or attributes in our dashboard builder application to show in a multi-column list. Up until now at least one of the columns had to be a measure or number of some kind. Now you don’t have to select any measures at all, all the columns can be texts, dates etc. Of course only measures will get automatically summed!

May 4th, 2015 | Platform | Column and status menu appearance

The look and style of our table column chooser and status filter menus was made more consistent with other multi-selection lists

May 8th, 2015 | CRM | Messages when Importing Multiple Leads

The messages displayed when importing multiple leads from vCard or file were improved

May 8th, 2015 | Tasks | Changing Task Type

Up until now it was quite tricky to modify a task type once initially set-up, unless both task types were basically configured the same way. Now we have refined the checks which happen on change of task type, ignoring some unimportant things such as defaults or what gets inherited from parent to sub-task, and checking really important stuff like moving a task from billable to internal when stuff has previously been invoiced. Messages provided when changing the task type are also more helpful

May 8th, 2015 | Tasks | Calculating Resource Planned Effort

Rather than simply calculating planned effort for a new resource from utilization factor times the task duration we now consider the task’s start and end dates. If the task started in the past iBE calculates planned effort of a new resource based on remaining time or duration (end date minus today). If the task was meant to finish in the past (i.e. it is already overdue) then planned effort for a new resource is calculated as zero. To turn off planned effort calculation entirely set up your project type with “resource planning and utilization” unchecked

May 8th, 2015 | Billing | Print of Manual or Adhoc Invoice

A fix was applied to the iBE delivered print out for manual or ad-hoc invoice line items

May 12th, 2015 | Platform | Table Search Results

The search results “drop down” which comes from searching locally within a table or list in has been made wider to better show the result texts

May 12th, 2015 | Platform | Downloading Comments

You can now download comments for example timesheet or expense claim comments in the time & expense list report, as text. The full comment text will be downloaded to xls

May 12th, 2015 | Platform | Multiple Workflow Owners

One client requested the option for multiple people to be set up as workflow owner (the person with complete access to change any document status). We have provided this by allowing you to assign a team or group as workflow owner

May 12th, 2015 | Reporting | Currency Conversion

A fix to currency conversion within dashboard reports was applied

May 12th, 2015 | Projects | Resource Details

A couple of cosmetic fixes were done in project and task resources, namely writing UTILIZATION as column heading in project resources tab in place of MAX UTILIZATION and changing the icon for project leads to record time on tasks for their resources from a pencil to a clock. Also the alarm clock “send alert” icons were fixed in our project mgt. application

May 12th, 2015 | Tasks | Enhancements to Task Progress

We have introduced the concept of rolling task progress up through the task hierarchy allowing you to plan at parent task or project level but record actuals such as time at sub-task. The way this works depends on how you structure your projects:

  • If you wish to plan at parent task or project level then maintain planned hours on the parent or project level task only, and do not allow employees to record time to these tasks. There is a task type setting to disable time recording by task type. Actuals will then get recorded at sub-task and progress on the parent task and ultimately on the project as a whole will be calculated based the sum of actual hours for all sub-tasks divided by the planned hours on the parent task. If actuals are missing on all sub-tasks then progress will be calculated based on the number or portion of complete sub-tasks
  • If you wish to plan and record time at the same level, either at parent or sub-task level then progress is calculated as it was before, based on the weighted sum of actual hours divided by forecast at complete hours for each task. So a task with a greater planned effort will have a correspondingly larger influence on the overall project percent complete
  • If you do not wish to plan at all – and you can turn off the automatic calculation of planned effort by unchecking “resource planning and utilization on your project type” – then progress is calculated based on the number of complete sub-tasks or complete vs. open project tasks
  • In addition, based on client request(s) we now show 100% complete tasks in my task report with a strike-through or crossed-out font and we have added tooltips to the colored progress circles to explain what they mean. We will be further enhancing the calculation of task progress traffic lights in the coming months

May 12th, 2015 | CRM | Opportunity Custom Fields

We now support the addition of custom fields in CRM objects like contact, opportunity and customer. Custom fields can be used to track company specific information not in existing data-model. Custom fields can be added to the bottom of existing tabs or in new custom tabs. Contact your iBE support representative for help creating custom fields that you need

May 12th, 2015 | Data Import/Export | Xero and xml file Mappings

A fix was applied for import and export of xml file formats e.g. for xero integration

May 12th, 2015 | Billing | Auto-generation of Invoice Item Remarks

Up until now you had the option to copy timesheet or expense claim item remarks into customer invoices and print these remarks in the invoice. We adopted a fairly standard format showing employee’s name and time entry date followed by the remark text, in multiple rows if multiple time entries were summed up together to form a single customer invoice line. Based on customer requests for all sorts of other information to be copied from the timesheet or expense claim into the customer invoice, such as for example location, we now allow you or your support consultant to define a customized message template for invoice remarks, embedding fields such as the employee’s name, remark text, comments, location, date and overtime code into the remark text as desired. You can even put html formatting commands into the remark message template. Contact your iBE support consultant for help creating custom messages for workflow approvals, notifications and now customer invoice item texts or remarks

May 12th, 2015 | Billing | Cosmetic Enhancements to Invoice List

The following cosmetic enhancements to list invoices went live into production today:

  • Modify “Show paid only” to “Show paid/cash invoices” so that you can see paid and unpaid invoices together and to show cash invoices as if they are fully paid (which they are of course)
  • Filter invoices listed based on from/to date of the invoice not the billing date of the invoice. So for example if you create an invoice on August 5th for July 1-31 then if you ask to list invoices for July 1-31 you will see the July 1-31 invoice, despite it being posted on August 5th
  • Default user’s company to company selection. Default from/to dates to last calendar month
  • Automatically reload the invoice list when selection options are modified, without asking the user to click the reload icon
  • Fix to showing invoice history

May 18th, 2015 | Platform | Relogin and Password Reset screens

Some cosmetic enhancements were applied to the relogin and password reset screens today. A problem with password expiry date was also fixed at the same time

May 18th, 2015 | Platform | File Uploads for Larger Files

User’s uploading large files > 2 MB in size were using up too many resources on our servers causing other user sessions to hang. We now automatically upload files larger than 2 MB in the background. You can still continue working and your uploaded file will be available to you and other users in a matter of a few minutes. We also applied a fix for upload of zip files

May 18th, 2015 | Data Import/Export | Quickbooks Online Integration

Some minor enhancements were applied to the QB online integration module including updating the Quickbooks record ID in after a record has been successfully transmitted to Quickbooks Online, so that the same record can be transmitted again in future in update mode. Also the to QB Online connection was made more robust (it used to disconnect regularly based on time-out settings in Quickbooks)

May 18th, 2015 | Data Import/Export | Running Import/Exports in the Background

For data imports & exports via APIs or other on-line options such as for example to Quickbooks Online we now provide an option to schedule these interfaces to run automatically in the background. We are also working with Quickbook’s web-connector tool (QBWC) for clients who use Quickbooks Professional or Enterprise, and will share more information on this in the near future

May 18th, 2015 | Billing | Invoice List Load Performance

The way invoices are loaded was enhanced today to reduce load time and a fix was applied to the option to filter this list by customer

May 18th, 2015 | Time | Marking Tasks as Complete from Timesheet

The remaining effort for a task can be automatically reduced based on time recorded. This is very handy if you want to burn down the remaining effort and automatically update progress or percent complete based on time recorded. We even give an option to manually edit the progress from the timesheet. It is however quite a pain if you book too much time to a task and the remaining effort is set to zero, closing the task and preventing subsequent time entry. So we have enhanced this calculation to never close the task by default, stopping the reduction in remaining effort once it reaches or goes below 10% of the original planned effort. You have the option to auto-close tasks from timesheets but it has to be configured based on the progress method assigned to your project type

May 21st, 2015 | Time | Department in T&E Report

A fix was applied to display of the department (for booking time to a department not to a project) in the time and expense list report

May 21st, 2015 | Time | Display of Parent Task in Timesheet

The parent or milestone task you are recording time to is now displayed inside the timesheet as a new (hidden by default) column called PARENT TASK. So if you keep on repeating the same set of sub-tasks you can distinguish one from another via the parent task

May 21st, 2015 | Data Import/Export | Export Sub-contractor Timesheets as Vendor Bills

We are pleased to add exporting contractor timesheets as vendor bills to our existing list of Quickbooks Online interfaces. Now you can create contractors in iBE, have them record timesheets just like your other employees, automatically cost their time based on hours times their cost or compensation rates defined in HR, and then export this information as a properly formatted vendor bill in Quickbooks Online. We even allow you to define job or task-specific pay / cost rates for your contractors. No other system provides this much flexibility without the overhead of deploying a procurement module

May 21st, 2015 | Tasks | Saving of Tasks not in View

A fix was applied to changes made to task which are subsequently hidden from view by entering filter conditions such as project, customer or task type which the updated task does not meet. When you click the save button even hidden tasks are properly updated

May 21st, 2015 | Reporting | Maximum Time Unit Displayed

You can now adjust the maximum allowed time unit (day, hour, week etc.) which is displayed in bar-charts on dashboards

May 29th, 2015 | Platform | Chrome Update

The latest Chrome update released last week has caused several issues with our browser interface which were fixed today

May 29th, 2015 | Platform | External User Invitation

The invitation email which goes out for new users has been tweaked for inviting “external users” (your clients and customer contacts) to access’s ticket or invoice portal. A bug causing duplicate users when created directly from employee when badge numbering is not system assigned was also fixed

May 29th, 2015 | Reporting | Counting Measure

Up until now if you created a report showing for example the number of open or closed tasks by project, customer or time interval you had to select some random measure like task planned effort or planned cost and use the “count” aggregation formula to convert this to a count. Now there is a measure for the task etc. count

May 29th, 2015 | Projects | Enhancements to how Costs and Expenses are Calculated

We are pleased to announce several enhancements to the way costs, revenues and expenses are calculated on projects:

  • You now have the option of defining task specific pay or cost rates and using these when determining labor costs for resources based on planned or actual task/resource hours
  • This works in addition to the overtime code or time item type costing ratios which can be applied to actual time booked in a timesheet. Cost or pay rates applicable to a specific overtime code can now be defined either as a ratio (in time item type set-up) or as a compensation element linked to a specific overtime code (in the employee compensation tab)
  • Planned expense cost can now be managed at a project level, for expense budgets
  • Actual expenses are now split into expenses revenue for project – aka the sum of billable expenses plus any project-specific mark-up %, and expenses cost (the sum of all expenses excluding mark-ups)
  • For companies who sell or resell materials or hardware we have also separated out material planned and actual cost from labor or expense
  • We will be added overhead costs, based on percentages defined at company or department level, in the near future

May 29th, 2015 | Time | Various Cosmetic Enhancements and Quantity Input via Timesheet

Several enhancements to our timesheet module went live today:

  • You can now enter task quantity within a timesheet for fixed price tasks where the task type is set-up to update or increment task actual quantity from a timesheet. This was earlier delivered using a list input mode within the timesheet marked as “daily view” (1 row per time entry). Now users can also enter quantity – e.g. number of classes delivery or calls taken – directly from the overview mode. There is a display only quantity sum at the end of each row for the week, plus a user editable quantity input field within the time entry cell details tab at the bottom
  • Tasks assigned to an employee can be made to auto-load into the timesheet based on a new timesheet type setting called “Number of tasks to auto-load”. If the employee is assigned to this number of tasks or fewer then timesheet rows are automatically populated for each assigned task. If the employee is assigned to too many tasks, rather than pre-populating a huge multi-page timesheet and forcing the user to search around, the assigned tasks do not pre-load and the user can select the required task based on search, customer or project as before
  • Users can now navigate to a different timesheet period or week directly from the calendar which drops down when clicking on the timesheet from/to dates between the previous and next timesheet arrows. So if you want to go back say two months rather than clicking “previous week” 6-7 times you can now select any date within the period you want to go back from the calendar
  • The save button has been given a menu similar to the menu in other apps with options on hover for “save and back” (goes right back to timesheet list) and “save as copy” (creates a copy of the current timesheet in the next available period)
  • Rather than clicking on text links or menu options to navigate between the week overview (the default view), the daily view (showing all time-entries for a single day in a list) and the list view (showing all time entries for the whole period in a longer list), the three views are now organized into a handy toggle-button. This button shows both the current view and the other two options
  • A fix was applied whereby column label changes in the timesheet module were not being picked up properly. Now you can edit the column header text labels for any table or multi-column list in, including the timesheet

June 1st, 2015 | Projects | Cost Budget Column

The cost budget by task has been added as a column to the project > task list and to my tasks. This column is hidden by default, so select to edit it from the column chooser menu (available when clicking on the purple arrow in any table header bar) first

June 1st, 2015 | Time | Time Evaluation & Payroll by Department

Time Evaluation allows you to convert timesheet hours into overtime codes and gross pay based on predefined rules and overtime item types and compensation codes and amounts in each employee’s compensation tab. Pay data sent to ADP and other payroll systems can be split by department so that financial postings created from payroll data can post salary accruals to the correct department or cost center based on where the employee was working at the time. If you book time to a department as opposed to a project then the department is now carried through to time evaluation, pay calculation and the ADP gross payroll interface or exported file

June 1st, 2015 | Time | Productive vs. Billable Time

Most people would consider billable time and productive but time booked to a fixed price or milestone billed task is not billable yet it is still productive. To support clients who perhaps pay bonuses based on productive vs. billable time we have added a productive time property to our time entries table and set this automatically as true for all time booked to fixed price deliverables

June 1st, 2015 | Expenses | Hotel Expense Cap per Night

Per diem, mileage or other rate based expenses can be automatically calculated based on a predetermine rate and the number of days, miles etc. in the expense claim item. For all other expenses the employee enters how much and the total amount for each expense item is validated against a predefined maximum limit…until now. Now you can have rate based expenses such as hotel nights were the user still enters the total amount being claimed, as well as the number of nights, but the total amount claimed divided by the number of nights is compared to the allowed maximum. This way you can check hotel etc. expenses on a per diem basis whilst still entering a multi-night stay hotel invoice just once

June 1st, 2015 | CRM | More Revenue Distribution Profiles in Opportunities

We have extended our already large list of possible revenue distribution profiles over the life-cycle of an opportunity (such as linear, up-front, at the end, by month etc.) with the following additional distribution profile options:

  • Yearly – allowing the user to manually edit the year on year revenue for a multi-year opportunity
  • By Fiscal Period – allowing the company to align forecast revenues with financial periods
  • Based on Ad-hoc Dates – allowing the user to enter suggested or forecast milestone dates and amounts, rather than predicting how much revenue can be recognized on a month by month basis

June 1st, 2015 | Billing | Customer Invoice Portal

A fix was applied to hide paid invoices from the customer invoice portal

June 1st, 2015 | Platform | New Certificate

Our security certificate was updated and expanded to cover a broader range of * and * domains

June 1st, 2015 | Reporting | Payroll Dashboard Reports

We have just added a new table to our analytics data warehouse for tracking gross pay calculations. Now you can build graphical dashboard reports on top of actual pay calculation data

June 8th, 2015 | Platform | Firefox Issues

A number of issues specific to Firefox such as long loading times, remember me not working, and some screens with squashed or overlapping fields were fixed

June 8th, 2015 | Platform | Re-login Panel with Logout Option

A button for Logout was added the relogin panel, which comes when user session is inactive or user’s security token is invalidated for example from the same user logging in from another computer

June 8th, 2015 | Reporting | Projects Dashboard

A fix to the project department passed across to’s analytics data-warehouse was applied today. You can also drill down from most reports to automatically display the original source document in

June 8th, 2015 | Reporting | Remark Texts in Dashboards

You can now display timesheet header or time entry remarks in dashboards

June 8th, 2015 | Time | Parent Task and Workflow Owner in Timesheet

A couple of weeks ago we added a column to show the parent task description from within the timesheet. Now you can select from the list of parent tasks within the previously entered project, and select the task to book time to from the smaller list of sub-tasks for the chosen parent. A column showing the workflow owner was also added to timesheet overview

June 8th, 2015 | Time | Desktop Timer – Duplicate Timesheets

A problem with duplicate timesheets resulting from importing multiple desktop timers in quick succession for the start of a new timesheet period, for example importing 4-5 timers on the first Monday of the timesheet period has now been fixed

June 8th, 2015 | Time | Recording Time-off from Within the Timesheet

As well as the “Record time off” menu option under the “more” button menu, you can also enter “s” or “S” (for half or full day sick), “v’ or “V” (for half or full day of vacation) and other letters right into the timesheet weekly overview cells. If you enter for example “s” then the appropriate time-off request is created a half-day of sick leave, subjected to existing approval workflows

June 8th, 2015 | Tasks | My Tasks Extra Columns

Columns for last % complete as a number, updated by and when, last comment posted and number of closed vs. open tasks were added to ticket admin, my tasks and the project > task screen

June 8th, 2015 | Tasks | Updating Task Quantity for Deleted Timesheets

A fix to task actual quantity update when timesheets with quantities are deleted was applied today

June 8th, 2015 | Billing | Option to Bill Expenses based on Claim Date as opposed to Incurred Date

Up until now if you selected to bill a certain project from say June 1 to June 31, all expenses incurred during June regardless of when the claim was submitted would be included. But expenses submitted late (and don’t we all do that!) may not get picked up because if the expense claim is filed later on in July the June 1-31 period might have already been processed. Now you can filter expense claims for invoicing by expense claim date, representing the date the entire claim was input and should post, without paying much attention to the incurred on date of each expense item. If this option is selected, the invoice item and sub-item still displayed the claim item incurred date

June 8th, 2015 | Billing | Editing of Invoice Item Remarks

You can now edit billing remarks for auto-generated invoice items as well as for invoice sub-items. Timesheet entries with no remarks will not copy any text into the billing invoice remark. A fix for reading product or service tax codes with multiple companies was also applied today

June 8th, 2015 | Billing | Invoice Print Out Enhancements

Some small cosmetic enhancements to customer invoice print went into production today including an option by company set-up to display all amounts as $10 instead of 10 USD and so on

June 15th, 2015 | Platform | Cross Browser Issues

A new range of cross browser mostly IE9/10 and Firefox issues were fixed today

June 15th, 2015 | Platform | Comment Date

We added an option to display comment published date as a date, rather than as “two days ago” and so on

June 15th, 2015 | Platform | Login Panel

The look and style of our login panel was improved and made more consistent with our desktop timer login panel

June 15th, 2015 | Time | Various Minor Cosmetic Enhancements

  • Improving the look and style of timesheets with boxes around each cell and clearer cell details popup “wrench” icons
  • Defaulting from/to dates based on timesheet interval not just week, so that the to date always falls in latest timesheet period even when timesheets are bi-monthly or monthly instead of weekly
  • Greying out holidays and weekend dates in the list entry view like we already do in the weekly overview mode. Also we added a column you can display if desired in the list view for day of week (Monday, Tuesday etc.)
  • Automatically import tasks employee is assigned to into the timesheet in edit mode as well as create mode, for example on the second etc. day of a timesheet period. Also import and display the employee’s department if book to department is active for the timesheet type concerned

June 15th, 2015 | Expenses | Display of Payment Status

A paid/not-paid “stamp” is displayed in the top right corner of expense claims, similar to how it is shown in customer invoice

June 15th, 2015 | Projects | Preferred Project Task Layout

A fix was made to applying the preferred or default project > task list or table layout. Table or list layouts can be saved with filter, sort and grouping options using the grid layout menu (setting gear cog icon in top right corner)

June 15th, 2015 | CRM | Upload of Contacts from File

To make it easier to upload contacts from a file we now accept a single preferred email or phone number as opposed to a list of contact addresses or numbers by comms label

June 15th, 2015 | CRM | Who can Access Opportunities

Permission to open opportunities is a sensitive topic with each client having unique requirements. We deliver a solution today based on each opportunity listing who can access it in read/update/admin mode, defaulting to the person who created the opportunity, the opportunity sales rep., their managers and their managers’ managers

June 15th, 2015 | Billing | Customer Invoice Portal

An issue with displaying invoices in customer portal was fixed

June 22nd, 2015 | Reporting | Series Label on Grouped Bar Charts

A label for each entry in a series was added to grouped bar-charts. Pivot or cross-tabs can also be expanded or collapsed by default for new users

June 22nd, 2015 | Reporting | Expense Claim Date & Description

Expense claim or report date and overall description/remark has been added to our analytics database for dashboard reporting

June 22nd, 2015 | Time | Chrome Desktop Timer Parent Task

A field for parent task, including the option to select task to book timers to based on parent or task-list, was added to our Chrome plug-in desktop timer. Timers are automatically imported into the timesheet when it is opened, or users can click not the “transfer” icon within each timer row

June 22nd, 2015 | Time | Cosmetic Enhancemnets

A variety of minor cosmetic enhancements apply to our timesheet:

  • Totals for billable time on fixed price vs. T&M tasks are now separated out to give a view of total productive (both) vs. billable (T&M) time
  • Limit the list of employees a time administrator can view timesheets for to the employees which they manage or having the user as HR rep, unless user is an admin user. Include people who report to user’s reports in “my team” option (manager of manager)
  • Consider employee’s termination date with a warning not to book timesheets after their termination date
  • Hide + option in drop-down list of tasks/departments when showing departments
  • Fix to wrapping text in remarks box
  • Change “Absence” total label to “Time-off”

June 22nd, 2015 | Expenses | Time & Expense List Report

Five enhancements to our time and expense list (T&E list) report

  • Calculation of expenses revenue now includes a mark-up % if defined in the project expenses tab. This is now consistent with how invoices and revenues for project expenses are calculated
  • Replacement of the checkboxes in the filter panel to show billable vs. unpaid expenses with a selection list giving users the option to show unpaid expenses / all time; show billable items / paid or unpaid; show items ready to bill / approved T&E or show previously billed items only
  • A checkbox column called BILLABLE was added to the report to allow sorting on this column
  • Addition of a column PROJECT COMPANY for employees booking time to projects in a different company to their home department/company

June 22nd, 2015 | Projects | Search Projects List Columns

Columns for comments and files (both as icons) were added to the Project List or Search view. You can also filter projects by department

June 22nd, 2015 | CRM | Opportunity Field Names

Modification of “Name” of opportunity to “Opportunity Name” and “Lead” to “Lead / Contact” to avoid users thinking they should enter contact name in opportunity name

July 1st, 2015 | Platform | Workflow Recipients

Workflow owners or recipients can now be assigned in a workflow template from any field in the document workflow is for, or on a joined document, which refers to a person. This also includes custom fields referring to the person’s contact. For example in a timesheet workflow if you add a custom field to the project or task referenced in the timesheet for client delivery manager, QA lead or mentor then the value in this custom field can be a workflow owner

July 1st, 2015 | Platform | Manage Teams vs. Groups

The “manage teams” menu label was changed to “Manage Groups” to avoid confusion with my team selections in most apps denoting people who report to me

July 1st, 2015 | Platform | Loading Masks

Loading masks were improved based on the animations which were available

July 1st, 2015 | Time | Assign Employee to Task from within Timesheet

In time admin mode authorized users can now directly assign employees to new task from within the timesheet. Check out the “Assign to Task” option in the sub-title bar above the time-sheet, allowing the user to select a task and assign the current employee accordingly

July 1st, 2015 | Time | Remaining Effort Burn-down & Auto-task Closure

A new value for the ETC calculation strategy now assigned to the progress method allows tasks to be auto-closed if actual effort in timesheet > planned effort for task

July 1st, 2015 | HR | Employee Work Assignments Tab & Performance

A fix was applied to the employee work assignments tab to filter the list of tasks which can be assigned based on the selected project. Load time for employee admin was also improved for companies with many employees but only querying back from our server employees with the selected line manager or department

July 1st, 2015 | Tickets | Task Admin & Ticket Admin

Some cosmetic enhancements were applied today as follows:

  • Give the option to create projects on the fly in task and ticket admin screen, by showing a + button in the bottom of the project selection list from project field
  • Make requested by field optional not required. Adjust customer based on requested by value int and in turn adjust projects allowed based on customer. If you enter a requested by as a customer contact then do not expect to see internal projects in the list
  • Show basic information for requested by and responsible based on a popup with name etc. in a call-out panel

July 1st, 2015 | Expenses | Receipts

A number of enhancements to expense receipts went live today and over the last few days, as follows:

  • You can now assign receipts to the expense claim header as well as claim items. This is particularly useful if you put all your receipts into a single page and take on photo or scan of the complete set. Rather than linking the same page or scan to every item you can link it to the claim header. Any items where receipts are required are acceptable if there is a header receipt
  • The user interface for uploading new receipts (from the user’s desktop) vs. linking an existing receipt (uploaded to the receipts app earlier, synchronized from the phone expenses app or simply emailed to – has been enhanced. Now there are clear buttons for uploading new vs. linking to existing receipts in the claim header and item details and the toolbar in the popup which comes to assign receipts in the item list has a separate button to link to an existing receipt
  • Expense claim item and header receipts will now get automatically printed with the invoice print

July 1st, 2015 | Data Import/Export | Option to Send same Data Again only if Changed

Up until now you could configure a mapping exporting data out of the iBE to only send data once – never resend – or to send everything every time based on the filter rule even if not changed. Now you have a third option, to send data which is new or which has been modified in since when the last mapping ran

July 7th, 2015 | Tickets | Requested by Me

A new option to show tickets created by the current user was added to the tickets console

July 7th, 2015 | Time | Display of Previously Billed

Previously billed hours for a timesheet can now be seen in the timesheet weekly overview (GENERAL details tab) with the single row for summary totals now in two rows to give six summary metrics (total, billable T&M, billable fixed, overtime, time-off and previously billed)

July 7th, 2015 | Billing | Billing Messages

The billing message warning users about time or expenses which are still ready to bill but prior to the from date selected for billing has been improved. The message should now be self-evident

July 7th, 2015 | Billing | Invoice Layouts

Very many client-specific invoice layouts were delivered during June and July. While we won’t go into the details of each client specific layout the enhancements to invoice printing which made their way back into the core platform are as follows:

  • Automatic deduction of credits matched to the current invoice from the total amount due
  • Automatic deduction of the current invoice due amount from the overdue amounts by date summary table
  • Option to print the remaining purchase order balance
  • Option to print project long text (as a way to store contract-specific terms and conditions which should appear in the invoice) and/or task context
  • Option to print signatures on the invoice. If you send your iBE support rep. an image of someone’s signature we can upload it to the employee master file and then have it automatically print on any invoices generated by that person / where that person signs off on the invoice
  • Additional fields from joined tables which can be added easily to the invoice print-out html: Project leader name & signature, customer rep. name & signature and billing admin name and administrator
  • Dynamic header height based on address length
  • Printing of expense receipts from both expense claim header and items

July 7th, 2015 | Reporting | Tax Data

A fix to tax data was applied to our database analytics tool

July 13th, 2015 | Time | Display of Linked Documents

Users can now create a linked document from within a timesheet and display the list of linked documents from the toolbar menu (“more” button). Time item type or overtime code was also added to the timesheet detail screen

July 13th, 2015 | Mobile Apps | Display of Linked Documents

The iPhone and Android time entry apps were enhanced over the last week or two with:

  • Display of parent task
  • Booking option to a department
  • Checking if location and remarks are required or not based on the timesheet type settings in the web-app
  • Option to select an overtime code or time item type
  • Fix to saving of header remarks and navigation in general
  • Consideration of timesheet period and matching timesheet duration accordingly

July 13th, 2015 | CRM | Opportunity Reason for Loss

A fix in usability was applied to how reasons for loss are recorded in opportunities. A reason for loss is important to differentiate between lost and not lost but zero % probability opportunities

July 13th, 2015 | Billing | Billing in the Background

Some clients experienced time-outs during billing for large invoices (in excess of $300k in one invoice). To avoid this we now provide an option to create invoices in the background – either from the billing button menu (bill in background & bill in background proforma) or by displaying a new column in the billing summary for “bill now” including in the background

  • When processing an invoice in the background the preparation screen is skipped because there is no user interaction. Instead the standard invoice is generated based on the billing method applicable to the project type(s) and the billing status would get updated when this is done, allowing you to open and manually edit the invoice prior to sending it to the client
  • At the same time we have significantly refactored the process of updating time and expenses to denote it as billed, and then marking it as unbilled again if the invoice is deleted. We keep track of linked invoices by timesheet and expense claim classification so that any timesheet or expense claim fully billed on one invoice per classification can be re-opened without relying on the timeline or audit log

July 13th, 2015 | Billing | Invoice Deletion

A fix was applied to revert remaining funds on a customer purchase order back up again, if an invoice is deleted. Amounts previously paid are also checked when deleting an invoice

July 13th, 2015 | Data Import/Export | Centralized Address Mgt.

A fix was applied to reading and sending source doc. address information when that address is stored centrally under Locations (because user checked “re-use in future” to make it shared)

July 13th, 2015 | Platform | Custom Field Definitions

Various enhancements were applied to the custom fields properties panel including the option to customize table or grid column labels

July 22nd, 2015 | Billing | Billing in the Background

You can now configure a regular background job to run and create invoices. Contact you iBE support rep. for help on setting this up

July 22nd, 2015 | Billing | Recurring Bills based on Usage

The task type can be configured such that actual quantity which is billed on a recurring basis is reset each month after billing is run so that it has to be entered fresh

July 22nd, 2015 | Expenses | Option to Reclassify Existing Claim Items

When the “classify all” option is selected – now organized as a menu in the expense claim application with classify single and selected – existing claim items were not previously reclassified. But they need to be reclassified in case the expense type requires all items to be classified to the same project. So we added a checkbox to reclassify existing items at the same time as indicating that unclassified and new items are assigned to the same project

July 22nd, 2015 | Projects | Option to manually trigger Financials Update

While project financials such as cost, revenue and progress are automatically updated whenever a project is changed we provided a menu option “Update Financials” based on various client requests. Selecting this option forces the system to update the project costs, revenues, margins and amounts ready to bill ensuring that this information is bang up to date

July 22nd, 2015 | Projects | Project name validation for Quickbooks

Quickbooks Online requires the job code to be of a certain length and not contain special characters. To avoid issues in the interface we now perform these checks – as warnings only – within the iBE Project Mgt. module as well as in the QB Online mapping run

July 22nd, 2015 | HR | Own Compensation

We now allow admin users to edit their own compensation, unless the payroll module is installed meaning that employee compensation stores specify payroll details and should not be updated carelessly. There is also a minor fix to the phone number validation

July 22nd, 2015 | CRM | Deleted Leads

Deleted contacts or leads should now appear in the deleted items list, of the lead/contact application

August 4th, 2015 | HR | Employee Billing Rate Code

The employee billing rate code and billable hours / utilization targets have been moved from the COMPENSATION to the JOB DATA tab, because this information is more useful under JOB DATA and it is fairly common now to hide the compensation tab but not hide the billing rate code

August 4th, 2015 | Time | Minimum Timesheet Increment

You can now force users to enter time in minimum increments of say 12 or 15 minutes, irrespective of when time is being recorded

August 4th, 2015 | Workflow | Additional Message Options

We now allow you to include comments and other fields in task workflow messages. Contact your iBE support consultant for information on how to configure custom or specific workflow email messages including timesheet hours by day or other properties from the document workflow is about

August 4th, 2015 | Support | Ticket Requester Optional

We originally made the ticket requester a required field in the ticket console. This is now optional because the ticket portal is being used for more than just helpdesk tickets!

August 8th, 2015 | Platform | Custom Fields

An issue with updating custom fields especially ones in the employee master which were not saving correctly has been fixed. You can assign custom fields to any tab in any object and even create custom tabs or re-order and relabel the existing tabs

August 8th, 2015 | Reporting | Pivot Table Download & Date Slicer

An issue with downloading our dashboard pivot table or cross-tab into Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 was fixed. Dashboards with a “,” in the title will no longer cause any issues. Also a minor cosmetic issue with from/to date slicer was fixed. We are now working on a relative date option e.g. “this week” or “last month”

August 8th, 2015 | Time Mgt. | iOS Mobile Phone Timesheet

The holiday calendar in iPhone was determined from the company default holiday calendar. Now it has been enhanced to check first for any holiday calendar assigned to the employee’s work-schedule, thus allowing different groups of people in the same company to have different holiday calendars sync’d down the time-sheets on their mobile phones

August 8th, 2015 | Project Mgt. | Resource Overload Message

We have always informed you when a resource is assigned in parallel to another task as the one you are currently assigning them to, and when a resource does not have sufficient hours in the day left to complete their assigned task from today until the planned end date. While these messages are “logical” they make less sense when, for example, no-one is maintaining planned efforts for a task. Now we show resource overload through display of remaining effort or utilization in red font with the descriptive message as a mouse-over tooltip rather than a message. You can see resource overloads as before in the task > RESOURCES tab. We also deployed a fix to display of superior / parent task-list in task details GENERAL tab

August 8th, 2015 | Time-off | Requests in Future Vacation Years

Employees requesting vacation etc. in a future year normally do not have a balance for that year, because the balance is not carried forwards until the end of the year. For this reason the available balance is the maximum carry forwards allowance as defined in the time-off type, for example five days. But we discovered some clients are maintaining balances in future vacation years specifically to over-ride the standard carry forwards policy on a case by case basis. So vacation requests especially made at the end of the year around the Christmas and New Year holidays were not accurately reflecting the true carried forward balance. We therefore enhanced our future year time-off request balance check to consider actual carry forward balances when available on an employee-by-employee basis, and the standard / maximum carry forwards amount per the time-off type only when actual balances are not available

August 8th, 2015 | Billing | Expense Mark-ups by Expense Type

One or two clients are marking up different expense types or categories on the same project by different amounts, for example living might be marked up 10% and travel 5%, or some vendor bills marked up 15% and some 10%. Instead of a single mark-up for the whole project we now allow you to mark up each expense type separately

August 8th, 2015 | Platform | Java8

We are pleased to announce that we completed our Java 6 to 8 upgrade across all our application servers. This makes our application servers more robust. We apologize for a temporary downtime this weekend due to monitoring being disabled during the upgrade and the application of Murphy’s law resulting in both servers going down when monitoring was disabled!

August 13th, 2015 | Projects | Insertion of Template Task-lists

You can insert a list of tasks from a template within or inside an existing project by selecting more > insert task list from the project > TASKS table toolbar “more” menu. This makes a copy of the tasks from the selected template after the point where you opted to insert. Some enhancements were made today to the way inserted tasks from a template are sorted. Now if the template was previously sorted by SEQUENCE (the task code which increments for each level in the task hierarchy e.g. 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1 etc., rather like MS Project) and the new project is also sorted by sequence, then the template tasks are inserted in sequence order with task codes based on the point where they were inserted. If the new project is sorted by something else for example date or task description then the template tasks are sorted instead by date or description (the same as new project) while of course keeping any task hierarchies intact with the same child tasks under the same superior or parent task-list

August 13th, 2015 | Reporting | Trend Widget

We introduced today a trend widget to our analytics dashboard, using a combination of color (red vs. green), text (key metric value and description), % change and arrow (up/down trend) to show key metrics and how they are changing over time. You can define in the dashboard designer whether “up” (increasing trend value) is good/green or bad/red. We will introduce target measures and planning values in the near future

August 13th, 2015 | Reporting | Relative Date Slicer

The From/To Date Slicer in our analytics dashboards allows you to quickly filter or slice a dashboard only reporting on transactions between a “from” and “to date”. We earlier made enhancements to this from/to date slicer around default dates and flexible widget size. From today in the designer mode you can check a box called “Relative dates” which changes the from/to date slicer to a selection list of “last year”, “last month”, “last week”, “yesterday”, “this year”, “this month”, “this week”, “today”, “tomorrow”, “next week” etc. While the relative date is recorded and defaulted next time, the actual data in the report of course is based on the calculated dates for example “this month” means 1st to end of the current month when the report is being run

August 13th, 2015 | Platform | Workflow Messages

We enhanced our workflow messages to allow in task related workflows the display of parent or superior task-list. You now have many choices of fields you can embed inside a message including a toolbar button to include an HTML table and special keyboard characters “?” to bring up the list of tables or classes to search for fields in and “-“ after the table or class name to get the list of fields to insert. Contact your iBE support or implementation consultant for assistance in configuring appropriate workflow messages

August 13th, 2015 | Projects | Resource Cost Display

Since we now show resource cost (from employee master standard cost rate) as a separate hide-able column in the project > RESOURCES tab, we decided to remove the cost display from the billing rate code mouse-over tooltip. You can of course define authorization profiles based on job roles to make any table column (such as cost rate) hidden to specific users

August 13th, 2015 | Expenses | Emailing of Receipts

A fix was applied to the processing of emailed receipts and to the security or privacy settings for receipts in general. Receipts (the attachment type for receipts) are “semi-private” meaning that no-one other than the person who uploaded the receipt and people authorized to open / approve their expense claim in expense admin mode can see someone’s receipts. We are still working on improvements to the handling of receipts emailed to with embedded images as opposed to attachments

August 13th, 2015 | Billing | Error for Un-billed T&E in the Past

We inform you whenever you run billing if there is unapproved T&E in the past, just in case you missed it by mistake. Some clients complained because they are billing late so their billing dates are also in the past. We therefore enhanced this check to give a more meaningful message and only to bring the message when there is unapproved T&E prior to the billing “from” date

August 13th, 2015 | Time Mgt. | Assigning All Resources to a Task

We recently enhanced our project > task > resources tab to allow the option of selecting “all resources” for a task instead of individually assigning resources. This avoids you having to add new hires to a myriad of standard projects and tasks, rather “all resources” means all employees and contractors in your company. It is also beneficial for performance as the number of resources explicitly listed on each task is now limited to who has actually booked time as opposed to all your employees or contractors. This enhancement has now been rolled out to time-sheets, allowing anyone to book time to a task marked up in this way. The same enhancement will shortly be rolled out to expenses and to our mobile timesheet apps and desktop timer. At the same time a filter of time-sheets by status was added to the time administration search screen

August 13th, 2015 | Projects | Calculation of Default Planned Effort

Up until now any project or task relevant to resource planning calculated planned effort by default as task duration multiplied by task resource utilization factor. This is fine for clients who generally check and maintain planned efforts by task. Clients who do not can turn off resource planning and not plan task resources at all. However several clients who do not wish to default the calculation of planned effort have asked to use our resource planning tool, so we made an enhancement today to allow you to make planned efforts when maintained by a planner relevant to the resource planning tool but not to calculate planned effort by default. You do this by turning on planning & utilization in your project type and turning it off in your task type setting

August 13th, 2015 | CRM | Count of Open Tasks

We enhanced our ACTIVITIES tab in our contact, opportunity and customer apps to show the total count of open tasks in the tab label so that users can see if there are any open tasks before deciding whether they need to click on that tab to view the list of open tasks, or not

August 13th, 2015 | Time Mgt. | Fix to Work-schedule Shifts and Summer-time

A fix was applied today to the generation of work shifts with defined shift patterns and start/stop times going over the start or end of summer-time for a particular time-zone. Now shifts will start and end at the same (local) time in normal and daylight savings time both, as opposed to shifts starting at the same (GMT) time

August 18th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Attendance Clocking Fixes

A few minor fixes to attendance clocking via a ZK Technology clocking device were applied today including a fix to picking up the device’s time-zone, an enhancement to the decision logic when two unspecified clocks are received in sequence and fixes to how error situations such as attendance clock not having a user in iBE or the employee not having a home department. The ZK Technology attendance devices we use have the option to specify the event type (IN, OUT, OUT TO BREAK, IN FROM BREAK) or not. When the event types are unspecified or in the wrong sequence – for example a clock IN followed by another clock IN for the same employee – we assume the second clock is in fact a clock OUT unless the second clock is on the next day. We have enhanced this decision logic to handle local time-zones and over-night work-shifts so that someone clocking IN for their night shift at 10 pm and then accidentally clocking IN again when it is time to go home at 6 am will be treated as a clock OUT not as a new day or new shift

August 18th, 2015 | Projects | Display of Task Timers in Task Details

Under the task details RESOURCES tab you or any authorized project lead can view people’s timesheet data classified to that particular project and task. This can be viewed by resource & task or in a separate report across multiple resources, tasks or projects for a given date range. We have now enhanced the task RESOURCES tab to show open or un-transferred TIMERS as well as time-sheets, to give project leaders a sense of what is coming (when timers are transferred into the latest timesheet) as well as what might have been missed the first time

August 18th, 2015 | Platform | Messages from Data Import/Export or from Background Jobs

We now store and allow you to view detailed execution messages from the last few executions of a data import/export or of a background job. You can specify in the job definition how many history records you wish to maintain (default = 5); and you can access historical job history data by selecting the historical run date/time from the menu list coming when clicking on the “view last run” icon

August 18th, 2015 | Platform | Firefox Fixes

Yet more layout fixes for Firefox browser users was applied. We are now pretty good in Chrome (recommended), Safari and Firefox. Only IE10/11 are still a little behind in being brought up to date and in optimizing performance

August 18th, 2015 | Expenses | Receipts Image Types

A missing file type (or “mime-type”) for a specific kind of PDF document was added today, allowing users to properly print these kinds of receipts in expense claim or invoice prints which include printing of receipts

August 18th, 2015 | Billing | Display of Zero Value Invoices

A fix was applied to ensure that zero value or free of charge invoices are displayed like normal invoices in the invoice list

August 18th, 2015 | Reporting | Parent Task in Dashboard Reports

The parent task is now populated with the task description on any tasks which are not in any kind of task hierarchy, so that summarized reporting on, for example, parent task description, picks up both sub-tasks and stand-alone tasks not in a hierarchy. To properly report on parent task we need to regenerate your analytics data for you, something we have done for several clients. Please contact us immediately if you report on parent task and require us to regenerate this information

August 24th, 2015 | Billing | Payment Terms Setting Screen

Three minor cosmetic fixes were applied to the payment terms setting screen

August 24th, 2015 | Platform | Install & Setup Apps

Our new “guided form” or wizard-style application to install and set-up the iBE apps is proving very popular with new clients signing up, as well as making it quicker and easier to do implementation / set-up calls. While this app. does not cover everything you can customize in iBE, it covers the key things you need to do initially in a guided format. A bug where users were being asked to save changes on leaving this application was fixed

August 24th, 2015 | Platform | Mobile Data Sync Authorization

Our mobile data read code was merged into our web application data read so that both are now based on the same utilities which include a full authorization check on the user’s authorizations, as well as blocking out private data from the wrong users

August 24th, 2015 | Billing | India Service Tax

Service tax codes and rates for India were updated

August 27th, 2015 | Billing | Manual Adjustments to Invoices

Some improvements were applied to manual adjustment of invoices including corrections to roll-up of sub-item quantities and amounts to invoice item level if sub-items are deleted, added or updated. You can also now manually edit invoice items which were created automatically from time or expense data or fixed price task milestones. Any updates to such auto-generated invoice lines will not impact or update the underlying source data

August 27th, 2015 | Time-off | Workflow Delegations from Group

The option to enter a workflow delegation was added to our Groups app as well as currently in’s time-off request app

August 27th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Mobile Phone Validation & Location

Validation of time entered via iPhone was enhanced to consider timesheet type settings for checking location, comments and hours, same as how our timesheet web application works already. A fix was applied when selecting location from time entry screen of iOS apps

August 27th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Assignment of a Task to All Resources

We completed an enhancement to allow tasks to be marked as for “all resources” without having to assign each employee individually. New hires are automatically able to book time to this task, very useful for general tasks such as company meetings or training development. We enabled this new “all resources” flag to be considered in our timesheet, expense claim, desktop timer and mobile phone apps

August 27th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Work-schedule Shift Generation

A fix was applied to generation of work-shifts or defined work start/stop times over summer time zone changes

August 27th, 2015 | Platform | Enter to Add Rows to Tables

You can now add rows to editable tables everywhere by simply pressing ENTER or RETURN button on the last row

September 3rd, 2015 | Tickets | Emailing Ticket Requester

Instead of having to insert a “shout out” by typing @ followed by selecting the desired recipient’s name in a comment to get it emailed, we introduce a new checkbox on task type to automatically email new comments or the ticket long text to whoever requested the ticket automatically

September 3rd, 2015 | Projects | Task Mass Resource Assignment

In the project resources page you can select one or more project resources and click in the “Quick-add Resources to Task” link in the resource table toolbar to get a menu of options to assign selected resources to all tasks, all resources to all tasks or all employees to all tasks. Mass resource assignment to task was moved to the background on our servers so that assigning a number of resources to a number of tasks – and corresponding calculations of utilization, planned efforts, costs and revenues, does not slow down your browser

September 3rd, 2015 | Reporting | Opportunity Dashboard

Filters for stage and service (product) were added to our opportunities dashboard, as well as a widget or graph showing potential or factored deal value by close date, aggregated into weeks or months

September 3rd, 2015 | Platform | Workflow Emails

An improvement to drilling down to iBE to open a timesheet, expense etc. from a workflow or approval email means that when you drill down you either open time or expense admin which often allows you to edit submitted timesheets, if you have authorization for that activity, or you open my time or my expenses if not authorized. We also shortened the URL when clicking on “approve” or “reject” links right from your workflow email to make it more compatible with different versions of MS Outlook which truncates longer URLs. We also tweaked some of the status column tooltips particularly in timesheet or expense claim list when workflow is being managed on timesheet or expense claim classification / project level

September 3rd, 2015 | Platform | Business Rules

Some fixes to business rules were pushed up to production including fixes to how our list of “rule operators” vary according to field type (e.g. equals, <, > for numbers; contains, starts with for texts and equals, before, after for dates). A fix to “any criteria must be met” vs. “all criteria must be met” was also applied

September 3rd, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Pay Calculation by Department

As well as capturing any time booked to a different department to the employee’s home department to feed to payroll, we now capture time booked to a project assigned to a department other than an employee’s home department. So if employees are borrowed to work on projects in another department their pay file will note this

September 3rd, 2015 | Time-off | Carry Forwards Ratio

Up until now you can specify the maximum allowed days to carry forwards as well as a deadline or timeframe to use up any carried-forwards days. When you request vacation before this deadline carried forward days are always consumed first. Now we have introduced a “carry forwards ratio” on request from one client, so you can for example carry forward 50% of the employee’s current balance at the end of your vacation year. Years of service for calculation of varying entitlements is now based on start date + minimum service period required before accruing vacation (typically probation time)

September 8th, 2015 | Platform | Test Mode

Emails sent from and forms or invoices printed out when in “test mode” now feature the words “Test Mode” clearly in the email subject or printed form header. You can log into in test mode at any time to create data which you won’t see in normal mode, either prior to going live with or for training or testing purposes

September 8th, 2015 | Platform | IE and Firefox

Some fixes were applied to layouts in Firefox and using files or attachments with IE11

September 8th, 2015 | Employee | Time-off Balances Display

We added a suffix “days” or “hours” after the display of each time-off type in the employee time-off tab, to better delineate between daily vs. hourly time-off rules. You may remember that we recently rolled out a major enhancement for hourly time-off types for part-time staff based on their actual hours recorded from month to month

September 8th, 2015 | CRM | Opportunities

A number of improvements were made to our pipeline or opportunities today including

  • Enhancements and fixes to how authorizations are automatically calculated. Now the assigned sales rep’s manager and their manager (“manager of manager”) can access opportunities, allowing sales managers and directors to view and update opportunities for their entire team
  • A fix was applied to move recently opened opportunities to the top of the search list, unless you sort by any column such as value, probability, factored deal value or sales stage. We also enhanced the sort of sales stages, rather than sorting alphabetically forcing you to label stages as “01 – xxx”, “02 – yyy” we now sort stages in order of default then maximum deal closure probability with lost stages coming before 0% probability stages
  • Automatic or user driven project creation of a project from an opportunity was enhanced with opportunity dates now being transferred to the new project, and immediate transfer of the newly created project ID back into the opportunity screen without having to reload
  • Additional columns in search or opportunity list screen including comments and files or attachment column

September 8th, 2015 | Billing | Invoice Printed Output

We added fields for project long text, comments and project leader to our invoice print-out. We also allow you to automatically retrieve and print signature images from either the project leader or customer account manager, depending on how your invoice print-out is configured

September 8th, 2015 | Project Mgt | Project Financials

Today we are pleased to annouce a major upgrade to our project financials. We have rebuilt the static “form” into a table or grid allowing you to expand and collapse rows, show and hide columns and even rename columns to suit your own terminology. We now present the project financials based on the following information in columns for actuals to date, remaining, forecast (actual + remaining), base plan and any number of baselines and variances between:

  1. T&M Revenue at company or project rates (a project type setting) to give an indication of what this project might be worth if the same volume or work had been sold at company rates or on a pure T&M basis. This is the basis of calculating your customer’s discount %
  2. Project or Contract Services Revenue is the actual, projected or forecast labor and services revenue or the sum of hours * resource billing rates for T&M deliverables plus quantities service/product rates for fixed price or milestone-based deliverables
  3. Expenses Revenue is either zero (if your project type is configured not to include billable expenses as revenue) or the value of billable expenses plus any applicable mark-up(s) defined in your project’s expenses tab
  4. Project Labor Cost is the sum of actual, planned, remaining or forecast hours times each resources’ individual cost rate for every task, irrespective of whether that task is internal, T&M or fixed price. The cost of a fixed price task is based on the labor input in other words
  5. Project Gross Service Margin is the Project or Contract Services Revenue minus the Project Labor Cost (as $) or this margin divided by the Project or Contract Services Revenue (as %). It never includes expenses
  6. Billable vs. non-billable Expense Costs are the sums of billable vs. non-billable expenses booked to this project. We will also introduce planned or budgeted expenses in the near future
  7. Total Project Direct Cost is simply the sum of Labor + Expense Costs
  8. Project Gross Margin depends on whether your project type is set up to include expenses as revenue or not. If expenses are included then the total project gross margin is the Project Services Revenue + Expenses Revenue minus Total Project Direct Cost (which includes all expenses). If expenses are not included then the total project gross margin is the Project Services Revenue minus Project Labor Cost and also minus the Non-billable Expenses Cost (since billable expenses are not part of the margin calculation). Project Gross Margin as a % is the margin divided by total project revenue (again including or excluding expense revenues based on your project type setting)
  9. Department Overhead Allocation is a new concept where you will soon be able to maintain overhead % separately for labor vs. expenses by department. All projects allocated to each department will adopt that department’s overhead rates and calculate Net Margins accordingly. More information on this will be forthcoming as well roll it out
  10. We also keep track of a large number of other financial and operational project metrics such as funded and unfunded revenues (based on matching revenues to customer purchase order values remaining), invoiced, paid and approved timesheet or expense amounts ready to bill (as well as calculating average days to pay this project), recognized revenue (based on a range of industry-standard reveue recognition techniques for you to choose from), dates, durations, efforts, internal cost budgets and average cost and revenue per labor hour

September 8th, 2015 | Project Mgt | Baselines

As opposed to planned values representing a single baseline vs. forecast values being the up to date plan we introduced a feature to allow you to take a snapshot or baseline copy of the project’s plans, progress and financials at any time in the project’s life-cycle. You can create multiple baselines and compare or calculate variances between current and baseline data for a project. Subject to customer demand we intend to further enhance this in the future to support copying of baseline data back to the active project planning data

September 17th, 2015 | Project Mgt | Task Hierarchies

A few weeks ago we introduced the concept of rolling up progress through a task hierarchy, allowing you to for example plan resources, hours and budgets on a task-list or project and then aggregate actuals from sub-tasks calculating the % complete, earned value and earned revenue on the parent task as actual hours rolled up / planned hours on parent task. We now further extend this concept by closing sub-tasks automatically when a parent task is closed, rescheduling sub-tasks in line with changes to parent task dates (if scheduling method is “down” that is) as well as fixing a bug where deletion of the parent task was not deleting all of its sub-tasks

September 17th, 2015 | Employee Admin | Work Assignments

Some fixes were applied to our work-assignment tab in edit mode, allowing admins to assign projects and tasks to employees without having to open up each project one by one. We fixed the search for tasks within a project and added a feature to select and add multiple tasks at the same time

September 17th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Pay Calculation from Clocking in/out

We applied a fix to how time is calculated for night-shift employees clocking in and then forgetting to clock out. Rather than assuming a clocking event on the next day is the start of a new shift, for employees with defined shift start and stop times including over-night or night shift workers we detect if the next clocking action is closer to the start of the new shift – in which case we assume they are clocking in – or to the end of the old shift, in which case a clock-out event is adopted. For example someone working 10 pm to 6 am who forgets to clock-out at 6 am and clocks again at 8 pm will be detected as clocking in for the new shift whereas if they clocked at 10 am earlier the same day it would be assumed as clocking out from the earlier shift. Break hours are now deducted for work-schedules where you want to automatically deduct breaks only if the total time worked exceeds a new configuration settings called “minimum hours before deduction of breaks”

September 17th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Booking Time to Department

Previously you could control whether employees book their time to a department, project/task or both. Now you can also restrict the departments which can be added to a timesheet by checking a field called “Single Department” in the employee compensation tab to stop the employee from booking time to any other department

September 17th, 2015 | Billing | List Invoices

Some small enhancements were applied to our customer invoice list including allowing authorized users to update invoice status and send invoices to customer right from the overview page, as well as autolinking of real invoices to outstanding proforma invoices where possible. A fix to invoice item numbers was also applied when the configured item interval is 1, instead of 10, 11, 12 we number invoice items now as 1, 2, 3 …

September 24th, 2015 | Reporting | Interactive Dashboard

Go to to access our interactive dashboard allowing you to navigate through a range of pre-canned consulting industry reports. We have worked hard to add realistic data to these dashboards so that you can “try before you buy”

September 24th, 2015 | Employee Admin | Expense claim type & hire date

We made hire date optional unless you are running time-off or payroll out of We also added an option to assign a specific expense claim type to a subset of your employees, allowing you to for example have some users record travel and living expenses and another group (buyers) record vendor bills. Or have partner expense claims follow different workflow approvals to other employees

September 24th, 2015 | Project Mgt | Template Task Lists

A couple of fixes were applied to our template task lists including logic to automate start/finish dates for tasks included from a template as well as defaulting rules for assigned or responsible person

September 24th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Time & Attendance based on Work-shifts

A significant enhancement was also promoted to production for our missing time report for employees who work shifts or work-schedules with defined start and stop times. Instead of calculating holidays and standard work-hours per day from the company holiday calendar, for employees and contractors with work-shifts we now calculate standard working hours based on the definition of each shift. This allows working hours to potentially vary in length from one day to next as well as from employee to employee. We also mark days with no work-shift as off days instead of company holidays. Finally we applied an enhancement not to show “missing time” if the employee’s time capture method is for time-off and overtime only, and to display the work-schedule name not code in this report

September 24th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Time & Attendance Report

You can adjust filters, such as employees to show missing time for; columns to display, such as time booked, time off or missing time; sort and totals. We fixed a problem with saving these filters & layouts so you can now save the report layout and share it with others (admin users only)

September 24th, 2015 | Billing | Billing Rate Codes

Some cosmetic improvements were applied to the set-up and on-going maintenance of billing rate codes

September 24th, 2015 | Expenses | Unclaimed Transactions

Several enhancements to how you manage unclaimed or imported bank transactions from your bank or credit card were delivered today including:

  • Importing transactions from your bank ready to be transferred to a claim. No need to go through and mark transactions as ready to transfer to an expense claim
  • Option to transfer imported transactions to an existing claim or create a new expense claim right from the unclaimed screen. Click on the Release to Claim button to transfer these items to a claim
  • Option to select multiple unclaimed transactions at once and process them all together
  • Option to stop employees from deleting or putting claim items on “hold” and not classifying them to a customer or project, which is useful for company paid cards where you don’t want transactions to go unaccounted for
  • We will be enhancing automatic determination of expense type and supplier with dynamic business rules in the near future

September 24th, 2015 | Platform | Audit Trail

We added information for mobile phone users to our audit trail, such as device ID. This will help us in future trouble-shooting

September 24th, 2015 | Platform | Quickbooks Online Integration

As part of our program to get Quickbooks certification and premium placement in their app-store, we delivered OpenID authentication and login to using your Quickbooks Online account. There is a new “Intuit” button in our login panel, clicking on which logs you into iBE using your connected Quickbooks Account credentials

September 24th, 2015 | Platform | Internet Explorer

We made some improvements in how iBE is displayed in IE10 and 11

October 1st, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Timesheet Minimum Increment

A fix to how timesheet minimum booking increments, rounding and total hours calculation was applied

October 1st, 2015 | CRM | Opportunity Default Probability

We moved the calculation of opportunity probability of closure by comparing stage min/max/default probability to the current value, from the browser to our server. This means that any way you update an opportunity, whether from our web-app, mobile, mail, API or file, will calculate the default probability properly based on the assigned sales stage

October 1st, 2015 | CRM | Customer Contacts

Whenever contacts or customers are updated iBE now syncs the company-contact data and links between the person and company objects both ways. This allows you to, for example, upload customers and their contacts from an imported file without having to be concerned about uploading the links between these two objects

October 1st, 2015 | Platform | Workflow Message Files

You can now include files or attachments with automated workflow messages. Contact your iBE support consultant to customize the workflow message to your needs

October 1st, 2015 | Platform | Quick Add Widget

One of the widgets in the left panel is a quick-add. Select the document you want to create e.g. customer, project, task, timesheet and click on the + button. You can now select the document type at the same time

October 1st, 2015 | Platform | User Preferences & Locations

The user preferences summary screen was tidied up somewhat, with a new link in the user prefereces summary to clear the cache in case of any out of date files or table layouts you want to clear. Locations are now “lazy-loaded” or loaded from our server on demand to improve performance

October 1st, 2015 | Platform | Custom Fields

Custom fields were introduced six months ago to allow you to store and recall any information which is not part of our typical data model. You can now create custom fields which display existing information or fields projected onto another screen. Think of it like a report or query running inside the custom tab or field-set, pulling data from an object linked to the document you have open. We also added our address panel (with mapping feature) as a possible custom field type to complement our existing custom fields (date, text, number, percent, quantity-unit, value-amount, duration, text, email, lookup text, look up list and so on). At the same time, an issue causing custom fields not to save or to save and not display was fixed

October 9th, 2015 | Platform | Log-out

You may have noticed iBE now says “Bye” when you log out. might be a software program but it is writen lovingly by humans

October 9th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Equivalent T&M revenue Reporting

We added a calculation of “Equivalent T&M revenue” for time booked to fixed price tasks in a timesheet, based on reading the employee’s hours multiplied by their billing rate code, either the standard rate or a project-specific one if it was maintained. Now you can maintain billing rates (or use your company rates) for fixed price projects and report on “Consultant Profitability” or produce a P&L by consultant. We will be further enhancing this in the near future to reduce hourly rates by pay cycle to account for unpaid overtime and to report the same in analytics dashboards

October 9th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Time & Attendance / Missing Time Report

Some improvements were rolled out this week to our missing time report, the report used to check daily hours planned, clocked, recorded in a timesheet or taken as time-off for your team. The from-to dates now default to the last closed timesheet period with the option to modify these dates and recall them next time you run the report relative to today. A fix was also applied to grouping of rows by week, month or payroll period and a new column was added to highlight typical issues encountered with a team member’s time or attendance such as:

  • Clock in event but no clock-out for a completed shift
  • Time is missing
  • Attendance falls outside the clock in/out grace periods

October 9th, 2015 | Files | Check-in & Check-out

A new feature was rolled out this week to allow you to check out files. If you download, modify and then replace a file – something which has been available for this past year – someone else might modify the same file at the same time. Using our optional Check-out feature the file becomes locked, so that other users can download or preview but not replace the file, until you check the new version back-in. You can also see who has checked a file out

October 9th, 2015 | Files | Assign Existing Files

A number of enhancements were applied to how files are uploaded and documents such as expense claims linked to existing (uploaded) files or receipts. This includes auto-selection of a file if there is only one attached, allowing thumbnail images of existing files to be linked to be zoomed or scaled and cosmetic improvements to the files toolbar. We will soon roll out an enhancement to memorize a file’s rotation and zoom since last adjusted or looked at by any user

October 9th, 2015 | Billing | Invoice Print-out

Credit memos are now printed more clearly in the pre-configured invoice printed output with “CREDIT” printed in the invoice header

October 9th, 2015 | Expenses | Mobile App Receipts

A fix to attaching or taking photos of receipts using your iOS phone was approved by Apple yesterday and is now available to update your iBE mobile app. You could always take photos of receipts in your phone and sync these as receipts back to receipts in iBE and then link them to an existing claim in our web-application. Now you can also take photos of receipts and create a claim from your phone and sync the entire claim, with receipts, to our web-application. Just don’t forget to back out of the expense claim item screen on your phone to trigger its sync back to our servers

October 9th, 2015 | Expenses | Expense Suppliers

A couple of enhancements were applied to expense suppliers including the option to combine supplier lists which come pre-delivered in the iBE application with suppliers you or your employees create as they claim expenses. We added a checkbox in supplier type screen to indicate if suppliers of this type can be included in expense claims. The other use for suppliers is in our upcoming purchasing module. At the same time some fixes were applied to the option to require an expense claim or report to be classified to a single customer or project and to the deletion of receipts

September 17th, 2015 | Mobile | Authorized apps

You can now limit which iBE apps your users can access on their mobile phones. By assigning mobile phone activities to installed components and user roles, the iOS / Android phone landing page will now grey out unauthorized or inactive apps. So if you do not use time-off or expenses your users won’t be able to access these apps on their phones

What can different user types access

What can different user types access

You can configure job-role based menus giving or restricting access by user or groups of users to any apps in, access can be controlled at the app, tab, table column or field level. There are some restrictions by user type as shown in this link.

October 12th, 2015 | Platform | Sender for Change Notifications

The sender for data change notifications sent to concurrent users was changed from iBE system to the user causing the data change notification in the first place

October 12th, 2015 | Platform | Customized help menus

You can now create custom or client-specific help texts, if required on an app by app basis, and link these custom help texts to a specific activity. Contact your iBE support or implementation consultant for information on how to do this and for help creating custom help documentation

October 12th, 2015 | People | Filter based on Upcoming Birthdays

“Birthday Within” was added to the employee filters so that only employees with upcoming birthdays within a specified period of time from today are displayed

October 12th, 2015 | Files | Link and Delink Files or Receipts

Based on customer feedback we moved the link and delink buttons in files or receipts popup toolbar to the left to be next to the button to upload a new file or receipt

October 12th, 2015 | Expenses | Expense Supplier

A number of enhancements to the expenses supplier were delivered today including a quick-add option to create new suppliers from within the expense claim

October 12th, 2015 | Expenses | Classification of Expense Items

The popup to classify expenses was enhanced to bring it in line with timesheet classification, only loading applicable tasks on demand and considering “all resources” checkbox in task > details > resources tab

October 12th, 2015 | Expenses | Expense Payments

Reimbursement or payment of expenses was enhanced by adding a list of payments to each expense instead of a single field for total amount paid

October 12th, 2015 | Time & Expenses | Equivalent T&M Revenue

A column to display the equivalent T&M revenue even on a fixed price task was added to the Time & Expenses list report

October 12th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Added Time Ratio in Pay Calculation

An enhancement to pay calculation for additive time types was completed today. When an added time ratio overtime rule is processed instead of converting timesheet hours to that specific time type, time is added. This is used for example for training preparation time where only classroom hours are recorded in the timesheet and preparation time is automatically added

October 20th, 2015 | Project Mgt | Task Reminders

The task reminder feature was enhanced to allow quick selection of standard reminders from the task list in a project or my tasks in addition to the definition of a custom reminder based on user input of reminder frequency pattern e.g. every two weeks, every month on 10th and 20th or every day at 10 am

October 20th, 2015 | Billing | Send Invoice

The send invoice menu option from the customer invoice “more” button menu was upgraded today with:

  • Default of project or customer billing contact with option for selecting another customer contact to send the invoice to
  • Copy field with option to select one or more employees to send a copy to
  • Updating customer invoice workflow to mark invoice as sent
  • Option to enter remarks which then appear in the email
  • If there is more than one form, option to select which invoice PDF form to print and send
  • Recording when the invoice was sent by creating a message to the invoice recipient at the same time as sending an email. The message in iBE provides a record of when the invoice was sent and to whom
  • Allowing invoices to be sent from the list invoices application

November 4th, 2015 | Expenses | Imported Bank Card Data

The expense claim item detail view has been enhanced to display data imported from your bank or credit card including the transaction data, credit card description (which also defaults to the claim item text but you can over-write it) and the merchant and bank transaction category

October 20th, 2015 | Project Mgt | Various Enhancements

  • Alignment of tab sequence and labels to: KEY INFO, MILESTONES, TASKS, GANTT (when available), RESOURCES, RATES (dropping the word “service”), PLANNING (when available), EXPENSES, FINANCIALS, BILLING (new label for “funds” tab), PROGRESS, COMMENTS, FILES and of course HISTORY
  • Changing “Total Contract Value” to “Total Value” so it can be used to track funds on internal as well as external projects
  • Defaulting company from user’s own company, if your organization has more than one company set-up
  • Checking valid from for service rates vs. new project start date if project is scheduled earlier
  • Updating milestone amounts from changes in service assigned or service rate in same session without reloading browser. Calculation of milestone amounts when service rates are defined in service master and not editable on the project
  • Removing “Billing Strategy” from the milestone tab; it is enough to define the billing strategy on the project type setup. Setting milestone amount column as hidden by default for internal projects
  • Renaming BILLING tab to BUDGETS for internal projects
  • A fix to the color of the alert icons to indicate if an alert has been defined or not
  • A fix to placement of tabs including customized screen layouts to hide or rename certain tabs when they fall under the “more” tab option at the far right
  • Cosmetic enhancements to the main activity title especially when drilling down to task details
  • Allowing users to save grid or table layouts in all other tabs not just TASKS tab
  • An option to copy Rates from one project to another as well as propagating or copying rates within the current project either “Down” (from one service to the next within the same billing rate code) or “Across” (from one resource rate code to the next within the same service). Copy rates down when pricing is effectively based on the resource and across when pricing is effectively based on the task or service performed, even for T&M work
  • Display of the ratio between the project’s projected and fixed price revenue and the equivalent T&M revenue based on the planned hours multiplied by each person’s resource billing rate if the project was to be delivered on a pure T&M basis. This ratio can be used in turn to adjust or tune the equivalent T&M rates so that the equivalent T&M revenue equates to the project fixed price revenue exactly. This is particular useful if you want to measure a fixed fee project’s revenue performance from week to week based on hours worked; you do this by keeping track of equivalent T&M revenue and margin
  • An option to copy the rate code as well as the billing rate from employee master to the project. In this way employee promotions causing a resource to move up to a higher rate code won’t impact pre-existing projects since their old rate code as well as its rate was copied to that project

November 4th, 2015 | Quickbooks Connection | Security Audit

Following a security audit by Intuit as part of our certification as an approved Quickbooks Online add-on we made the following security enhancements to

  • Prevent anyone from calling the password API to reset to a new user supplied password without providing the old password. This was already a requirement in our app however on advice from Intuit we added this to our back-end API as well
  • Checking of client-configured password policies in the back-end API as well as in the password reset user preference app. Similar to supplying old password, this will prevent a hacker from calling our password reset API directly (not via our app) bypassing any client configured password policies. We also default new clients signing up for iBE to require a number as well as upper/lower case letters in their users’ passwords
  • Checking for a new password consisting of a word plus a number or one of the keywords which are not allowed (based on the client’s password policies) such as user name or security question response. Now we also prevent passwords which contain keywords which are not allowed with one letter only changed
  • Remove of information from our server API response data which might be helpful to a hacker such as server-side software, version and cache settings
  • Whilst iBE is and always was using fully encrypted https communication protocols we would not stop people from accessing using http not https urls. Now we redirect anyone accessing iBE using the less secure http automatically to https
  • More aggressive termination or expiry of the user’s session token used to allow them to re-access iBE without re-entering their password if “remember me” was checked. There is no change to the functionality and convenience of “remember me” as this is an industry-wide feature, however we now invalidate their token after a shorter time and do not allow tokens to continue being used without an expiry date

November 4th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Missing Time Report

Various enhancements and fixes were applied this week to the T&A or missing time report including defaulting the from/to dates based on the user’s previous timesheet period, display of error icons and messages for abnormal attendance, sending missing time reminders from periodic totals, expand/collapse all groups, and corrections to manual editing of individual time clocks or attendance records from the main report

November 4th, 2015 | Expenses | Expense Claim Type Set-up

A set-up screen for expense claim types was created to allow you to create multiple claim types for example travel expenses vs. vendor bills and to control expense report behavior such as non-reimbursible, single vendor, approval workflow and claim numbering

October 20th, 2015 | Time-off | Probation

A fix was applied to consider probation before allowing time-off. You can specify how many months service are required before time-off requests are permitted by time-off type

October 20th, 2015 | People | Employee Admin Enhancements

  • Modify column headings from TYPE to LABEL and KIND to TYPE in CONTACTS tab
  • Remove company from COMPENSATION tab as it is already header. We no longer support compensation in a different company to the employee’s main company (since no-one was using it)
  • Move total compensation up to FINANCE section of compensation tab, together with “Expenses via payroll” checkbox. Miscellaneous field alignment clean-up
  • By default we now hide the table listing compensation details because a majority of clients simply maintain total compensation and do not bother with details like salary, social security, night shift premiums or living allowances. There is now a checkbox “Compensation details” with brings back the table of compensation elements when checked
  • Fixes to update of salary history and an enhancement to include the initial or first maintained salary in salary history

October 29th, 2015 | Reporting | Elapsed Time Formula

A new formula for “elapsed time” was introduced into our analytics dashboards allowing the report to automatically calculate the elapsed time in work hours between from/to dates in the date slicer. This formula can now be used for example to dynamically calculate utilization as total billable hours between from/to dates divided by elapsed time

October 29th, 2015 | Reporting | Billing Remarks and Department

Billing remark and department was added to the analytics dashboard reporting table

October 29th, 2015 | Files | Display of Files from Tags Widget

A fix was applied to the display of files from the tags widget. You can display any document from the tags widget on left-side provided that the document is tagged accordingly

October 29th, 2015 | Reports | Date Slicers

We recently enhanced from-to date slicers or filters in an analytics dashboard to work with more than one date dimension at the same time, particularly useful when the dashboard is bringing together date-based transaction data from multiple tables such as time and time-off. Today we further enhanced the date slicer to allow AND (both dates must be between the from-to date range selected) and OR (either date must be between the from-to date range) conditions

October 29th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Mobile Phone App – Navigation

The “<“ icon in top left was replaced with a “DONE” button in our iPhone and Android applications for timesheets, timers and time-off requests. This update was based on customer feedback where users expected phone data to sync with the web without backing out of the current timesheet. The DONE button indicates it must be clicked to save the document, even though functionally it does the same as clicking the back arrow, that is to sync the object with our back-end web server and return to the prior screen

October 29th, 2015 | Projects & People | Task Specific Compensation or Pay Rates

Our revenue and cost calculations in both project and task and the Time & Expense list report were both enhanced to consider task specific compensation rates. Billing is being enhanced to consider task-specific billing rates next

October 29th, 2015 | People | Employee Search

A number of new fields including country were added to the employee search list as hidden columns and/or as filters

October 29th, 2015 | Project & Task | Opening Task Details from Email

Workflow emails for tasks or other objects contain a link to open the object in iBE. A fix was applied to opening tasks and other objects from email links for older versions of Outlook and at the same time the opening of a workflow task from email was enhanced to open that task within its project, if the user is authorized to open projects, so that the user can click on “< PROJECT” to quickly open other tasks from the same project

October 29th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Timesheets with varying Periods over time

You can customize your own timesheet period in iBE either weekly (starting on any day of the week) or a custom period such as two weeks, monthly, weekly with splits at month-end for billing or bi-monthly (1-15, 16 to last day of month). If you modify the timesheet period configured against a work-schedule, or change the work-schedule an employee or contractor is assigned after some timesheets have been created iBE now scans the current active timesheet period to see if there are any pre-existing timesheets overlapping the current period, and automatically cuts short or trims down the current timesheet period to avoid any timesheets overlapping with each other. This means you can modify work schedules or timesheet period definitions after entering timesheets in the system without worrying about a conflict between new and old timesheet data

October 29th, 2015 | Billing | Russian VAT

A fix was applied for Russian VAT tax and reporting of tax in the customer invoice summary when tax rates are maintained directly in the pricing or calculation sheet

November 13th, 2015 | CRM | Project Creation from Opportunity

We delivered some months back a new feature to automatically generate a project when an opportunity was closed, or based on one of the opportunity sales stages or workflow steps. We enhanced this further to create the project from a template where the template project or task-list may be assigned to either the opportunity type (in settings) or the primary product or service of that opportunity (in the product/service catalog). Today we are further enhancing this feature to:

  • Automatically setup the new project based on the expected start date on the opportunity, and then forward schedule each task in this new project based on the lead time offset of each template task from the template project start date in working (not calendar) days. For example if the template project starts on November 2nd 2015 and has three tasks starting Nov 2nd, 9th and 16th, then a project created for an opportunity with estimated start date of December 1st would have the same three tasks starting December 1st, 8th and 15th
  • Set project leader based on the project template not based on the account rep. assigned to the opportunity
  • Automatically name the opportunity based on the customer or prospect it is for, and automatically name the project which is created based on the opportunity name followed by any text in the template project description. This way you can tell at a glance of the name which customer the project is for
  • Display of the new created project screen in the opportunity KEY INFO tab without having to reload the browser in between to sync things up

November 13th, 2015 | Billing | Taxes on Adhoc Items

You can manually add items even to an auto-generated invoice. Tax is now calculated correctly on manually added items based on the product or service assigned

November 13th, 2015 | Billing | Marking Items as Fully Billed

If you mark an item as “do not bill” in the customer billing preparation screen the bill quantity and $ are cleared and the item is marked as “do not bill” which means it will come up next time you run billing. If on the other hand you change the quantity to zero it will now marked at “fully billed” with zero quantity and $ which means you do not want to bill it now or later. You can also modify the quantity to bill and then mark the item as “fully billed” to avoid it being picked up again in a future invoice

November 13th, 2015 | Billing | Zero $ Invoices

A fix was applied to display $0 invoices in the list invoices report

November 13th, 2015 | People | Upload of Employee’s Signature

You can upload an employee’s signature from the employee details screen by clicking on the “Upload Signature” menu item under the more toolbar button. Select a jpg or png scan of your or the employee’s signature to upload it. This is in turn used when printing an invoice with the billing administrator or client delivery project manager’s signature on it

November 13th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Pay Calculation for Task-specific Pay Rates

An enhancement to pay calculation was delivered today to consider task specific rates of pay and not just the employee’s basic compensation or standard cost. Task specific rates of pay are maintained in the employee’s COMPENSATION tab after checking the compensation details box and making sure that the columns for project and task are made visible in the compensation details table below

November 13th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Default Start & End Dates

As opposed to setting the default start and end dates as last week, as would be the case for clients submitting weekly timesheets, we now look at the client’s customized timesheet period first. If for example that company submits monthly timesheets then the default start and dates will be for last month and not last week

November 13th, 2015 | Reporting | Pivot Tables

If you modify columns widths in a pivot or cross-tab in iBE’s dashboards this is now saved and re-applied next time you run the same report. This is consistent and already supported in multi-column tables for iBE analytics dashboards

November 20th, 2015 | Platform | Remote Stores

A major enhancement code-named “harrier” was released to production today to improve performance. Instead of loading a search list in full – a process which can take 30 seconds or longer with hundreds or thousands of projects, customers or contacts – we only load the first 50 records or so. This is way faster to initially open the app and requires the next set of records to load automatically as you scroll down. This is called “infinite scrolling”. We also had to take care of filters (filtering results not based on the 50 records in view but on the entire database), sorting (sorting not just the 50 records in view but the entire database) and search, not to mention download to excel, grouping and display of recently opened documents. You can move a “performance slider bar” in user preferences by clicking on your photo or initials and then clicking on “advanced settings” in the popup. All in all this is the culmination of four months effort and while the difference is not immediately visible, it will go a long way to positioning iBE for larger clients and to address client concerns about performance

November 20th, 2015 | Platform | Priority Set-up

A fix was applied to the screen where you can customize your own priority codes. You can define a priority code, name and sequence to ensure the highest priorities appear first

November 20th, 2015 | Time-off | Requests approved in the Following Year

A fix to reducing available time-off balance in the correct year was applied specifically for cases where a request was raised in one vacation year and approved in the next vacation year

November 20th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Request to Save Changes

The popup asking users to save changes even if nothing was edited, because tasks assigned to the employee are being automatically pulled into their timesheet, was fixed today

November 20th, 2015 | Expenses | Vendor Bills

We configured a new activity and menu item called “Vendor Bills” under a new menu called “Finance”. This is the start of increased finance support including future developments for purchasing and asset management as well as tighter integration with more accounting systems. You won’t find “expense admin” under hr anymore, unless you have a customized role-based menu both expense admin and vendor bills are under a new “Finance” menu. Vendor bills work the same as expense claims except that the supplier is at claim or invoice header level not item level and instead of recording the employee on a travel expense, you enter the buyer. Vendor bills are of course company paid and therefore non-reimbursable, plus they normally have a different approval workflow assigned, but they are classified and invoiced to clients the same as travel expenses

November 20th, 2015 | Expenses | Mileage Rates such as $0.575 / mile

The expense mileage rate per mile can now be expressed in three decimals not two to allow for current USA Govt. recommended rate of 57.5 cents/mile. While the rate per mile now allows three decimals the resulting total for the expense claim item and so on is still rounded to 2 decimals or to the nearest cent

November 20th, 2015 | Expenses | Configurable Expense Claim Type in Mobile Apps

The iBE delivered or hard-coded expense claim type was replaced in our iPhone and Android phone apps with a system defined expense claim type including now an option to select a specific claim type for an individual resource. For example contractors or managers or buyers might wish to use a different claim type by default

November 20th, 2015 | Billing | Various Enhancements

  • Payment terms is now optional on proforma invoices
  • When an invoice is deleted we now check that timesheets or expense claims referring to that invoice – which need to be re-opened for billing – have proper links. If any links are missing the user is informed and they cannot undelete the invoice and re-open the original timesheets for billing

November 28th, 2015 | Files | Receipt Drag & Drop using Windows

A fix was applied to dragging and dropping files or receipts using Windows

November 28th, 2015 | Quickbooks Integration | Quickbooks App Store Listing

We are pleased to announce that is now listed as an official add-on app for Quickbooks in their app store. Go to this link for more information

November 28th, 2015 | Quickbooks Integration | Security Features

Following an audit by Quickbooks we today completed our security related enhancements with a new feature to automatically lock users out of iBE if they get their password wrong six or more times in 24 hrs. Now instead of closing and re-opening the browser if you get your password wrong six or more times in a row you are locked out of for the next 24 hours, unless you contact your system administrator or iBE support consultant to request a speedier unlock. We will be making it easier to unlock users locked in this way in the near future

November 28th, 2015 | Billing | Task Specific Billing Rates

An enhancement to billing to consider task specific billing rates in addition to resource rate code or service specific rates. Now task can be used as one of the factors influencing pricing, as defined in the project mgt. app MILESTONES tab

November 28th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Desktop Timer

An enhancement to desktop timer to allow start-stop timers for tasks where all resources are allowed to book time, even if user is not explicitly assigned as a resource

November 28th, 2015 | CRM | A New Leads & Contacts App

Following on from our harrier-release of remote stores on Nov 20th we are pleased to announce a new leads & contacts app (with a new customer app to following shortly after) making use of on-demand or lazy loaded contact list and more:

  • Search or list screen enhancements
    • Cosmetic improvements to empty filter prompt texts e.g. “All companies”, “All lead stages” etc.
    • Replace the “All” filter with “My Team & Unassigned” for non-admin users who do not have authorization to see all contacts
    • Simplified display by reducing the number of columns visible initially and by default to name, phone, email, company & stage. The other ~20 columns of data are hidden and can be displayed via the column personalization menu accessed by clicking on any column header. Preferred email and phone are now stored on each contact as well as in that contact’s list of communication options
    • Allowing a sales manager to see leads and contacts for his or her team and also leads and contacts for people who report to people who report to him or her
    • Options to filter based on tag values, assigned lead score (at least…) or next action due before a certain date in the future
  • Details or tab panel enhancements
    • Tabs have been moved from half-way down to directly under the main activity title. This is more intuitive for people to find
    • A new KEY INFO tab was created with all the most important information such as name, email, phone, job title and company as well as stage, assigned rep., last and next follow-up activity, source and tags. Custom fields can also be added. Most of the time you won’t even need to leave the KEY INFO tab in a contact at all
    • A new button to create a follow-up has been developed which lists all the sales relevant activity types defined in your database such as meetings, follow-ups, quotes or demos. Instead of a single generic popup to create a sales activity there are three different popup designs each optimized for a different purpose: one for meetings, one for emails (which directly sends an email to the lead or contact when the popup is confirmed) and one for all other kinds of follow-up
    • If the lead was converted to an opportunity the number of opportunities is displayed as a hot-link to navigate to that lead’s opportunities. The button to convert a lead to an opportunity has been moved from the sub-title bar to the main screen
    • The activities tab still displays all open and closed activities for the lead however like the customer and opportunity activities tabs you can now also see the number of open vs. closed activities and create/edit reminders directly from the main activity list without having to open task details first
    • The sales/CRM, personalization and profile tabs for a lead have been consolidated into a single tab called PROFILE with information on the lead’s date of birth/birthday, languages and date/time/number formats, CRM qualification criteria such as number of employees, industry, region and acquisition timeframe, the lead’s rating and score (which can still be based on the qualification criteria) and the lead’s source, cost and assigned rep.
    • The LinkedIn tab was dropped since LinkedIn’s APIs are no longer open

December 3rd, 2015 | CRM | New Customer Mgt. App

A new customer mgt. app was released today which loads significantly faster when you have hundreds or thousands of customers and prospects because it now uses a lazy or on-demand loading technique, only bringing up the first 50 or so customers and loading more when you scroll or search down the list. In addition we delivered the following enhancements:

  • Search or list screen enhancements
    • Fixes to empty texts in search screen filters (e.g. “All Customers” instead of “All Customer”)
    • Fixes to display of recently opened customers at the top
    • Display of parent customer (headquarters) column in search
  • Details or tab panel enhancements
    • Tabs have been moved from half way down the screen to the top in keeping with other application UI improvements such as project mgt or task details
    • Field alignment fixed on various tabs
    • Addition of social media fields such as Twitter, Facebook, Google + and LinkedIn URLs
    • Removal of the many row-based icons in the contacts tab to a menu under “Action” button instead. You can still add/delete contacts from buttons but changing role, editing a contact, assigning a new but existing contact are all now part of the action button menu. You can also drag contacts up or down the contacts list grouped by role to change a contact’s role
    • Drop-down menu to select a role when a new contact is being added. Role is important to indicate if a contact at a customer is someone you sell to, bill or send invoices to, manages payment or has some other role
    • Improvements to the contact details popup including removal of LinkedIn tab (since LinkedIn no longer makes their API public) and consolidation of some other tabs. We will be further enhancing this to directly call the leads/contacts app instead of a popup in the near future
    • Addition of a new tab called PRODUCTS which allows you to specify what products or services are sold to that customer
    • Moving the tax exempt checkbox to the accounting tab so that TAX tab only appears for non-exempt companies
    • Allowing direct edit of task description, assigned resource and start or finish dates of sales activities in ACTIVITIES tab; as well as fixes to activity or task details drill-down and addition of a reminder column
    • Improvements in layout of quick-add customer popup
    • A check for duplicate customers (other companies having the same name) during update

December 3rd, 2015 | Billing | Bill To and Attention To in Invoice

We enhanced our bill to and attn to fields in iBE’s customer invoice header to make it easier to display name/email but only print the bill to’s name on printed invoice PDF, while still allowing you to manually enter email addresses to send invoices to in case the bill to contact was not yet maintained. Now there are two fields in the invoice header

  • The bill to contact which is derived from the project billing contact or customer primary contact or customer secondary “invoice-to” contact in priority, but is always a valid contact in iBE
  • The attention to field which defaults to the name and email of the bill to contact delivered above, but can be manually edited if desired. Clicking on “Send Invoice” from more button menu still allows you to further edit the email your invoice PDF gets sent to

December 3rd, 2015 | Project Mgt | Previously Billed

As well as showing planned and actual quantity in a fixed price or quantity base task detail (DATES / QTY / COST tab) we now display the quantity that has been previously billed. This gives you at a glance information on how much you can still expect to bill, as normally actual quantity minus previously billed. You can even manually edit the previously billed quantity to manually correct invoicing errors or invoicing done outside iBE. Recurring tasks – where the actual quantity is billed again and again from one period to the next – still display “Billed Up To” date instead. We are now working on an enhancement to show previously billed amount in timesheet admin

December 3rd, 2015 | Workflow | Custom Fields in Workflow Messages

Customized workflow messages or workflow/approval emails can be set-up via Setup > Screen Layout > Message Texts, or by contacting your iBE support consultant. You can now include custom field values in workflow message texts as well as standard iBE fields

December 3rd, 2015 | Platform | Business Rules – Formula based Field Updates

You can define business rules which based on certain conditions being met can block updates, update in draft, send messages and update certain fields to take values from other fields. Now you can also define formulae in fields being updated from valid rules. For example you might calculate the number of committed hours based on the number of resources assigned or quantity delivered, or calculate a commission payment based on sales volume. The possibilities are really quite endless since you can now update any iBE delivered or custom field from a formula based on the values of any other fields including custom fields. Contact your iBE support consultant for more information

December 3rd, 2015 | Platform | Client Logo in Login Screen

A fix was applied to some client logos not appearing in login screen. Contact us if you encounter this ever in future

December 3rd, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Display of Time-Off & Previously Billed Information

  • An enhancement was applied to timesheets to show holidays and weekends as holidays or weekends not as time-off, even when a time-off request spans that holiday or weekend
  • Another enhancement was applied to display in time admin under the total hours, billable hours, time-off hours in GENERAL data tab the total cost of timesheet hours and the total revenue or value of billable timesheet hours. This gives you another data-point to see if timesheets have been previously billed and/or how much cost or revenue to expect

December 3rd, 2015 | Reporting | Grouping and Sorting Queries

An enhancement was applied to adhoc queries to remember grouping or sorting options from running a query or report one time to the next. A fix was also applied to deleting dashboards or queries

December 12th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Time Type List

If you use multiple time types such as overtime or night shift premium it was necessary to blank out the time-type to revert back to standard. Now standard time appears in the list and selecting it blanks out the time type for you

December 12th, 2015 | Project Mgt | Cosmetic Enhancements

A number of small cosmetic enhancements were applied to iBE’s project mgt. app including allowing you to set project start later than project end (auto-pushing out project end date accordingly), allowing users to select a milestone service for pricing before entering the milestone description, defaulting the milestone description if blank to the service description, updating service rates on the MILESTONES tab without having to reload the project even when these rates were changed on the RATES tab and making column titles for percent completion more consistent between project vs. task

December 12th, 2015 | People | Team Calendar

A fix was applied to team calendar display of team absences

December 12th, 2015 | Billing | Invoice item Sort

By default invoice items are sorted based on the summarization criteria for example if the invoice is summarized by task and then by resource then the items are in task text order and the sub-items are in resource name order. You can now choose in the billing method invoice item type set-up to sort by other attributes such as sorting by code or ID or by the creation date, so that earlier tasks are listed first and later tasks second in the invoice

December 12th, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Android App

A number of fixes were applied to our Android app for timesheet capture including making our application more stable and resistant to unexpected crashes, making it easier for users to enter hours and automatic sync’ing of timesheet data to our web app when users back out of a timesheet

December 12th, 2015 | Platform | Files Missing from Global Search

A fix was applied to include file meta-data in global search. Access iBE’s global or elastic search by entering text in the search box in the top-right corner of your app

December 22nd, 2015 | Time & Attendance | Retro-pay Changes

Time and Pay Calculation was enhanced to support pay or compensation changes part way through a pay-cycle, considering for hourly compensation types the actual number of payable hours recorded up to and after the valid from date of a mid-cycle pay change. Only one mid-cycle pay adjustment is supported. In addition retro pay was refactored and completed. Retro-pay deals with the impact of making retrospective compensation changes which need to be applied to closed pay periods. When the retro-pay option is enabled by entering a date in “Process retro-pay changes from” pay is recalculated for all periods from this date and compared to employee payroll data. Any differences are added as retro-pay using retro-pay earnings codes in the current pay period. In background mode retro-pay calculations are triggered if compensation rates are changed for previously closed pay periods

December 22nd, 2015 | Project Mgt & People | Requesting Resources & Creating Job Requisitions

We delivered a significant enhancement today to allow you to:

  • Create job requisitions or job roles & positions directly from a project task, to allow you for example to recruit or engage a new contractor to fill this position on your project. In the task resources tab or from project task list toolbar “more” button menu select the “Request / Replace Resource” option and either assign an existing job role or position or click on the + button at the bottom of the job role list to add a new job requisition
  • Request a resource after viewing a list of all available resources with options to filter by location, team or skill-set and department. Once a resource is selected it can replace the existing resource. If the existing resource is a team this is a quick way to select a specific team member as the task gets closer
  • You can now make “provisional” task resource assignments which are assignments on a provisional not final basis, by selecting the PROVISIONAL column from the column selection menu in the task > details RESOURCES tab. Our resource planner tool was at the same time enhanced to allow you to include or exclude provisional resourcing requirements by checking or unchecking that box. You can also define in your project type whether provisional resourcing is permitted or if all resources are provisional for example for quotation-style projects

December 22nd, 2015 | People | Bank Information Enhancements

We added a number of additional fields to the employee bank information tab including benefactor (for accounts in the name of someone else such as a trust), forwarding or intermediary account (for accounts which your company cannot pay into directly but must pay via another bank) and percent of payroll (for employees who wish for a certain percent of their pay to be directed into one bank account and the rest of their pay to go to another account, perhaps in another country). Payroll is being enhanced to take this into account. There are also more user friendly options for creating new banks from the employee bank account screen in order to share bank details from one employee to the next

December 22nd, 2015 | Expenses | Advanced Payments

You can now make a claim for a cash advance or an advanced payment. While it is reimbursable and not normally billable – you record, approve and reimburse cash advances just like any other expense item such as hotels or flights. The difference is that when you fully reimburse the final claim with actual specifics, the value of the advance is not considered in the total amount to reimburse even though it is part of the amount previously paid to the employee or consultant. In other words iBE calculates the difference between the total claim amount (excl. the cash advance) and the cash advance

December 29th, 2015 | Reporting | Missing Fields

Mappings were fixed for analytics dashboard reporting for a number of fields including invoice department, product purchasing data, opportunity source and referral method

December 29th, 2015 | Platform | Save & Back

A fix was applied to clicking “Save & Back” from the save button menu to make it work the same as clicking on the Save button and then clicking browser back key

December 29th, 2015 | Billing | Progress Invoice Layout

A new invoice layout or printed PDF form was developed which keeps track of the total amount funded or budgeted, amount previously billed and amount of budget remaining by task within a customer invoice project. This information of running total invoiced and remaining contract value by task is printed on the invoice before the line item detail. Contact your iBE support or implementation consultant if you want to make use of this invoice layout as an option

December 29th, 2015 | Billing | Emailing of Invoice with Receipts

A fix was applied to customer invoices configured to automatically include expense receipts. Now if you email these invoices to a client from the more toolbar button “Send Invoice” menu item it will include expense receipts. Expense receipts are still not printed with proforma invoices

December 29th, 2015 | Project Mgt | Automatic Task Resource Assignment

We introduced a marvellous feature for clients with large teams using project templates today. While a project template allows you to predefine and then copy project by project the task structure and breakdown it is often difficult to assign resources to template tasks because it varies with each operative project depending on who is available. So clients have to assign resources individually to each task or to the project and select one of the “quick-add” resourcing options in the project RESOURCES tab such as assigning selected resources to all tasks. Now you can pre-assign a dynamic or field-based resource to your template task, by opening task > details and going to the RESOURCES tab in task detail and selecting a field name from your project in the “Automatically assign resources based on” field. For example if you instruct your template task to automatically assign resources based on the project leader then when the operative project and tasks are created from this template the project leader selected on the project header or key info. tab will be automatically assigned as a task resource. You can even refer to custom fields on the project to assign as a resource to the task (provided these fields refer to our contacts database or use a new resource lookup field type coming very shortly)

December 29th, 2015 | Time-off | Year End Accrual

A fix to year end procedure and balances when accrual is set up “on last day of month” as opposed to on the first day of the month will be pushed up to production very shortly

December 29th, 2015 | Time-off | Time-off Request Enhancements

Three enhancements were delivered to our time-off request. Contact your iBE support consultant for more details on any of these enhancements:

  • The option to maintain a time-off type specific “policy text” which is displayed in the request when the time off type is selected, for example to indicate to users what the policy is for advanced notification or pre-approvals
  • The time-off balance is now checked for the last date of the time-off request as opposed to the first date. For example if you have a balance today of 10 days and you are earning 1 day per month and you request vacation for 11 days, based on our earlier logic this would have resulted in a balance of -1 day and you would only be allowed to request that time-off if negative balances were enabled. Now if the 11 day time-off request spans over into a new month the end date of the request is next month at which time your balance would be 11 not 10 days so you would be allowed a 11 day time-off request with resulting balance being 0 not -1
  • Balance remaining (as of last date of request) is now displayed in time-off admin as well as my time-off for the benefit of approvers seeing the remaining balance without having to run a separate report

January 5th, 2016 | Data Import | Update of Secondary Objects

You can use iBE’s data import utility to create multiple objects at once for example importing customers and their associated contacts at the same time. Now you can create the primary object (e.g. contact) and update the secondary object (e.g. customer) at the same time

January 5th, 2016 | Platform | Custom Fields for a Resource

Employees and contacts are stored in two separate databases in iBE with employee contact information stored on the contact database. Custom fields for a resource until now could refer to an employee or to a contact, but other options to limit the list of resources coming (e.g. users, non-employees, teams and so on) were limited. We have created a new “field type” for custom fields called a “Resource Look-up” which allows you to configure what kind of resources to display in the drop-down list, and uses the same custom person drop-down list – showing name, job title, department, email and main phone number as well as each person’s photo – as iBE delivered person fields. Contact your iBE implementation or support consultant for more information on this or select field-type as “Resource Lookup” in your custom fields screen layout set

January 5th, 2016 | Reporting | Aggregation of Formula based Measures

A fix was applied to how dashboard measures with a formulae or based on other measures are aggregated

January 5th, 2016 | Platform | Recent Document Display

A fix was applied to recent document display with lazy loading lists (long lists which do not load all records initially for performance reasons delivered with our “harrier” release). Recently opened documents will appear at the top of the search list only if you did not sort the list by any particular column, otherwise the search list will be in that column’s order. Recently opened documnts also appear under the open/folder button and in the left panel recent documents widget or mini-app. You can also click on the search list column menu (accessed by clicking on any column heading) and select “Restore Default Sort” or “Sort by Recents” to remove column-specific sorts and put recently opened documents back to the top

January 5th, 2016 | People | Employee Compensation Enhancements

Two significant enhancements were delivered today for a major client

  • You can now include percent-type compensation elements within a group making up another percent-type compensation. For example if social security payments are 10% of regular salary then a pay element for social security of value 10% will be applied to a compensation group including regular salary, calculating the social security payment as 10% of regular salary. But if a bank, tax or financing change is 5% of the regular salary and social security payment combined, now you can define a compensation group with regular salary and social security payment together and apply a third pay element for finance or bank charges of 5% to this combined group. So if the employee’s regular salary is $1000 / month the social security payment would be $100/month and finance or bank charges would be $55/month
  • You can also define compensation elements for fixed charges spanning the entire duration of the employee’s job, for example to cover the cost of flying a consultant out to an international engagement or a visa processing fee. iBE calculates the duration of the job in calendar months and divides up the fixed charge by this number of months to calculate a monthly equivalent cost

January 5th, 2016 | Leads & Contacts | Customer Contacts

We fixed a bug where leads & contacts were only showing leads or prospect not customer contacts. Now all of these leads & contacts are displayed. We are working on a subsequent enhancement to the leads and contacts app with display options for leads, customer contacts, employees’ contact information or candidates by user selection. More information about candidate tracking for recruitment will be released shortly

January 5th, 2016 | Projects | Limit Resources & Customers to exclude Leads

If you use our CRM and have a ton of “leads”, customers and contacts who are still prospects and have not yet been sold anything, it can be confusing to see these leads and prospects in the project key info and resources tabs. We now limit the customer list to non-prospects and the resources list to employees and customer contacts. When an opportunity is closed the customer of that opportunity is also automatically changed from customer type “prospect” to “customer”. This is particularly important if you automatically create a project automatically when an opportunity is closed

January 5th, 2016 | Projects | Missing Billing Rates

Our project mgt. app was enhanced to create resource specific billing rates even when “all resources” is checked for a task (accessible from the task > details > resources tab) or when the task does not have a service. Bear in mind you still need to assign a service as well as a billing rate to bill for work done on a task

January 5th, 2016 | Project Mgt | Customer Contacts display in Projects

There is a new tab in iBE projects called “Customer Contacts” which looks the same as the contacts tab in iBE customer app. This new tab is hidden by default so either work with your iBE consultant or create a project mgt. screen layout and custom fields property folder to make this tab visible. You cannot add or remove customer contacts from this tab, you need to open the customer app to do this, which you can do by right mouse-clicking on the customer name. But if you click on edit contact it will automatically open the leads/contact in a new browser tab allowing you to edit and view detailed contact information including for example custom fields

January 5th, 2016 | Time & Expense List | Contractor Invoices

A significant enhancement to our hugely popular time & expense list application to make it the perfect tool for paying contractors who are paid on a check, voucher or invoice basis was delivered today including:

  • Ability to group results by name or by name and time vs. expenses (select “group by” followed by “Name (Type)” from column personalization menu). This displays the total cost in both original / incurred or consultant home country currency (ORIG TOTAL COST column) as well as in your company’s currency (TOTAL COST column) for each individual, split into time vs. expenses. It also displays the total hours worked during the selected period and in case of expenses the total quantity of expenses if they are all for a single unit of measure. If you group by name and not by type (time vs. expenses) then the total cost of time & expense combined is displayed for each person, but not the total hours or quantity of expenses because the units of measure are not compatible
  • Ability to create a contractor invoice directly from the report. Select a row and click on the new “Invoice” link just below the activity title and select either “Create Contractor Invoice” or “Add to Existing Claim” from the menu. iBE will take the total hours from the selected timesheet and convert them into a vendor invoice or expense in iBE with quantity = number of hours (split by day), unit price = agreed pay rate and total amount = total amount you are paying that contractor. When you re-run the T&E list report for “both” time and expenses you will see the timesheet entries and not the generated invoice entries to avoid double-displaying the contractors’ hours
  • Print contractor invoices. Select a row either an expense or a timesheet entry which has been previously converted to an invoice to print it out as a PDF, similar to how expense reports are printed

We will be delivered a “mass-print” option and further tweaking the time it takes to load this popular report as well as building enhancements for clients who pay contractors via payroll and wish to calculate their pay and expenses to send to a connected payroll system

January 5th, 2016 | Expenses | iPhone Expenses

A number of small fixes were applied to iPhone expenses app including the ability to save $0 claims, automatic generation of expense claim item numbers and to manual edits to unclaimed transactions downloaded from your bank on the phone app

January 5th, 2016 | Expenses | Booking Expenses by date

Booked or claimed expenses are classified to a customer, project and task combination, or to a department for costing and optionally for billing purposes. Employees and consultants can only book expenses to a task which allows expenses (by task type), to which the employee is assigned as a resource and where the task planned start date is prior to the date the expense was incurred. The claim date on the expense report header is not checked, so if you are for example booking flights three weeks ahead of a client on-site task and need to claim for that flight ahead of time, claim an expense with the date the flight was purchased as the expense claim header date and the date the flight actually takes place as the expense item “incurred on” date. iBE has also been enhanced to allow flights or other expenses to be booked as “incurring” up to one week ahea of the task’s planned start date, for example to account to flights or hotel accommodation prior to the start of an on-site task

December 22th, 2014 | Projects | Fix to save changes dialog

Fixed one issue where users were being asked to save changes from task details needlessly.

December 22th, 2014 | Billing | Printed invoice enhancements for amounts and dates

Applied a layout fix to the popup which compares real and proforma invoices on a project by project basis, useful for companies who wish line of business to create draft or proforma invoices and centralized billing team to create the final invoice. Also added project status to the billing summary to allow project workflows for billing to be updated from both projects and billing summary screen.

Added an option to show dates in printed forms as “Dec 15, 2014” and to print amounts with or without their unit of measure. You can also decide whether you want to print the currency code or the currency symbol in printed forms. All these settings are in the company settings page in client maintenance and soon to be available in a new enterprise structure setup application.

December 14th, 2014 | Billing | Recurring / background Billing

We added a billing period to company settings screen for recurring billing. This is taken as the billing period if it is not maintained in the customer record, both fields being used in our upcoming enhancement for automatic billing in the background. We also fixed the recurring billing interval in products or services so that the actual quantity in your task is billed each time an invoice is created. If your product or services is defined for recurring billing there is no need to increase the actual quantity each month. For example a retainer fee of $10,000/month will be maintained as “1 month” in the task actual quantity and a recurring billing interval in the service as “month” and project rate of $10,000 and then the same amount will be invoiced each month.

We fixed alignment of various fields in the company settings screen and added fields for:

  • How to display values or prices in printed forms (option to show or hide unit and currency code)
  • Whether to show currency as 4.50 USD or $4.50 (if a symbol is available)

December 14th, 2014 | Collaboration | Inbox Message Text

Fix to display of timesheet or expense claim task in inbox for approval messages. Prior to this fix, it was not clear without drilling down if you are approving several rows (tasks or projects) in the same timesheet which one was which. Now you see the project and task description right in the inbox – just remember to set your columns widths accordingly

December 14th, 2014 | Expenses | Expense Claim Suppliers

Enhancement to expense claims to allow selection of expenses supplier from a list. Up until now expense supplier was a free text input. Some customers asked to select from a list and even to look up local or nearby suppliers in the smart phones based on Yelp or similar APIs. This is now supported in our iPhone app. In our web app you can select suppliers from a list and add suppliers on the fly by clicking the + icon at the bottom of the list. Expense suppliers will be integrated to purchasing suppliers when we build a purchasing module in the near future.

Modification to classifying expenses to fixed price tasks, defaulting such expenses as billable as opposed to marking as non-billable as we do for time booked to fixed price tasks. If you do not wish to allow employees to book billable expenses to fixed priced tasks then create special tasks for expenses and disallowed the fixed price task type from booking expenses in your task type setting

December 14th, 2014 | HR | Territory Performance

Fix to performance of editing territories by making it a remotely loaded store

December 14th, 2014 | Platform | Scroll Bars & Date Formats

Changed scroll-bars to be based on browser/operating system default rather than our our almost invisible “Mac-style” scroll-bars which we implemented when Apple’s new user interface guidelines came out.

Added a user date formatting option for “Dec 13, 2014″ to help people who get confused whether dates are dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy. Remember date formatting is by user so this is a personal not a company wide decision. All dates are stored the same way internally. At the same time we removed two date formatting options no-one is using

December 14th, 2014 | Plug-ins | Import Data Enhancements

Fix to how time is handled for data imports or uploads including setting dates without time as midday GMT (as we did already for user input dates without times). We also added the feature for uploaded data being imported to iBE to call a custom API or service to update our database. Normally we rely on our core update which is extremely feature-rich, however for special use-cases you can now contact us to build a custom import API

December 14th, 2014 | Projects | Project Department & Funds

Addition of department to project header. Performance improvements to opening task details and assigning resources to a task.

Revamping the pop-up for input and maintenance of project customer purchase orders into a separate FUNDS tab on the project with input of either customer purchase order, fund, department or even customer to support splitting a single project’s revenues among multiple customers in the future. Individual funds can be entered as:

  • Money amounts tracking original and remaining fund values with remaining values reduced by actual invoices, or as
  • % splits causing the revenue from each project to be split between each fund based on the fixed %, or the project revenue to be reduced to the input % when that fund is selected

December 1st, 2014 | Billing | Billing Enhancements for Pro-forma, Compare, Mark-up and Splits

We added the option to split time or expenses into multiple tabs on an invoice and apply different pricing rules or pricing sheets to each tab. For example let’s say you charge a 7% service fee on some but not all time for a project, perhaps for on-site work only. Now you can configure two time-related invoice item types in your billing method each one invoking a different API (which you currently need to contact us to set up for you at no charge). They in fact both invoke the same API but with different customized filters. Each time-related invoice item type or tab can now be linked to a different pricing sheet

Support in billing was added for:

  • Proforma or draft invoices which do not mark source data (time or expenses) as billed allowing you to create many proforma invoices from the same data
  • A report to compare final and proforma invoice totals by project
  • Copying of invoice line items
  • Sending invoices from a workflow action (as a different option to the send button)
  • Billing of project expenses with a fixed mark-up % defined at project level

Invoice printed or PDF output enhancements to:

  • Show a summary of projects totals at the top
  • Show a separate summary of line item totals (e.g. total $ by task or billing rate code or expense type) with details of hours/remarks/employees underneath
  • Enhancements to header and footer for the default layout provided to clients. We will add multiple layers layouts and even a graphical form builder in the near future
  • Option to print remarks as rows in the invoice item table as opposed to in a separate column as today

December 1st, 2014 | Platform | Firefox Browser Issues

Firefox formatting improvements as well as testing and fixing issues encountered in other browsers primarily IE9 and IE10.

We applied a fix to browser back button being pressed twice in quick succession. Rather than going back twice we now only go back once

December 1st, 2014 | Projects | Project Resource tab Enhancements

Improvements to the projects RESOURCES tab to show and allow edit of the billing rate for a resource right from the RESOURCES tab, as opposed to clicking on the RATES tab. You can only do this when pricing is not by service.

At the same time we modified how clients can decide to turn OFF resource planning at project type. Instead of hiding the RESOURCES tab on a task we now default planned effort and utilization as zero, and suppress the check for a resource working simultaneously on two tasks. Now even with resource planning off you have the option to maintain task resource level planning.

Enhancements to template projects to support sub-tasks on templates as well as allowing the creation of a billable type project as a template without a customer and hiding the progress icon.

We now allow the customer on a task or ticket to be different to the task/ticket’s project’s customer. This is required for example when your contact is with a head-office or primary service provider (the project customer) and yet you still want to keep track of the site or final end customer requesting support (the task customer). We still require you to maintain the task or ticket customers as “sites” of the project’s customer.

In addition if the project customer is changed rather than changing all tasks or tickets within that project to match the new project customer, we only change tasks or tickets which matched the old project customer prior to being changed.

We also made it easier to add resources to several tasks at once by including a button to “add resource to all tasks” in the project level RESOURCES tab

December 1st, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Timesheet Quantity Input Enhancements

Improvements to how quantities are input on a timesheet including a check for the allowed number of decimals, a warning if the time is or is not getting defaulted from task unit time based on the quantity input and a warning if the task type is not properly configured to transfer quantity to the task. We will be including quantity input in our cell details “tab” in overview mode in the near future – currently quantity input is only available in timesheet list entry or details mode.

Removal of “paid” or “unpaid” from the time-off display within timesheet

December 1st, 2014 | Time off | Time-off Accrual based on Hire-Date

Time-off for new hires was always calculated for their first month (or first year in the case of time-off with annual not monthly accruals) based on the ratio of the number of calendar days post-hire in that period over the total number of days in that period. This has been enhanced with a new selector for time-off calculation for new hires with two additional options as follows:

  • Calculate time-off considering the month of hire: here the employee gets their full entitlement for the hire month (if accrual is month) or the whole of that month is considered when calculating annual accruals. For example an employee hired 25th July would get 50% of their annual entitlement if the accrual cycle runs from Jan-Dec each year
  • Calculate time-off excluding the month of hire: time-off does not accue until 1st of the month following their hire date.

Cosmetic improvements to time-off type set-up as well as a new property for calculation of absences for new hires

November 25th, 2014 | Platform | Login Performance

Performance improvements when initially logging into including re-establishment of a content delivery network or CDN and improved packaging of our images, icons and java-script files to result in fewer http requests and less data transferred

November 25th, 2014 | Platform | Password Emails

Stop sending emails when password is changed (unless specifically requested). This was requested by a couple of clients for added security

November 25th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Pay Calculation Module

Pay Calculation is a new module which runs after Time Evaluation and which takes the clocked or calculated attendance data as input and calculates gross pay as output. This can be in turn extracted to external systems such as ADP or Paychex. Our pay calculation module supports:

  • Defining of regular pay as either hourly (based on actual number of hours worked or on paid time-off) or annual/monthly/pay period (based on a fixed amount per payroll period irrespective of the number of hours worked)
  • Defining premium rate pay such as for night-shift, meal-allowances or danger money as either hourly, daily or pay period based amounts. Hourly/pay period premium rates pay is calculated as above; while daily compensation elements are calculated at the fixed daily rate for any days with 1 second or longer time worked
  • Defining premium or overtime rated work as a % ratio of other compensation elements. For example overtime might be payable at 150% of regular pay including bonus and night-shift premiums but excluding commissions, other benefits or meal allowances. To support this we introduced a concept of a compensation group allowing you to define which compensation elements make up the group used as the basis for calculating overtime. The sum of pay for all elements in that group divided by the total number of hours worked in the pay period gives the base overtime rate (to apply 150% to for example)

November 15th, 2014 | Billing | Invoice Send Enhancements

Enhancements to how invoices are sent including display of the primary contact’s email address in the invoice header and the option to edit the email address the invoice is being sent to as it is being sent. You can also send the invoice to others (including copying yourself)

November 15th, 2014 | CRM | Option to Create Roles

Enhancement of opportunity and customer type to allow end users to add and delete sales roles. All contacts on a customer or opportunity take on a role such as “pay”, “sell to” for customers and/or “coach”, “budget holder” for opportunities. Before this enhancement clients had to contact iBE to set up new roles

November 15th, 2014 | Expenses | Expense Currency Conversion Enhancements

Fixes to expense claim equivalent amount in company currency (for expenses entered in a different currency) to prevent user from editing the equivalent or company currency code and to re-apply the current exchange rate from if not defined in advance in Users can still override the exchange rate to match their credit card receipt.

Fix to expense item tax details pop-up, showing in display mode and allowing users to edit taxable amount or base amount, tax amount and tax percentage in the tax details popup.

Allow user the option to override the mileage unit (from miles to km or vice-versa) to cater for consultants from a country using one unit driving in a country using another

November 15th, 2014 | HR | Time Capture Method

We created a new setting app for “time capture method” which allows you to define for employees whether they record total time vs. just overtime and time-off and whether they clock in or out instead of submitting timesheets. This information is used by time evaluation

November 15th, 2014 | Platform | Document Icons

Cleaned up the different icons used to show different kinds of documents in search results and other lists

November 15th, 2014 | Reporting | Dashboard Breadcrumb Enhancements

Cosmetic improvements to the “breadcrumb” displayed in analytics dashboard when users drill down on a particular value or bar. Now it is easier to work out how to “go back up”

November 15th, 2014 | Support | Ticket Email Handling Enhancements

Improvements to the way in which new tickets are generated from emails sent to including:

  • Option to automatically find the customer from the original ticket sender (the end customer contact). Removal of check that ticket project must be assigned to the same customer as the ticket; it now only checks that both customers are in the same hierarchy
  • Option to automatically create a contact record for the ticket’s original sender
  • Correction to handling for auto-forwarded tickets where the sender is not the client’s forwarding email inbox but the original sender or final customer requesting support
  • Ability to automatically determine which project to assign to new tickets based on what projects exist, optionally for a predefined project type such as “support”, for the ticket’s customer
  • Improvements in how ticket defaults are assigned (field mappings)
  • Configuration option to control how email errors and rejections are handled including sending all error messages to a nominated email rather than to the original requester or external system
  • Creation of tickets without checks so that if something is wrong the ticket is still generated rather than rejecting and returning the email forcing the client to look at both tickets and email rejections to get a complete picture of everything that has come in.

We have also developed an email set-up screen so that clients can set up their own email handling scenarios, as well as the option for clients to use their own mail servers to send out replies. We still recommend that you contact iBE to set up email responders!

November 15th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Task Timer and Other Enhancements

Show task long text as a tooltip when that task is selected within a timesheet.

Time evaluation was set up as a background job (running each night).

Cosmetic enhancements to the task timer with improved clock icons and simplified list display with fewer options and icons.

November 5th, 2014 | Billing | Printed Invoice Layout Enhnacements & Payment Terms & More Tax Codes

Enhancements to printed (e.g. invoice) forms for currency display, showing tax code description and rate instead of just “tax”, right alignment of monetary amounts such as fees and taxes, and consistent display of all money amount decimals. Also added the option to print items or sub-items net of tax and to print the product or service “sales text” instead of the product name or title when there is a sales text.

We added a manual invoice option to create ad hoc invoices manually without defining a project first and then billing it.

Cosmetic improvements and bug fixes to the set-up screen for payment terms.

In addition we added an option to delete or cancel an invoice and re-open the source data (e.g. timesheets and expense claims) for billing again. Up until now if you cancelled or deleted an invoice the source data remained “previously billed” and would not come up for billing again.

Addition of tax and VAT rates for the rest of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India and Russia to compliment our 60,000 or so US state, federal and local sales tax rates as well as Canadian HST/GST and UK and northern European VAT

Finally but perhaps not visible to users we moved the printing procedure from the client or browser to our servers, allowing us to print out complex forms or PDFs without interruption to your session or slowing you down

November 5th, 2014 | Expenses | Exclude Tasks from Expenses

Enhancement to allow certain tasks to be excluded from booking expenses (by adding a checkbox to task type to not allow expenses)

November 5th, 2014 | HR | Company Holiday Calendar Fixes

Fixes to company or public calendar holiday generation for defining your own custom holiday schedules. You can now create a repeating pattern for example “repeat this holiday on the same date each year” or “repeat on the same day of the week which falls closest to this date each year” or even “repeat on the Friday before Easter each year”. We do not provide patterns for every religion so there is still a need to check the generated holidays comparing it to enter the name of the holiday and the year into Google. You can then easily manually correct any individual holiday dates.

We have also extended the number of predefined holiday calendars now not just US, UK and Canada but also Germany, France, Switzerland, South Africa, India, Australia and New Zealand

November 5th, 2014 | Platform | Custom Fields

You can now create custom fields or define your own fields on tabs or as columns in tables. Our screen layout concept which we developed initially to change field properties (hide, make required, change labels or defaults) have been extended to also manage custom fields. Now you can define a custom field on any tab or table and updating this new data in our database is automatically taken care of. Reporting queries can access these fields in your custom reports and we will be extended our analytics module to cope with custom fields in the near future

November 5th, 2014 | Projects | Project & Task Type Set-up Improvements

Improvements and fixes to project and task type set-up screens including placing recently added configuration options in optimal positions

November 5th, 2014 | Support | Re-usable Locations from Customer, Employee or Company

Automatically create reusable locations from company work and employee’s home address, to avoid the need for people to click on “re-use in other screens” when they enter either of these addresses. Also in the case of selecting a location for a ticket we are now showing locations from customers in the same organization as the project customer at the top of the list

November 5th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Time Evaluation Module

Time evaluation and pay calculation are new modules to automatically determine overtime from timesheets and overtime “rules” for your employees or sub-sections of employees (based on their work-schedules) and to automatically calculate and feed gross pay to payroll system based on the compensation elements maintained in the employee compensation tab. More specific features of our time evaluation module include:

  • The introduction of a new property on the employee work-schedule tab called Time Capture Method which indicates if the employee is recording total time or just overtime and time-off. In the case of recording overtime and time-off only attendance records are generated for pay calculation purposes based on the standard work-schedule hours
  • Calculation of overtime based on time in excess of a minimum daily or weekly number of hours (weekly being based on the actual timesheet period) up to a maximum. Multiple overtime types with different pay rates or pay ratios can be setup for different degrees of overtime as well as separately for holiday or weekend work. Overtime is automatically saved as attendance and viewable/editable in the Time & Attendance report
  • Calculation of overtime and holidays based on work-shifts with specific start/stop times. When work-shifts are set-up holidays for overtime purposes are days with no work-shift
  • Consideration of time off in calculating overtime so that you can for example include time-off when calculating basic overtime for all time over 40hrs/week (including absence) and exclude time-off when calculating premium rate overtime for days in excess of 8hrs/day (excluding absence).

Enhancements to timesheets to allow manual input of start and stop times in HH:MM format (as opposed to selecting from a list) and to not check timesheet hours vs. work-schedule hours if the time capture method for that employee is set-up to record overtime and time-off only.

At the same time we enhanced our details or time entry list input mode to remember and default the same mode (overview vs. list entry/details) and whether the list entry was for a single day vs. the whole timesheet period. We also support column personalization and admin. users saving/sharing table layouts with other users for the timesheet overview, details and list entry tables

October 30th, 2014 | CRM | Cosmetic Enhancements to Opportunity

Various cosmetic and usability improvements to opportunities including fixing which fields are shown as required, pencil in search screen and fixes to assigned contacts, tab order, factored deal value and stage text

October 30th, 2014 | HR | Employee Compensation & Standard Cost Calculation Enhancements, Salary History

Fix to the total compensation and standard cost calculation from compensation details in the employee compensation tab. Now you can choose the default unit of measure for compensation details based on the compensation type concerned or the employee class, and decide in advance which compensation elements should contribute to total salary (e.g. regular pay, bonus) and/or to the standard cost calculation (such as regular pay, bonus, healthcare premiums, long term disability and mobile phone allowance). This allows clients to get closer to a burdened cost calculation for employee standard cost.

We have also developed a salary history report showing specifically changes to compensation over the life-cycle of an employee. Since compensation changes are date effective, or always based on a valid from, you can maintain compensation increases ahead of time and make date-effective compensation changes to model for example changes in compensation policy when someone is terminated and under notice.

Fixes to copying job roles regarding positions: positions are copied and their IDs are now reset based on the new job role’s ID rather than the old job role ID. Also if employees were assigned to the old job role (= staffed positions) this is not copied to the new job role

October 30th, 2014 | Platform | Screen Layout Tab Ordering

Fix to screen layout personalization to allow re-ordering of tabs (as well as changing tab labels or hiding tabs which we already supported). With our custom fields enhancements clients will also be able to create new custom tabs, as well as adding custom fields to the bottom of any iBE delivered tab

October 30th, 2014 | Reporting | New Report Builder Application

New report builder application allowing end user to create queries or dashboard reports using the same user interface. Now from a single application you can choose whether you want to create a dashboard report (with charts and so on) or a simple query (which looks at our transaction data). Then you can search for or choose fields for your report which are automatically split into dimensions (report by) and measures (report on). Query tables are then generated automatically while with analytics dashboards you are reverted to our existing dashboard designer where you can pick and choose from a variety of reporting widgets such as bar charts, grouped bars, stacked bars, pie charts, pivot or cross-tables and multi-column lists or tables, as well as date and list/value selectors or slicers

We are continuing to build up our library of pre-delivered dashboard and queries with the addition of dashboard reports for opportunity pipeline, project and client profitability and cosultant utilization plus a new query for employee time-off balances. But with this new report builder application administrators can build up a brand new dashboard report or query in minutes, by simply choosing the fields you want and then organizing them into tables, pivot-tables, bar-charts or more. Contact us if you get stuck or want some help navigating the fields, plus we are always happy to build new reports for you (now it only takes us a few minutes)

October 15th, 2014 | Billing | Billing Performance and Summary Page from Project, Credit Memos & Payments

Improvements came in Osprey in performance of billing, to both the initial load of the summary page and the reload of the summary page after input of from and/to dates based on considering only timesheets, tasks and expense claims overlapping the from/to date range input. Rather than calculating billed amounts and hours from timesheets and expense claims when the summary is called up, we now store this information in each project and calculate it in the background. This only applies if the from/to dates are blank, the amounts to be billed are still calculated on the fly if you enter dates.

Speaking of the billing summary from/to dates these were also enhanced to serve two roles: as a filter for calculation and display of amount to be billed on the summary page and as the from/to date selection when clicking the $+ button to prepare and create a new invoice. If you enter from/to dates and click on the reload button the summary page is reloaded; if you just click the $+ button without reloading then a new invoice is created for your input from/to dates with waiting for the summary to be reloaded.

Credit memos and invoice payments including a popup to show and add payments and match payments entered from the billing summary screen to unpaid invoices for the same customer. Credit memos are automatically offset against existing invoices and behave similar to payments. In the future we will add payment merchant account integration for systems such as stripe, paypal and

Finally we applied a fix to conversion from daily rates or hourly fees for customer invoices and the time and expense report, as well as in project revenues

October 15th, 2014 | Collaboration | Rejection Comment Improvements

Improvements in the input of comments when for example rejecting a timesheet. We enhanced the title of the pop-up window which comes to enter comments depending on whether the recipient is also required or not. We also fixed a bug to allow rejection comments to automatically show in the inbox message for the next person in the workflow (e.g. the consultant who has to resubmit their timesheet)

October 15th, 2014 | CRM | Customer Master Cosmetic Improvements

Cosmetic improvements to customer master including more consistency with other apps (e.g. pencil in search screen) and more clarity on the SITES tab to indicate which site is the “head-quarter” or parent customer organization and which sites (the remainder) are “subsidiaries”. Also enhancements to the icons and tooltips in customer contacts tab to make it more obvious what is meant by a client contact being an external portal user, as well as adding the option to invite a customer contact to become a portal user from within the customer record directly.

Improvements to customer activities tab including having similar columns on show by default as leads and opportunities and providing the option to drill down to task details

October 15th, 2014 | HR | People Search & Employee Numbering Fixes

People search application allowing you to quickly look up contact and basic job role information for employees, customer contacts and leads.

Fix to employee numbering to allow system generated or user input employee codes, as well as controlling whether employee IDs can be edited or not after initial generation. When inviting a new user if their user type is set-up to create employees automatically – which is the default – we now check and error if employee numbering is not properly set-up. This prevents the mistake of generating a new user which refers to an employee which never got created

October 15th, 2014 | Platform | Password Expiry Date Fix and Browser Compatibility Fixes

Fix to password reset expiry date as well as scroll bars not always appearing in Safari. Fixes to the save changes pop-up coming even when changes were not made in various objects were also applied.

We applied a variety of fixes to screen layouts for users with older laptops having a screen resolution of just 1024 px. We now support a variety of popular browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox and IE) down to a minimum screen resolution of 1024 px.

October 15th, 2014 | Product | Product Tax Code Fixes for Multi-Company

Various fixes to product tax codes: tax codes e.g. US sales tax or Canadian HST/GST need to be assigned to your product or service before customer invoices can be subject to automatic sales tax calculation. Tax codes are dependent on the country you are based, but because we also support multiple company or entity organizations you can be based in more than one country. We consequently enhanced the product tax code screen to vary according to which company or companies you are setting up your product or service to be applicable, with different tax code selections appearing based on which country your assigned company is based

October 15th, 2014 | Projects | Milestone Task Billing Options

Milestones task strategies with integration to billing such as marking a task as ready for billing when completed, based on task status (when billing is an allowed activity in the process or workflow template) or based on task or project percent complete. You can even define multiple project milestones for different % complete thresholds as separate tasks

We also added an option to automatically update task billing quantity based on quantity input from the timesheet.

We added the option to not default project start/end dates as 1st and last date of current month

October 15th, 2014 | Reporting | Calculated Measures in Dashboards

We enhanced calculated measures for dashboard reports allowing you to create and report on measures based on a formula such as utilization (billable hours / total hours) or profitability (project revenue minus project costs).

At the same time we improved our formula input box with a pop-up option to compliment our excel-like text based formula input. The popup allows users to select fields, operands (like +, -, * or /) and supported formula from selection-lists or button panels

September 30th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Time Entry as a List or Daily Input

For our Osprey release we added the option to enter time entries in a list: as well as our timesheet period overview with one row per customer/project/task combination we have built a time entry list view. This view provides one row per time entry allowing you to enter additional information such as task quantity, start/stop times, remarks or location in the same list vs. a cell details tab below the overview. There are in fact two time entry details views: for a single day or for the entire period. Choose the view which suits you best according to your setup and the number of time entries in a period.

We also now allow quantity input into timesheets: there are two separate use-cases here each coming from a different client

  • For people performing repetitive tasks which take a fixed amount of time, such as for example teaching a class, it is now possible to define a “unit time” on the task details (below reminder in the DATES tab) and input of a quantity in the timesheet defaults the time recorded as quantity times unit time. For example if the unit time for a class is 30 minutes then entering “I taught four classes today” defaults the time entry as 2 hours
  • For people delivering usage based projects such as call-center staff answering calls on a per-call fee basis, it is now possible to enter the same quantity into the timesheet and have it update the task actual quantity which in turn is fed into the billing program. In this situation (unit time is not specified) the task time entry does not default, it is up to the user to record how long they actually spent. However based on how your task type quantity transfer method is set up the quantity input into the timesheet is automatically transferred across to the task

September 30th, 2014 | Time off | Time-off Request Cosmetic Improvements

Improvements in time off request usability including displaying current balances for the top few paid time off types at the top

September 15th, 2014 | Billing | Printing of Remarks in Customer Invoice

Option to print remarks inside the invoice items list or table: formerly remarks were printed at the end of the table, so we added the option to print timesheet etc. remarks as a column within the item list on the printed layout.

Fixes to billing for exceptional or “rainy day” scenarios such as workflow templates that are invalid, billing status codes that are improperly maintained and services that are missing their rates. Also improvements to how billing messages are presented back to the end user. We also implemented a billing option called “With logging in server” which is mainly for internal use to trouble-shoot customer billing issues in more detail as compared to the messages given back to the end user

September 30th, 2014 | Platform | Timeline Readability Enhancements & Coaching/Guidance

Improvements in readibility of timeline or document history by not just showing fields which have changed by also when changes are made to sub-objects showing the key or what object was changed. For example if a task resource planned or actual effort is modified we now show the task resource name as well as the fields that were changed.

We added coaching or guidance for users new to The first time you invoke an application little pop-up post-it notes are displayed with useful information about the application. You can choose to show the next “note”, dismiss the notes and start using the app or dismiss the notes but show them next time

September 30th, 2014 | Projects | New Look Project Management Application

A new look project management application was delivered in our Osprey release! This application now includes the added project header information such as resources, rates, financials and progress as TABS rather than having to find the link to show project header data. This is more consistent with our other applications. Project tasks are now displayed in the first TAB.

At the same time we enhanced the project RATES tab to show rates by service, by service and billing rate code combined or just by billing rate code. Billing or pricing by resource alone (not by service) is a new pricing option added to make it easier to maintain billing rates on a project level, but does not allow clients to vary rates according to task or task service (according to what is being delivered). Use billing by service and resource rate code if you need to adjust prices by task or service as well as by resource.

Part of this enhancement included consideration of client projects which are priced by service and rate code when in future they will be only priced by billing rate code (resource). If you open one of these projects you are warned that pricing by service/rate code combination will be deleted and do you want to copy to pricing by rate code alone. If you accept this (you can cancel and modify the project type setting instead to price by service as well as resource) then service pricing for the first service is copied.

We added a feature to download a task (for example a demo or meeting) to your local calendar. The task download to calendar link is available in project tasks, my tasks, my tickets and sales activities.

Finally a FINANCIALS tab was added showing bar-charts of cost and revenue performance, as well as project level costs, revenues, funds. payments and budgets – planned, actual and remaining. Project costs and revenues are automatically rolled up from task costs and revenues while invoices and payments are syn’d up from our billing module. Funds and budgets are maintained at project levels for funds or customer PO’s and at task or project level for cost budgets

September 30th, 2014 | Expenses | Expense Type & Claim Cosmetic Improvements

Improvements to how expense types are set-up.

Some cosmetic enhancements to expense claims for consistency with other apps (e.g. pencil in search screen) and general usability

September 30th, 2014 | Platform | Totally New User Interface & Numerous Performance Enhancements. Document Sharing

For our Osprey release we made too many user interface clean-ups to mention but we hope the new look of the application speaks for itself. It is much cleaner and simply devotes more space to your application with the removal of certain user interface elements like the footer or the open left panel. We also added an * next to required input fields to make it more obvious which fields are required input.

Changed the left panel from Griffon to Osprey. Rather than always showing the left panel with widgets either expanded or collapsed, which took up valuable screen space and left users with reduced space for the main app, we now only show an icon strip by default. If you click on any of the icons the left panel reappears and you can show or hide left-panel widgets as you wish by clicking on their icons. The left panel widgets always appear in the same order top to bottom as the icons and if you try to show too many rather than hiding the lowest one below the scrolling bottom we simply hide it again, unselecting its icon automatically. This is why sometimes when you click on an icon to show a widget the current one is hidden, and sometimes it is not hidden.

Aside from the user interface the main enhancement for Osprey was in performance. Performance improvements were made for navigation and loading of long lists: we now do what is called “lazy load” based on new options provided in the latest release of our underlying browser framework (Ext JS version 4.22). So if you are opening for example my tasks or my leads and have alot of entries while they are all queried from the server (allowing you to sort, group and filter based on the whole population not just on a subset) the system only renders or prepare a small subset of rows to present to you on the screen. Instead of click “next page” you can simply scroll to get more tasks, leads etc. rendered. This is called “infinite scroll” in programming circles!

With regard to long text editing such as comments we kept the cursor inside the long text after typing colon (:). “Task:” entered within a long text is a code for “link to some task” and automatically fires a search for tasks in to link to. This has been speeded up and now fires in the background keeping the cursor within the long text. Links within long text were added to iBE documents (such as a link to another task or ticket) as well as to other web-sites or urls (such as Google Drive or drop-box documents). To invoke a link in a long text either enter the name of the iBE object followed by a colon (e.g. Task:) or click on the link or chain icon in our long-text toolbar.

Fix to the input field for $/unit such as unit price, cost rate or labor/service fees to default the currency from the company and validate that the unit must match either the product or service base unit (in case of a fixed fee for example) or be a valid time unit (in case of a T&M cost or fee).

Document sharing feature was introduced on several objects with a new “share” button in the main toolbar. This brings a popup allowing you to email links to this document to your colleagues or external business partners as well as defining permissions as to who can access or update this document.

Modified “my tasks” to show not only tasks where I am assigned as a resource and tasks where I am the primary workflow owner, but to also include tasks where I am a secondary workflow owner (for cases where a workflow step is sent to several people at once).

Fixes for app asking to save changes even when nothing was changed. This is being fixed on an app by app basis so if you find this still happening somewhere please let us know!

Links for “try our new beta-release” and “go to classic” in login and main app screens to support the gradual roll-out of our new Osprey 422 release

March 10th, 2014 | Billing | Differential Overtime Billing & Costing Rates

We are always trying to find new ways to help you keep your business running smoothly. To this end, we have a new solution to support different billing and costing rates for overtime. Setup of overtime requires changes to several system level settings. If you are interested in using Overtime, please contact Customer Management for a walkthrough of the solution. Once setup, employees can select the overtime type in the timesheet. Billing rates are automatically multiplied by the overtime billing ratio, as well as task and project actual costs and revenues factoring in the appropriate billing and cost ratios for time booked to the task. Overtime types are not associated with planned costs and revenues

March 10th, 2014 | CRM | VCF Contact Import

You can now import vCards (.vcf files) for both Mac and Windows into contacts. Open the contact form popup from customer or leads screen and click on the “import vcf” button in the bottom left corner

March 10th, 2014 | HR | Billing / Utilization Targets

Are your employees meeting their billable hour targets? This is no longer a cumbersome question to answer. We added three new fields to the compensation tab to keep track of target billing revenue over a period. This is very useful to see if your consultants are meeting their assigned targets. These three fields are hidden by default so contact customer support if you want to change the screen layout configuration to show these fields

March 10th, 2014 | Projects | Edit Option for Task Actual Finish Date

You can now update the actual finish date in a task. By default the actual finish date is set as the time when the task was completed or percent complete set to 100%. But in case you closed out a task late, you can now edit the actual finish date to prevent people from booking time or expenses to the task any time after the proper close date.

Change history data has been extended to task details, product and employee

March 10th, 2014 | Reporting | Analytics Dashboard Fieldname Simplification

In order to make it easier for you to build your own dashboards, we have simplified the analytics field names and descriptions in many reporting tables such as time, tasks and employees

April 7th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Business Rules to Validate Documents

You can now create business rules to check timesheets, such as preventing people from submitting timesheets once client billing has taken place. Business rules can be added on Timesheet Types under Setup HR in the system menu. Contact our customer support team if you need help setting up business rules

April 2nd, 2014 | CRM | Sales Activity Enhancement

The sales activity screen now drills down to the same task details as my tasks or my tickets

April 2nd, 2014 | Support | Ticket/Helpdesk Enhancements

Save more time and update your Customer contacts while logging Helpdesk Tickets. You can now create contacts on the fly in the request by field. These contacts will get automatically linked to the ticket’s customer.

Save even more time by adding time to helpdesk tickets from the grid. Now you can include a column ticket overview to jump in one mouse-click to time input. Log multiple tickets in the grid in a flash. You can now enter the problem description from the ticket overview screen. Find your tickets more quickly using grouping the same way you already do so in My Tasks.

To make it clear how many tickets exist in each status, the number of tickets is displayed to the right of the status and a “More” button has been added after the first two statuses to make it clearer where to click to see the rest of the list. Keep all your tickets right on track. Traffic lights (indicators for tracking how likely work is to be completed on time) and other additional search options/filters have been added to the more organized layout of the search screen.

To rapidly book tickets and assign the work to yourself, you can change the settings on the task to default the assigned resource of a task to the current user. In by popular request, you can limit who can be assigned as a resource on a task or ticket
to just employees, based on a task type setting

April 2nd, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Attendance Clock in/out Module

Want to take advantage of the latest biometric clocking devices for attendance? The attendance module has been extended with an application to manage clock in/out devices from third party hardware suppliers such as ZK Technologies. In the device mgt. screen you can:

  • Reset devices
  • Reprocess failed transactions
  • Maintain which employees are allowed to use which device
  • Some set-up and consulting is required to integrate third party devices to’s attendance module so please contact us if you are interested in using this feature

April 2nd, 2014 | Time off | Time-off Enhancements

In order to enhance usability of the system, we are always focusing on simplifying entry of information into the system. For absences, we have made two key enhancements:

  • Absence adjustments can now be posted in decimals not just in units of 0.5 days.
  • We removed the “my requests” option from Absence administration to simplify it

April 21st, 2014 | Projects | Project Cost & Revenue Tracking

Knowing how much a project costs is vital to your business and we want to make it as easy as possible. Therefore, regardless of whether you make changes via the timesheet or the task details screen, task cost and revenue roll-up from timesheets considers the overtime billing and costing ratio and whether time is billable or not (for revenue)

April 21st, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Clocking Device Time-zones

Third party device’s time-zones now automatically adjust for daylight savings time

April 21st, 2014 | Time off | Time-off Admin Cosmetic Improvements

Additional advanced search options such as my team, adjustments only or redemptions only has been added to the absence administration application. At the same time, the options for “my team’s absences” and “everyone’s absences” has been removed from the my absence app.

Communicate about leave requests more efficiently, Comments made during approval or rejection can now be seen from the absence request screen. Click on the comments tab to see them. Based on customer feedback, you can book more than one half-day absence on the same day. You can also see a history of all changes to an absence in the history/timeline display

April 7th, 2014 | Expenses | Rate Based Expenses for any Unit

To make it easier to claim the things you buy, you can now create rate based expenses based on any unit of measure, not just miles, km or days (per diems)

April 7th, 2014 | Platform | Optional Security Questions

At, we are committed to helping you customize the system to work best for you. To that end we have made two enhancements to make the system even more customizable:

  • Security questions are no longer required for resetting your password. If you have not answered any security questions, then just supply your password reset email address and a new temporary password will be sent.
  • You can now create more than one client settings folder while you are customizing the system to allow you to store different system configurations

April 7th, 2014 | Projects | Task Requested By Enhancements

Need to keep track of who requested some work to be done? No problem. You can now edit the requested by field for a task. Requested by can be any customer contact at the customer for the ticket’s project if the project is billable/external.

Need to keep track of classifications for the work you do, such as inventory used to complete a request or resolutions to common problems? You can now code tasks with catalogs. Catalogs allow you to define your own list of values for a quick and easy customization

April 21st, 2014 | CRM | Download Opportunities to Excel

Based on Customer feedback, you can download opportunity lists to excel

April 21st, 2014 | Expenses | Expense Claim Reimbursement

Keep track of which claims you have paid. You can now enter a paid amount for expense reimbursement and payment date in the expense claim. You can update this information via direct input from Absence Admin, batch file upload with data exported from Quickbooks or via workflow, by using a pay step to trig an auto-update

April 21st, 2014 | Plug-ins | Quickbooks & Salesforce Integration

To get your business data out of and into your financial software more efficiently,
we have made the following enhancements:

  • Transform functions to sum up amounts from line item to header level for exporting timesheets to Quickbooks
  • A framework to connect to your Quickbooks online application
  • Increased options for importing data such as customers, won opportunities and contacts from Salesforce.

Please contact our customer support team for help with mapping your Quickbooks, Salesforce or SAP data elements to or for updating objects from excel documents.

May 25th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Book Time from Task Resources Tab

Option to book time from the task, as a fast-path means for project managers or resources who normally have task or ticket details open to book time. This time is fed directly into a timesheet and still needs to be submitted and approved on a weekly (or alternative period) basis

May 15th, 2014 | CRM | Lead, Opportunity, Customer & Sales Activity Harmonization

Harmonization of the activities view between leads, opportunities and customers (with minimal differences such as not showing customer column in customer task list). Allowing each one of these as well as sales activity app to drill down to the same task details screen

May 15th, 2014 | Platform | Photo Display next to Name

Display of photos next to people’s names when available

April 30th, 2014 | Expenses | Popups for Quick Entry of Rate Based Expenses

Usability fixes to expenses including pop-ups for quick entry of rate based and mileage based expenses types from the expense claim item list directly. This prevents you from having to open the expense item details screen each time you enter a rate based or mileage based expense. You can still enter $-based expenses right in the table of expense items.

We also added visibility of paid amount to expense claims and extra (hidden by default) columns to the expense item list for Quantity, Unit price, Tax amount, Paid in cash, Reimbursable and Distance

April 21st, 2014 | Billing | Additional Pricing Formulae

To make billing easier, you can now create more flexible formulae in the pricing or calculation sheet. Formulae in the pricing sheet are flexible enough to cope with contract terms such as retainers, advanced payments and over-and-above payments so please contact our customer support team if you need to create custom pricing sheets.

Employee work-schedules are now being taken into account when converting from daily billing rates during billing or displaying revenue for timesheet hours. This work-schedule can be defined in the project header or taken from he Employee record depending on how you setup the task type

April 21st, 2014 | Collaboration | Document or File Management Module

Document management comes to with our new Files application to manage your files directly in, saving you the need to use Google Drive, Dropbox or to manage business files. You can upload, search and organize files centrally. From Files you can:

  • Organize files by when they were uploaded, file type, owner or shared status.
  • You can show the files as a list or as a set of thumbnail images.
  • Filter the list by type, original file type or business document files are linked to, as well as by shared/linked status.
  • If you are using Tags, the Tags widget will show you how many files are associated with each tag.
  • If you click on tags in the tag widget you can see the files associated with that tag.

  • Drill down to preview a file (including zoom and rotate) for web-browser supported file types such as jpg, png and pdf.
  • Upload a new file from your desktop, or download any authorized file to your desktop.
  • Replace a file with an upload from your desktop. Replacing a file automatically creates a new version of the same file in, with the option to see all historical versions and their files by clicking on the “Versions” button.
  • Delete a file.
  • Open pop-up where you can edit file information such as name and file type, make files private vs. public, add comments and tag your file with one or more tags. You can also link a file to any kind of business document from this pop-up: choose the category of document you wish to link to first (e.g. Task, Customer etc.) and then choose the task or customer etc. from the drop-down list.
  • Show a history of changes to a file and any versions.
  • Scan the file.’s “smart scan” feature will read supported file types and convert the image to text using optical character recognition (techniques). The converted text can be viewed and edited or cleaned up via the “view/edit scanned text” button to the left of smart scan.
  • You can download the list of files to excel

July 10th, 2014 | Files | PDF/TXT Preview

Added a preview option in the browser for PDF and TXT files. You may still need to download larger PDF files but now you can preview these files in your browser directly

July 10th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Book Time from Task Overview & My T&E Report

Book time from task details: you can now enter time from the task details RESOURCES tab (for anyone assigned to the task) or from the task list overview in project > task, my tasks or my tickets (for yourself only).

We built versions of time & expense list and time & attendance (time booked vs. work-schedule hours) for individual consultants, showing the same information but only for the current user. Also added attachments or files to timesheets

July 1st, 2014 | Platform | IE Browser Fix

Fix to browser back button in Internet Explorer

June 15th, 2014 | Plug-ins | SAP Interface

An interface for expenses and customer invoices to SAP was configured for a major client. This interface directly calls SAP’s BAPIs to post into Finance/Controlling for expenses and customer receivables, with SAP GL account numbers mapped based on rules by expense type, customer group or product/service being offered

June 15th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Attendance Clocking Fixes

Fixes to attendance clocking interface and setup screen for biometric and clocking devices

June 1st, 2014 | Expenses | Expense Item Tax (e.g. VAT)

Tax added on expense items, giving you the option to activate VAT or other tax codes by expense type (e.g. for flights and hotels but not for phone bills) and have the system calculate and propose a tax amount in your expense based on the applicable VAT etc. rate for the country in which the expense was incurred. You can typically edit both the tax rate and the amount for example to deal with cases where only a part of your hotel expense was taxable. Your system administrator can also choose in your company set-up whether to bill this tax onto customers or whether to back it out automatically and potentially replace it with a sales tax

July 25th, 2014 | Expenses | New User Interface for Bank Card Registration

Improvements in bank card registration including automatic regular update of the list of bank cards accepted by our third-party bank integrator service provider (Yodlee), improvements in the user interface to enter bank card information and consideration of bank or financial institution specific security protocols or login screens

July 25th, 2014 | Reporting | Revised/Rationalized Dashboard Fieldnames

Rationalized and extended the list of analytics dashboard fields including revising all field names to make them more intuitive and avoid overlaps

July 25th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Overtime Types

Overtime or time item types were added to timesheets to support premium rates payments and billing rates. Overtime types are associated with the timesheet type and in turn with a work-schedule, and allow clients to define for example 1.5x pay and billing rates for certain projects, work conditions or work-hours. You can choose whether employees select the overtime type manually in their timesheet or calculate this automatically using our future time evaluation module. You can also limit the number of overtime types selectable in timesheets to ones defined in the employee compensation details (as opposed to create separate work-schedules and timesheet types for each unique employee group)

August 15th, 2014 | CRM | Automated Test Scripts

Created automated test scripts for LinkedIn (contact form) and billing as well as login screen

August 15th, 2014 | Platform | Forward Workflow Action

Added an option to forward a workflow action to another user. For example you are assigned to approve a ticket but you know you are not the right person. As opposed to rejecting it back and then changing the task owner you can now forward it to the right person

August 15th, 2014 | Reporting | New Look for Analytics Dashboards

Improvements in look and feel of analytics dashboards including a less colorful theme (more neutral tones and greys insteads of yellows, browns and oranges) as well as a more consistent look and feel as compared to the rest of our application

August 1st, 2014 | Collaboration | Auto-email Enhancements

Automatic emails whenever someone is assigned to a task, whenever a task is completed and when someone is marked in the notification tab of workflow set-up. We also added the option to customize these emails based on each client’s requirements (contact us if you want to change the format or content of these emails)

August 1st, 2014 | HR | Team Calendar & Absence Report

Team Calendar report showing all members of your team and their current and planned absenses, as well as company holidays

August 1st, 2014 | Platform | Timeline and Date/time Field Enhancements

Improvements in usability of date and time fields with a “time picker” when the field allows input of time as well as date. Also we added the option to enter “time only” if the date is fixed. Time can be input from the picker or via the keyboard, like date in a variety of formats. Note that when a date field does not support time the time is saved internally as mid-day GMT.

Timeline or document history showing a history of all changes made to a particular document. You can scroll down to see earlier history or filter by type of change such as only showing comments, status changes or field updates

January 27th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Attendance Clocking Application

We are proud to announce our newest application-Attendance. You can now track your employee’s clocking in and out with ease, either through our left panel widget or via an independent device. We can currently even support biometric devices such as finger print scanners. The time and attendance report has also been enhanced to allow managers to make manual adjustments as necessary to either daily total hours or to detailed clock in/out time-pairs

January 20th, 2014 | Billing | Improvements in Billing Message Displays

Error and warning messages that appear while processing items for invoicing are now easy to access after they have disappeared from the screen. The messages can be displayed again when one is looking at the invoice. These messages are shown in the pricing instance popup (calculator) at the bottom with their count. For example, it might show ‘Error messages (2), Warning messages (3), etc’. Upon clicking this link, the messages will be displayed. The calculator icon in the invoice detail grid will also show a warning yellow triangle if there are errors. We have also enhanced the pricing sheet with layout improvements as well as the option to re-price an open invoice after changing parameters or variables in the sheet that you are permitted to update

January 20th, 2014 | Collaboration | Logging Comment Replies on Tasks

To make it even easier to reply to comments you receive about tasks in the system, we have changed the sender of the alert email to Now when you hit reply, it will automatically update the comments with your reply as long as you keep the task id/description in the subject line. Other recipients can be added to the email manually

January 20th, 2014 | Platform | Excel Download Enhancements

At, we have always made it easy to download lists or tables to Excel with a single click. Now we are making it even easier by allowing all downloaded numbers to be automatically accessible in Excel for use in formulas by separating the value and units into separate columns.

To download durations as a number:

  • Open your user preferences
  • Navigate to the advanced tab
  • Click on “Show durations as decimals”. This changes duration fields in forms and lists on the screen to decimals of whatever is the most appropriate unit. For example, 1 h 30 m would change to 1.5 h when this box is checked. Since you download what you see, the same decimal number gets downloaded to excel

Feburary 2nd, 2014 | Reporting | Downloading Large Lists to Excel moved to Background

We are always striving to improve system performance speed in order to keep your work buzzing along. Previously, downloading large lists (more than 1000 rows or so) to Excel was taking too long and resulting in time-outs. To prevent this, we have enhanced the system to allow reports to download in the background and be delivered by email to the email address entered in the download window. Please make sure that you have marked an email address as “preferred” in user preferences or my profile contact information to receive automatic emails.

As you probably run the same report again and again, you can now save selections of multiple employees in the time & attendance and time & expense item reports via the “save layout” option (the small personal setting gear icon in the top-right of the list)

Feburary 2nd, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Date-centric Checking to Task Completion in Timesheet

In order to make more intuitive, have enhanced the way timesheets allow you to book time against a task. Previously you could only book time and expenses to open tasks assigned to the employee of the timesheet or expense. Now, the system will check to see if the task was open on the day you want to book time to it. Since expense claims do not have a “start date”, the process is slightly different. Available tasks go four weeks back, unless you enter an incurred on date more than four weeks in the past, at which time additional tasks will become available

January 27th, 2014 | Billing | Option to Print Timesheet Remarks in Invoice

Communicating vital information to your clients has never been easier as we now allow you to print remarks from the timesheet on the invoice. Not to worry, all remarks are editable during the billing process. Some enhancements have been made to ensure that time and expenses booked through customized workflow templates or retainer based contracts are seamlessly sent to billing. In order to help you manage your invoices more easily, we have enhanced the list invoices screed to group invoices by Due date

January 27th, 2014 | Collaboration | Option to Approve Multiple Inbox Messages at once

Part of’s elegance is its ability to send line items from mixed claims and timesheets to the appropriate person for approval. However, we understand that approving each individual line item can be extremely tedious. Therefore, you can all the time or expense items you are responsible for approving with a single click at the top of the list. This will not approve or reject any items in the claim for which you are not responsible.

We have improved the speed at which multiple inbox messages are processed as part of our ongoing efforts to increase overall inbox performance. We have also truncated activity titles in the inbox to prevent eclipsing of adjacent columns such as status or next step buttons

January 27th, 2014 | Expenses | Workflow Enhancements for Time & Expenses

You can have even more control over your employee’s time and expense than before. We have enhanced our workflow template to support the following vital management functions:

  • Tracking reimbursements for submitted claims or timesheets
  • Rejection of timesheets by an administrator to correct for errant approvals

Please reach out to customer management if you are interested in taking
advantage of these new functionalities.

The user interface for expense claims and receipts has been enhanced. Updates to task progress has been improved to accurately account for time booked against tasks that are moved to different projects or time included on timesheet items that get deleted.

Feburary 10th, 2014 | Time off | Time-off Request Deletion

If you haven’t submitted the absence yet, you can now delete it. Rejected absence requests can also be deleted, if you decide not to correct and resubmit them

Feburary 2nd, 2014 | Billing | Timesheet Remark Printing Options in Invoices

We now make it even easier to send invoices to your customers by enhancing how timesheet remarks and expense receipts are printed with customer invoices. You can choose whether or not to include expense receipts and/or timesheet remarks in customer invoice PDFs by invoice item category. You can also edit remarks in the invoice before they are printed.

Billing in summarizes the time, materials, and expenses booked on billable client projects so that the resulting customer invoice is shorter and therefore more manageable. The option to summarize time and expense items is a key feature of’s billing process, and gives our clients the flexibility to meet their own customer demands with varied invoice layouts. Previously, customer invoices could be summarized by service provided, task, employee or expense type. Now we have added the option to summarize by the date when time or expense was incurred, as well as the option not to summarize at all. You also have the option to change summarization options by type. So you can summarize your time while line item expenses, etc, making invoicing more flexible than ever

Feburary 2nd, 2014 | Expenses | Expense Reimbursement Tracking

Now that you have all your employees submitting expense claims, you also need to be able to mark which ones you have reimbursed. You can manage this information either of two easy ways:

  • You can track expense claim reimbursement or payment via a new workflow with parallel paths for reimbursement and customer billing of expenses. Use this method if you manage reimbursement in
  • If you manage reimbursement in an external finance system and need to show this information in, you can upload the information including the claim numbers and paid amounts.
  • Payment status has also been added to the time & expense item report as well as to the expense claim search list and historical claim screen with the “Amount Paid”. This allows employees and administrators to view the amount paid against each claim

    Feburary 2nd, 2014 | Platform | Improvements to File Load Performance

    To improve system performance, the system will only load attachments only when requested. This may cause a very slight reduction in the speed at which attachment thumbnails appear. It will however improve load speeds significantly on tasks when you do not open the attachment tab or pop-up

    Feburary 10th, 2014 | Platform | Browser Back Compatibility

    You can now click the “back” button in the browser while working in and it will go back the previous screen or activity instead of the previous web page you visited prior to opening

    We are currently working on a central file management application so you can use to manage all your files instead of or alongside Google Docs or Dropbox. We will publish more information on this in the coming weeks when it is released but we encourage any clients who might be interested in this feature to contact us for beta testing

    Feburary 10th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Timesheet Deletion & Clocking Enhancements

    Non-submitted timesheets can also now be deleted in the time administrator tool to make it easier to submit time for others.

    In order to improve performance, the solution now defaults the initial from/to dates in reports to today/yesterday. This decreases the initial load time. You can still adjust the date and click the “reload” button to get the range you want.

    Finally, We have enhanced our attendance solution to help you mitigate those common clocking errors. If an employee submits two clock “in” records in succession then we will assume the second one is in reality a clock “out”. If the second clock was received on the next day or in the new work-shift we will assume the second clock is also a clock “in” and they forgot to clock out the day before. Supervisors can still review, amend and correct attendance records using the time and attendance report

    Feburary 17th, 2014 | Reporting | Calculated Measures in Dashboards

    We have enhanced our Analytics application with the ability to create your own calculated measures. Now you can take the data you are already collecting and synthesize new information by applying formulas to create custom metrics. There are 4 types of calculated measures available:

    • Quantity, for handling simple numbers
    • Duration, for handling time durations like hours or weeks
    • Currency, for handling monetary transactions
    • Percentage, for handling aging calculations

    You can create a new calculated measure while you are creating a new dashboard and reuse it in all the dashboard widgets. Currently, there are 2 types of aggregation formulas, which can be used with the calculated measures, SUM and AVERAGE. You can specify one of these formulas while creating a chart or by changing the chart properties from the property panel

    Feburary 17th, 2014 | Support | My Tickets/Helpdesk New Module

    We are bringing the all benefits of integration to your helpdesk. We are ready for Customer Beta testing on our My Tickets application. Here is a list of our current ticketing features:

    • Our helpdesk ticket application supports customized workflows by ticket type. You can also track service levels with escalations and milestone tracking.
    • You can assign tickets to teams to create a queue and then later to individuals to start the work.
    • We can provide an HTML widget for youS website to use as an external or non-user web-based ticket entry and update portal.
    • Ticket entry and update via email.
    • Integration to project management, CRM and billing.

    Please contact us if you have an interest in learning more about our helpdesk ticket module.

    Feburary 10th, 2014 | Billing | Sales and VAT Tax Calculation in Customer Invoices

    To make it easier to get your bills out the door, we have added sales tax and VAT to the billing application. Tax rates are being regularly updated and kept in sync with regulatory changes on a monthly basis, for both the 60,000 or so US-based jurisdictions (down to town/city/parish/zip code level in certain states) as well as for Canada, UK and EU. We will add tax information for other countries in the coming weeks.

    Now you can set-up tax information in three areas as follows:

    • Define the tax rules that your company adheres to, as well as mark your company if it is tax exempt.
    • Select the tax codes (e.g. state sales tax, local sales tax etc.) that apply to the product or services you are offering, including tax-exempt and luxury goods tax.
    • Check and adjust if necessary the applicable tax rates for these tax codes for each customer. Tax rates are displayed in the customer record based on their location or address, so the more specific the location, the more accurate the tax rate. Your authorized system administrators can also make manual adjustments as needed. Customers can also be marked as tax exempt.

    The newly defined tax rules will automatically calculated the necessary sales tax or VAT and place it on the invoice, depending on how your pricing sheets are set up. Contact iBE customer support if you need this feature in case we need to adjust your pricing sheet to include sales taxes or VAT. If you have not assigned a location to a Customer record, a tax jurisdiction can be selected during the invoicing process. Sales tax amounts are calculated item by item and summarized by tax code. Instead of a single field for total invoice tax amount, you will get a table or list showing the different tax codes and their respective totals, which are part of the invoice line item pricing. The total summary amount will still print on invoice forms that you send to your clients.

    Sending invoices to your retainer based clients, doesn’t have to be a hassle. We are pleased to announce that can now automate the invoicing of your retainer based contracts, without the need to manually adjust task/service quantities from one month to the next. Our retainer solution will allow you to bill the retainer fee and time and materials overages. We can also handle any rollovers for the selected billing interval. Tasks used for retainer-based contracts should still be set up as T&M tasks, which will aggregate contract and overage hours together. Since setup of these contracts may seem a little complicated at first, please contact Customer Management for help in setting your retainer contracts up in the system

    Feburary 17th, 2014 | Collaboration | Inbox Message Filtering Improvements

    The inbox filters for “this week” and “this month” were filtering by the current calendar week or month. This was causing confusion during the rollover between months. It has been changed to mean “the last seven days” and “the last 30 days”

    Feburary 17th, 2014 | CRM | Multiple Sites in Customers

    Businesses with multiple office sites don’t have to be hard to keep track of. We have enhanced the Sites tab in the customer application to make it easier for you. Check “customer has multiple sites” if your customer record is for an organization with several offices or locations. Then set up a unique customer record and address for each site and connect all the sites under one Enterprise record by connecting them in the sites tab

    Feburary 17th, 2014 | Platform | Multiple Companies or Legal Entities

    Even small businesses can house different entities within a single company. To aid managing this, we are rolling out multiple business units or departments this week. If you operate in more than one country, you may have employees assigned to multiple companies or sell from multiple sales offices. customer support can create multiple companies or sales departments for you. This will allow you to assign each employee, lead, opportunity, customer and project to the appropriate business or department. The associated transactions, such as timesheets, expense claims and customer invoices, will then follow suit. This functionality is still in beta-stage while we are in the process of developing a front-end so you can edit your enterprise structure without calling customer support. However, if you would like to be added to the list of companies involved in beta testing, please reach out to Customer Support

    Feburary 17th, 2014 | Project | Option to Block Consultants from Creating Tasks

    Sometimes you don’t want people changing the tasks they have been assigned to or creating their own. We are closing a final loophole towards this goal. Users who are not authorized to open and edit projects or tasks can no longer create tasks through the “quick add” left panel widget. Likewise the “+” button to quickly add a task from the task timer or my tasks left panel widget is automatically hidden for these users. Be sure to set up job-role based navigation menus and mark the project, tasks and task details applications as “display only” in the navigation menu for users who should not be able to create tasks. Feel free to reach out to Customer Management if you need any help setting up your navigation menus

    January 13th, 2014 | Projects | Extended Project Header with Financials, Resources, Goals & More

    Gain more control of your projects with the new extended project header. To access, click on more on the upper right hand side of the project header to see tabs for General Information (Goals, Location & Phases), Project Resources, Schedule & Progress, Service Rates, Financials, Comments, Attachments and History. Extended project header includes:

    • Project financials are based on rolling up task planned and actual hours, remaining / forecast hours, costs, and revenues and invoiced amounts.
    • Track one or more customer purchase orders and customer PO funds / funds remaining (not yet invoiced).
    • Recognized revenue can be automatically calculated via a variety of revenue recognition methodologies or manually adjusted
    • Not only can you implement project specific rates but now you can implement project specific rate codes. Need to bill your time as a partner on one project but as an engineer on another? Not a problem with project specific billing rate codes. Of course if you don’t put in a project specific billing rate code then the billing rate defined in the employee’s compensation tab still applies, as before. Please remember that rates are valid from a certain date and priced based on a pricing unit such as hours or items delivered.
    • We have enabled quicker opening speeds for tasks by creating an extra menu item in the standard delivered menu under “Tasks” called ‘Create Task’. You should still manage, track and edit your tasks using either Projects or My Task

    January 13th, 2014 | Support | Ticket Creation from Continuum (Helpdesk Software)

    • A workflow API for tickets coming from Continuum (help desk portal) can now send tickets back to Continuum.
    • Layout enhancements including additional fields have been added to our Support ticket print form.
    • Enhancements to our external ticket (customer) portal were made to provide the option of requiring usernames and passwords for logging and reviewing support tickets. The default requirement of only needing a valid email address remains in place.

    January 13th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Improvements to Time Admin Module

    • Administrators now have more control over time reported by their employees. In the time Admin feature, an administrator can see all the timesheets submitted and the pre-delivered workflow. Once timesheets are submitted, each line item is marked for either the billable or non-billable track. the pre-delivered workflow will mark billable timesheets as “approved”, “partially billed” and “fully billed” as today. the parallel non-billable workflow will set items to approved (previously called partially closed) and then closed. all timesheets are editable In the approved status. Once moved further, the time item is locked from editing. We believe this will rectify the confusion over the meaning of partially closed
    • Dates listed In the timesheet column headings should display according to the user’s preferred date format. Remember you can change your user preferences by clicking on the settings gear icon In the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
    • An error In the cost rate column of the time and expense item report (when run for several people simultaneously) was fixed

    Can I migrate my existing data

    Can I migrate my existing data

    Of course you can migrate existing data out of legacy systems into As long as your current system provides a way to extract the data e.g. to a csv or xls file we can upload it into Our implementation consultant will help you through this including providing blank Excel templates for you to fill out, reviewing and cleaning up your data, organizing your data or our upload to match your own specific needs and custom fields, and even running the data imports for you

    January 20th, 2014 | Projects | Sub-task and Project List Cosmetic Improvements. Equivalent T&M Revenue

    Finding the project you need has never been simpler. System administrators can now see all projects regardless of whether they are listed as a project resource. You can now use workflow to complete your tasks! This will be especially useful for closing support tickets after customer approval. Completion of a task (via workflow or otherwise) sets percent complete as 100%, remaining effort and utilization as zero and actual finish date as the date/time the task was completed, just like clicking the status bubble on the left hand side of the grid does now.

    Last week we introduced you to the extended Project header. We extended the project header to include a financial accounting tab showing summarized costs, revenues, billed amounts as well as customer PO funds at the project level. This week, we have added this financial data to the project search screen as hidden columns. Provided you are authorized, you can add these columns to the project search screen as you do other columns now. This can be a very useful financial overview of several projects at once and be included in the excel download of the project list.

    Made handling of tasks and subtasks more intuitive. Add a subtask adds your new subtask below the other subtasks. Add a row will create a sister task at the same level as the task that is highlighted.

    Want to know how much you would have made it you had billed by Time and Materials instead of your fixed pricing method? No problem. Equivalent Time & Material revenues are calculated and displayed in the task dates/cost/quantity tab. To use this feature make sure that you have maintained a billing rate code for the consultant in question which is in the same (or a compatible) unit of measure as the task’s service rate

    January 20th, 2014 | Reporting | Option to Hide Report Columns from Certain Users

    We understand how important it is to have data at your fingertips, but we also understand how important it is to not let your sensitive data get into the wrong hands. You can now hide report/list columns from unauthorized users for greater data security. To do this you need to create a restricted screen layout for the document category (timesheet, expense claim etc.) concerned and mark desired columns as hidden. Then you can link the screen control layout to a custom job-role based navigation menu. Contact support for more information on this great feature!

    The time and expense items report is now even more informative. The report has been enhanced with some additional columns (claim header status etc.) and the option to list or filter expense claims based on the claim date as opposed to the date the charge was incurred on

    January 20th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Timesheet History

    We have added a history tab to timesheets. The full list shows all changes including status updates, value changes and comments to the timesheet. You can even filter the report to only show the types of changes you are interested in by selecting status/workflow changes from the list at the top of the window

    January 13th, 2014 | Collaboration | Status Management Cosmetic Improvements

    • The look and feel of our document status (e.g. timesheet status, task status etc.) has been simplified, replacing the drop-down field of current and allowed next states with a new look showing ‘current state > action’. If there is more than one possible action such as approve or reject then ‘more..’ is displayed next to the preferred action, clicking on which gives a menu with the allowed actions/responses to each workflow step.
    • The status column tooltip has also been improved to show more information.
    • Messages will now appear as plain text in the buzzboard panel to be consistent with how they appear in the iPhone app.
    • An error causing MS Word files to save as .txt files has been fixed. They now show the MS Word document image

    January 13th, 2014 | CRM | Layout & Cosmetic Customer Improvements

    • An error in displaying external customer contacts in our support tickets app was fixed.
    • Some layout and cosmetic enhancements were made to the customer sites tab, the show the organization of customer sites or locations within a customer’s enterprise.
    • An error, which copied some fields from on opportunity to the next was fixed

    March 10th, 2014 | Time off | Absence Balance Display Harmonization

    To increase consistency between Absence displays, we have made column headings more consistent between employee absence balances and projected absence balances in absence request. Please note that projected balances take into account forecast accruals as well as submitted requests and adjustments up to the selected date

    March 4th, 2014 | Expenses | Matching Expenses to Receipts

    Expenses now include a “Match” feature. The matching logic looks for all pending expenses imported from your credit card / bank card which have not yet been matched to any expense item, where the amount and currency are the same and the transaction date is either the same as or within a 5 days of the expense item date. Users can access match feature from pending expenses screen or from receipts screen.

    • To access match feature from pending, users will have to select the expense item which it wants to match and click on “Match” button on Main panel.
    • To access match feature from pending, users will have to display an attached receipt. Click on “Match” button on Popup.
    • To invoke the match user can select the expense and click on match button on main panel.
    • If the user subsequently imports the matched item into a claim both the receipt and imported credit card information are accessible from within the claim. We are always updating the list of banks/credit card companies from which you can import charges for expense claims. For this purpose, we use the 3rd party system Yodlee, which is the same engine that powers Mint. We will continue updating this list every 2-3 months based on Yodlee’s growing database of financial institutions.

      To enhance the usability of expense claims, we have changed the “assign” button to “import” for bringing pending expenses into an expense claim, as we think it a more understandable term

    Feburary 24th, 2014 | Collaboration | Document Workflow Display Enhancement

    We have enhanced how the workflow messages update to make things faster. When an item such as a timesheet has line item approvals, the header displays the lowest stage of the workflow for any line item, such as submitted or rejected. The enhancement ensures that changes to the line item status automatically updates the status of the document header instantaneously

    Feburary 24th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | T&E Report Cosmetic Enhancements

    We have made a final series of enhancements to the Time & Attendance report. These enhancements include:

    • Easier drill-down to attendance clocks
    • Ability to calculate total and break time for manually inputted time-clocks
    • Addition of an undo button on the attendance clocking left-panel widget that removes the last posted clock

    In order to improve functional consistency between reports, we have enhanced the “Everyone” filter in the Time & Expense report. Now, when you click “Everyone” in the screen header, you have the option of selecting all employees if you are a system admin user. If you are an Advanced level user, you will see all the employees for whom you are the HR representative

    Feburary 24th, 2014 | Time off | Time-off Administration Application

    Managing Absences for your employees just got easier. Much like the popular Time Admin and Expense Admin functions, Absence Admin can now be found under the list of available Mange functions. Authorized users can view, create, and edit leave requests for others. As the administrator, you can now also control whether employees can create their own absence requests or not, by absence type. It is recommended to only allow employees to create / submit their own absence requests if these adjustments are subject to approval workflows

    September 15th, 2014 | Reporting | Sorting Bar Chart Bars by Dimension

    We added an option to sort data in bar-charts by dimension including alphabetical sort for bar charts based on some text or code, and date sort for bar charts organizing bars by time period. Prior to this enhancement all bar charts were sorted by value ascending or descending (length of bar) which does not make much sense when trying to show data points over a time series. At the same time we increased the maximum allowed number of bars from around 7 to around 50

    August 30th, 2014 | Billing | Billing Summary Cosmetic Enhancements

    Cosmetic enhancements to the billing summary list including additional (hidden) columns, fixes to the task selection based on overlapping from/to dates and a selection by company. Advanced selections by customer, project leader or billing method will be added in the near future

    August 30th, 2014 | Expenses | Draft or Unclassified Claim Improvements

    We modified how unclassified expense claims are saved and presented to users. Expense claims can be saved as unclassified from mobile phone apps and rather than rejecting the update we store them in a “draft” or unclassified state. This means that they cannot be submitted or billed until they are classified. Rather than clicking on “open > drafts” as our original design required, you can now see draft expense claims in the expense claim search list app, in a lighter grey font. You can open draft claims just like any other claim and provided it is classified you can “publish” the claim at any time to make it active. Once active the status e.g. submit action will appear, so another way to see if claims are draft is a space in the status column

    August 30th, 2014 | Platform | Save or Update Event Fix

    Fix to save whereby if the save failed for any reason the data that was previously changed was not being marked as necessary to save before leaving the transaction

    August 30th, 2014 | Reporting | Dashboard Run-time Personalization

    Analytics dashboard run-time user personalization options including expanding a single widget to full-screen size, hiding a widget and changing the dimension or measures used to show how data is organized (report on and report by) on the fly

    August 15th, 2014 | Collaboration | Workflow Set-up Fixes

    Fixes to workflow or process template set-up including correct trapping of unsaved changes and fixes to advanced tabs for each step such as workflow recipients

    October 15th, 2014 | Time & Attendance | Android Application & Work-shifts

    New Android application for timesheet input. Please download it from the Android app-store to your Android device!

    Work-shifts were added to work-schedules, allowing you to define specific start/stop times for each work-shift as opposed to a standard number of hours per day (flexitime) which we always supported. Now workers who have to start and stop their shift at a specific time can have shifts defined up-front and their standard working hours, overtime and even holidays are determined from their work-shifts and not from the public or company holiday calendar. So for example a maintenance worker who is on duty from 6 am until 6 pm Sunday to Wednesday each week will not have Sunday as a “weekend day off” but will instead have Thursday and Friday as normal holidays in addition of course to Saturday. And their standard daily work-hours would be 12 hours and weekly work-hours would be 48 hours (unless they also get breaks)

    Added columns to timesheet search screen

    September 30th, 2014 | Billing | Billable Revenues in Project. List Invoice Cosmetic Improvements

    Billable revenues tracked on project level: as well as tracking planned (planned hours or task quantity times rate) and actual (actual hours or task quantity * rate) revenues we are now tracking billable revenues. Billable revenues are the sum of hours * rate for all approved timesheets and expense claims as well as actual task quantity * rate for fixed price tasks, as well as the qty * price for billable task components. This information is visible in the billing summary when you first go to this app, i.e. before you enter from and to dates.

    Improvement in list and display/edit invoices including additional (hidden by default) columns in list invoices, additional selection or filter options such as paid/unpaid invoices and include subsidiaries, and enhancements to the edit invoice screen including the option to edit the quantity, unit price or service for any invoice item or sub-item (when sub-items exist) for an invoice and display of whether the invoice is sent or paid as a “stamp” font in the top right corner

    Fix to customer purchase orders defaulting from project to invoice even when there are no remaining funds

    September 30th, 2014 | Collaboration | Single Buzzboard Tab with Inbox Enhancements

    We removed buzzboard tabs because no-one really understood or used them. Instead with our new Osprey release we just show one buzzboard tab accessible by clicking on the “messages” icon in the main toolbar. This buzzboard tab now “floats” above the existing screen rather than squashing it down, and it can be moved and resized as before when clicking on “pop-out”. You can still hide or mark individual buzzboard messages as read and show/hide read messages.

    The buzzboard and inbox are now more consistent with each other, both having the option to show all types of messages (not just workflow messages in our previous inbox application). The inbox being a full screen application has more options than our buzzboard with user filters, sorting and table layout/columns. The display grouping all workflow messages for projects/tasks on a single timesheet or expense claim into one group with a single-click approval for all have been rolled into the new inbox application as a group-by option (and will be a sub-title button in the near future). Finally we added columns to our inbox for number of hours or value of expense claim items to make it easier to approve or reject timesheets or expense claims from the inbox without having to drill-down

    December 1st, 2014 | Collaboration | Show Initials when Photo is Missing

    Added a feature to show people’s images – when they have not uploaded a photo – as a grey circle containing their initials in white letters. Before this people’s images without photos was a missing photo icon. If you upload a photo your photo will be displayed not your initials

    December 1st, 2014 | Expenses | Expense Claim Splits

    Enhancement to expense claims to allow splitting of a single claim or a claim item between two or more projects and tasks. The % or $-figure assigned to each project, customer and task is billed accordingly, or not if the split is marked as non-billable. You will see a new icon in the billable and classification columns showing an upside down tree or org. chart if the expense claim item is split between multiple customers, projects or tasks

    December 1st, 2014 | HR | Pay Calculation for Time-off & Specific Tasks

    Enhancements to pay calculation to allow compensation elements to be linked to specific time-off types or even to specific tasks as opposed to overtime types as formerly supported. This allows you to pay a different ratio for time-off (e.g. disability at 50% of regular pay) or to pay a different rate for a specific task time is booked to (e.g. double-pay for working on an offshore oil rig). If you do link compensation to a specific task you should create an overtime type for it as well.

    Allow departments to be a pre-defined list as opposed to a free text. If you define departments for one or more of your companies then the employee’s department is a selection list. We also added department to the project header so you can assign projects to a department also (this one is only a selection list). A new app to set up departments is coming very soon, please contact us in the meantime to set up new departments

    Can I become a reseller or implementation partner

    Can I become a reseller or implementation partner

    Yes please contact us to explore reseller or implementation partner options. We do not have a formal program in place however we have several informal partners on revenue-share agreements which we would be glad to share with you and find a win/win situation

    Can I allow clients access to my projects

    Can I allow clients access to my projects

    External clients can access your projects in one of three ways:

    • You can provide them with limited access user accounts and they can access only their own projects using a web-browser like your internal users
    • If they need access to tickets you can provide them with an external or portal user account to access their tickets in our portal
    • They can interact with via their email through receiving and responding to workflow or approval emails for deliverables, comments on tasks, sending in new task requests and signing off milestones, timesheets or quotations

    Can I cancel at any time

    Can I cancel at any time

    You can cancel your contract with at any time by notifying us. We will immediately stop charging you and return/extract your data if you are on a paid enterprise account. Even if you sign up for a one year contract under certain circumstances (e.g. we are the cause for you cancelling the contract with we will refund outstanding months subscriptions on a pro-rata basis

    Can I bill my clients based on number of transactions, users, headcount, square feet and so on from

    Can I bill my clients based on number of transactions, users, headcount, square feet and so on from’s pricing and billing engine can bill based on any unit of measure including all the ones listed in the question

    Does meet European data protection rules

    Does meet European data protection rules’s servers are based at Amazon data centers in the US so while we meet the general EU data protection requirements we cannot say that our data is physically housed in servers based in the EU. We meet the US equivalent “safe harbor” data protection requirements and have internal guidelines and controls to protect clients’ data. We are not formally registered for safe harbor but can do so on request

    Can I pay in my home currency

    Can I pay in my home currency

    We prefer to bill in USD however by exception larger clients can pay in their home currency

    Can I choose my own invoice layout

    Can I choose my own invoice layout

    Our invoice form is an HTML document and can be customized to meet any specific client format. We do not have a user-friendly “form-builder” tool currently so we build the invoice layouts for our clients as part of the implementation, normally at no charge. This gives you maximum flexibility without the restrictions of a typical form-buider

    How do you decide what enhancements to do

    How do you decide what enhancements to do

    The vast majority of enhancements that we make come directly from clients. As long as we feel that a requested enhancement has general industry applicability and compliments our core offerings for professional services automation, we rarely turn down an enhancement request from a client. This is something which is unique about and makes us stand-out from our competitors

    Can I connect to Quickbooks

    Can I connect to Quickbooks connects to Quickbooks Enterprise, Quickbooks Desktop (Pro/Premier) and the later cloud version of Quickbooks in the Cloud. We have existing clients exporting invoices and expense claims from to Quickbooks for payment and General Ledger update as well as importing booking codes such as customers or projects. also connects to other popular accounting packages

    Do I have to provide credit card details to sign-up for

    Do I have to provide credit card details to sign-up for

    No you do not have to provide credit card details to sign-up. We normally bill using a credit card once you sign up for a paid account however larger clients can pay by alternative means

    How do you manage new releases

    How do you manage new releases

    We take care of patches, upgrades and new releases so that you don’t have to. We run one week sprint cycles and push enhancements up to production on Sunday or Monday morning India time-zone. Program or bug fixes are pushed as and when required. We protect existing clients from changes in system behaviour by linking new features to system configuration settings that are turned off by default for existing clients. Contact us to learn about new features of or check out our release notes

    How is secure

    How is secure uses encrypted and tokenized communications from browser to our servers, all of which are protected so that only requests from a valid user/company can access our servers and then only for data that user is authorized to access in that company. Each company gets its own transactional database for added security

    Click here to view our Security Blog

    Do you work with third party implementation partners

    Do you work with third party implementation partners

    We currently support our implementations using internal consultants who are full-time employees of We recognize that this is temporary and as we grow we plan to add third party implementation partners

    Can I customize my approval paths

    Can I customize my approval paths is built on a BPMN2 compliant workflow engine allowing you to customize approval workflows for any object or document be it a timesheet, expense claim, invoice, quotation, ticket, project or task. You can customize any number of approval levels or steps including parallel, sequential or “first to respond” workflows with customized workflow owners by name, job title or based on document roles

    How can I start using

    How can I start using

    A great first step is to request a demo and / or sign up for a free trial. We would be glad to find out whether fits your needs on a short phone call

    Can I manage helpdesk tickets using

    Can I manage helpdesk tickets using

    Managed service providers and anyone supporting clients can use to manage their helpdesk and tickets. We support the complete ticket life-cycle and workflow including creation via phone, email or portal, full workflow with service response time tracking and email integration to keep customers informed of status. We do not automatically monitor network equipment we would connect to a network monitoring tool if this is a requirement

    Is unavailable at any time

    Is unavailable at any time

    We have triple redundancy for our production servers based out of two Amazon data-centers so the system almost never experiences unplanned downtimes. We can commit to 99.999% availability. Planned downtimes are rarely more than 15 minutes per week around 4 am US time on Sunday nights, to restart our servers following the release of any new enhancements

    How long will it take me to implement

    How long will it take me to implement

    The implementation process and duration depends on the size and complexity of your organization, the quality and volume of data you wish to upload and the degree of end user training required. We have had smaller more savvy clients implement in less than one week and larger clients with more complex requirements can take up to four months to deploy. We will support you throughout the implementation process, it is one of the things that differentiates us from our competitors

    Can I map to my own Accounting System GL accounts

    Can I map to my own Accounting System GL accounts

    You can map any fields in to your own GL accounts using our business rules mapping engine. For example billable vs. non-billable expenses might be booked to separate accounts, or you might have a different account for specific clients or customers or for a different company or legal entity. You can even map different GL accounts based on expense categories, service-lines, projects or employee departments

    What database do you use

    What database do you use

    We store our transactional and system data in MongoDB (a no-SQL object orientated store) and our business intelligence or analytics in MonetDB (an in-memory hi-speed column-based SQL database)

    What is cloud or SaaS software

    What is cloud or SaaS software

    Cloud or SaaS software is software delivered over the Internet and run on a desktop, laptop, tablet or phone typically using a web-browser. True cloud software like is designed from the outset to be delivered over the cloud and often runs on a large number of high performance servers at a reputable hosting provider such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), with an architecture designed to make it quick and easy for new companies to get started

    How many clients does have

    How many clients does have

    We have approximately 60 clients and 2,500 users however we are growing all the time so this information may be already out of date

    Can I upload expenses from my bank

    Can I upload expenses from my bank

    You can connect your bank or credit card to and automatically import your expenses or transactions. We support both company owned (paid) and personal bank cards and your data is fully protected. We do not even store your credentials, these are managed by a third-party PCI-compliant bank integration vendor (Yodlee)

    How much does cost

    How much does cost is free for solo users and companies up to 2 users, and only $149/month for up to 9 users all-in with an annual commitment. Contact us for pricing for 10 or more employees, we are extremely reasonable averaging at around $10 per user per month for consulting firms

    Can I use a start/stop timer to record time

    Can I use a start/stop timer to record time has a start/stop timer to record time against a task accessible in both our web-client and our smart phone app. Start/stop timers are automatically imported into the timesheet for subsequent review

    What kind of help documentation do you provide

    What kind of help documentation do you provide

    We provide end user documentation in the form of help topics for all our modules, apps and screens. This documentation is currently in development for the latest (Osprey) release however we also have PDF user guides for the previous (Griffon) release

    Can I use on my mobile phone

    Can I use on my mobile phone

    Yes you can use for time, expenses, time-off requests, approvals and more on your iPhone or Android mobile phone, by downloading either of our mobile phone apps from each respective store. Go to Apple Store or Android Store or search for in your app store to download our free mobile phone app

    How much does it cost to implement

    How much does it cost to implement

    Our implementation fees start at zero for smaller companies signing a one year agreement. Our low cost user subscription covers our typical implementation services including design requirements workshops, system configuration, data migration and custom approval workflows, invoice forms and reports. We will charge a modest implementation fee for larger companies with special or unique requirements such as expediting enhancements, on-site support and training or extensive roll-out sequences

    What’s with the release names

    What’s with the release names

    We wanted our releases to be named after something fast, powerful and beautiful so we choose to name each release after a bird of prey

    If I stop using can I get my data out

    If I stop using can I get my data out

    We make a contractual commitment to give you access to your data for 30 days or more should you cancel your contract with We will help you extract your data in a usable format such as csv for upload to a replacement system

    Can I use the mobile apps offline

    Can I use the mobile apps offline

    Our iPhone and Android smart phone apps are both native allowing offline access to the available features such as time, time-off requests and expenses

    When and where was founded

    When and where was founded

    We were founded in April 2011 in the US (Boston/New York)

    Is end user support included in the monthly or annual subscription

    Is end user support included in the monthly or annual subscription

    Yes we support end users within the same monthly fee you are paying to use our software. You can choose to manage basic “level 1″ issues such as password resets yourself or send them onto our support team to address remotely

    Can automatically calculate overtime

    Can automatically calculate overtime can evaluate the total time recorded by employees and based on their work-schedule hours, HR policies and the time booked on holidays or weekends, automatically redetermine overtime. can also calculate automatic time based allowances such as premium rated time, meal allowances or shift premiums. You can optionally permit users to enter overtime codes directly into their timesheets

    Where can I learn more about

    Where can I learn more about

    Please visit for more information including detailed user guides and manuals for all of our modules. Also contact us for a demo or free trial

    Is only for US based customers

    Is only for US based customers

    Not at all, is a fully internationalized tool and we have many customers in Canada, UK, Europe, South Africa and Australia. We have not yet translated into other languages but the architecture is multi-lingual so we can translate our software on request

    Can automatically calculate pay

    Can automatically calculate pay can automatically calculate gross pay for hourly or salaried employees. We are not a payroll system so we do not support gross to net calculations

    Where is based

    Where is based

    We are based in Boston, New York and India (Noida & Hyderabad)

    Is there a free trial

    Is there a free trial

    Yes we have a one month trial option for 4-9 users and since is free for ever up to 2 users this is equivalent to a perpetual free trial. We also can offer trials for companies of 10 or more employees, contact us for more information

    Can mark-up project expenses

    Can mark-up project expenses

    Yes can apply a project-specific expenses mark-up as well as project-specific expense policies such as maximum limits, disallowed expense categories or non-billable expense categories

    Who are the founders and principals of

    Who are the founders and principals of was founded by Richard Minney, Amit Gupta and Simon Hopkins. The management team currently comprises Richard, Amit, Sanjeev Kumar, Harsh Chauhan and John Langan as well as two external board members

    Click here for our team

    Is training included in the implementation

    Is training included in the implementation

    Our implementation services includes training for both admin and end users. Clients typically tailor our help guides for make them more specific and use them as

    Can mix T&M and milestone based billing on a single project

    Can mix T&M and milestone based billing on a single project

    Yes you can bill a single project with a mixture of many different contract-terms such as T&M, fixed fee, milestone, retainer, expenses and so on

    What hours is support given

    What hours is support given

    We have support teams in the US and India and try to provide 24×7 coverage, guaranteed at a minimum for US and European business hours

    Can track time in overview (weekly) and details (daily) modes

    Can track time in overview (weekly) and details (daily) modes has two timesheet modes, an overview mode with one row per project/task for the entire week or however your customized timesheet period is set-up, and a detailed mode for list input with one row per time entry. The detailed mode allows direct input of remarks, location or quantities

    What is unique about

    What is unique about is one of the most comprehensive newer breed of professional services automation tools available. Rather than addressing one small facet of a business such as HR, marketing or billing we support almost the entire business from clients to projects to people to financials so that you can run one business and use fewer apps. is far less expensive and far easier to deploy and use as compared to yesterday’s end to end PSA tools like NetSuite, AutoTask or Deltek

    Do you have an audit trail of who changed what

    Do you have an audit trail of who changed what has a full audit trail. Nothing can be changed without it being recorded (who, what, when)

    What is your support turn-around time

    What is your support turn-around time

    We try to respond to issues within a few hours and resolve them the same day or the next morning. If it is a program issue or enhancement request we quickly get back to clients with a plan and timeframe, as well as a suggested work-around until the optimal solution is moved up to production

    Do you provide a sandbox environment for clients

    Do you provide a sandbox environment for clients

    Larger clients having an enterprise account can access a sandbox environment. All clients can log into in test mode which lets them view but not update live or production data. The benefit of this approach is that you can train new employees in “test mode” on an on-going basis without compromizing your live data

    When did first become available

    When did first become available

    We launched initially for a restricted number of customers in 2012 and have been growing and adding features ever since

    Do you support multiple companies or legal entities

    Do you support multiple companies or legal entities

    Yes supports multiple company codes (legal entities) as well as departments. Companies can be in different countries or you can have multiple legal entities within the same country, sharing master data like customers or employees and having projects, invoices and transactions like timesheets or expense claims assigned or one or other company

    Where is hosted

    Where is hosted uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) to host our software, in their North Virginia and Oregon data centers. We host in two separate locations on the US East and West coast to ensure a reliable fail-over and disaster/recovery redundancy

    Do you support resource planning including what-if analysis

    Do you support resource planning including what-if analysis

    If you enable resource planning each resource on a task has a planned/remaining effort separate to the duration of that task, and we calculate and report on resource utilization for a single task, for all tasks in a project and across projects. Based on our work-schedules assigned to both resources and teams or groups we can report on available vs. required load to get a sense or over or under-utilized resources into the future. We have developed an interactive resource planning workbench to allow project managers to combine resource load balance charts and assignment/updates into a single screen

    Do you track planned and actual costs and revenues on projects

    Do you track planned and actual costs and revenues on projects tracks planned and actual costs and revenues at both task and project level, for T&M, fixed price or internal tasks. We even track “equivalent T&M revenue” for fixed price tasks to understand what your opportunity-cost is. We also track invoiced amounts, recognized revenue (using a range of accepted revenue recognition methods) and payments, as well as internal cost budgets and customer funds, POs or grants. We are not an accounting system, these figures are tracked at project and task level and not currently on a financial periodic basis

    Does have a purchasing module

    Does have a purchasing module

    We do not currently have a purchasing module however many clients successfully use our expenses module to manage company purchases and business expenses. We support automatic bank card transaction imports, classification of costs by category, client and project as well as billable vs. non-billable expenses. We will develop a purchasing module in the future

    Does keep track of employee records such as time-off balances, pay, attendance, skills, benefits, dependents, work history and so on

    Does keep track of employee records such as time-off balances, pay, attendance, skills, benefits, dependents, work history and so on is a full HR system allowing you to define the scope and complexity of HR-related data you wish to track. can manage all this information as well as files or documents which can be stored securely within our database. can also manage time-off requests, approvals, accruals and balances

    Does support campaign management or mass emailing

    Does support campaign management or mass emailing

    iBE’s CRM module supports leads, opportunities and customers and is not yet built for campaign management. We can recommend a low-cost and compatible email tool and will be adding this feature in the future

    Does support customers with multiple sites or locations

    Does support customers with multiple sites or locations’s customer app can support complex organizations with many sites or locations, as well as numerous contacts at each site. It is possible for example for tickets to be created for one site within a project and bill-to representing a customer head-quarter or alternative site

    Does support many languages

    Does support many languages is fully internationalized supporting almost all country date/time formats, number formats, currencies/exchange rates and with the ability for screen, help and other text to be multi-lingual. We have not yet translated into other languages due to a lack of demand but we are ready to do so when requested

    Does support recurring and background billing

    Does support recurring and background billing supports recurring billing (bill the same amount month after month) as well as background billing (automatic billing). We also support customizable billing periods

    Does track Govt. funds

    Does track Govt. funds’s project accounting module can track and manage multiple grants, purchase orders (PO’s) or government funds including a full audit-trail of when the fund was set-up and how much it was for. tracks the burn down of remaining fund balances as each invoice for that fund is released

    Is a CRM system

    Is a CRM system has a CRM module supporting leads, contacts, opportunities, sales, customers and sales activities. We can manage your contacts database and pipeline reporting, as well as contractual terms with your customers. We are not a campaign mgt. or eMarketing system

    Is DCAA compliant

    Is DCAA compliant meets all the published DCAA requirements for time, expenses and billing software for professional services firms. There is not a software certification program in place for solutions like however we are compliant with the DCAA requirements and customers can get their implementations certified

    Is’s time-off FLSA and ACA compliant

    Is’s time-off FLSA and ACA compliant supports time-off rules that are compliant with both FLSA and ACA regulations, including benefit eligibility based on average working hours per week, part-time sick-leave options and vacation accruals based on HR policies for exempt/non-exempt employees or based on years of service

    What accounting systems does connect to

    What accounting systems does connect to connects currently to Quickbooks Professional, Quickbooks Enterprise, Quickbooks On-line, Quickbooks Enterprise, Xero, NetSuite OpenAir, FinancialForce and SAGE. We are working on connectors to xero and would be glad to hear from clients or prospects who wish to link to another accounting system

    What are’s key features

    What are’s key features

    We are positioned as “time and billing for consultants” however we offer much more including project mgt., tasks, CRM, HR, time & expenses, pricing, billing, project accounting, workflow and reporting. is currently geared towards the needs of professional services firms

    What CRM systems does connect to

    What CRM systems does connect to currently connects to SalesForce allowing the import of closed opportunities as projects or the transfer of accounts or clients, cases or tickets and invoices

    What integration do you have with email

    What integration do you have with email

    We have server-based email integration both for receiving emails for example to to create a ticket or to upload a new lead, as well as sending emails automatically such as comments, task status updates, approval requests and so on. We do not have a plug-in for Outlook or Apple mail – we rely on server-side add-ins to avoid you having to download plug-ins

    What integration do you have with Google apps

    What integration do you have with Google apps

    We have many integration points with Google including signing in using your Google account, trip, address and distance look-ups, calendar integration and of course email integration both for sending and receiving emails

    What kind of reporting is available in

    What kind of reporting is available in

    We support a wide variety of query and dashboard reporting using our built-in business intelligence module and hi-speed in-memory database. It is very easily to configure new reports, just choose the properties or attributes and’s dynamic query generator makes up all the joins. You can report using tables, pivot tables, lists, bar charts, pie charts or more

    What modules are available in

    What modules are available in has modules for project mgt., tasks mgt., helpdesk ticketing, CRM, sales, contracts, HR, time, expenses, time-off, attendance, overtime and pay calculation, pricing, billing, payment processing, resource planning, job/position planning, leads and pipeline. We pretty much cover everything a professional services firm needs except for accounting where we connect to popular accounting packages such as Quickbooks

    What payroll systems does connect to

    What payroll systems does connect to currently connects to ADP only, however we are open to working with clients on connecting to other popular payroll systems such as PayChex

    What types of contracts does’s billing module support

    What types of contracts does’s billing module support’s pricing engine supports a wide range of input or output based contracts. We of course support time and materials based contracts allowing a range of invoice summarization criteria such as summarized by employee, project/task, incurred on date or service-line. For output based contracts we support milestone, retainer, fixed fee, hold-back and combinations of these. Our excel-like pricing table interface allows you to model complex pricing formula such as %, min/max or advanced payments. We are currently developing support for roll-over and liquidations